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Published Nov. 8, 2022 12:00 PM

In this working paper, Tina Baier, Torkild Lyngstad and co-authors investigate whether intergenerational transmission reflects within-family processes or social inheritance. Their findings suggest that the effects of the environmental processes characterized as “nurture” are explained less by parents’ specific behaviors and more by dynastic stratification in environments relevant to success in school.

Published Feb. 14, 2022 11:17 AM

In this article published in European Sociological Review, Tina Baier and co-authors ask to what extent  differences in education, occupational standing, and income are attributable to genes, and do genetic influences differ by parents’ socioeconomic standing? When in a children’s life course does parents’ socioeconomic standing matter for genetic influences, and for which of the outcomes, fixed at the different stages of the attainment process, do they matter most?