About Time: Changing mobilities and creative urbanism

Seminar og workshop med professor Monica Buscher fra Lancaster University

10 september 2018

Om seminaret: “We act as we do because we can get away with it: future generations do not vote, they have no political or financial power; they cannot challenge our decisions”, a recent UN report states. But opportunistic use of normative disjunctures in time is only part of the story. How is (dis-)alignment between temporal, social, and moral orders done? And how do ‘we’ fail to connect across generations, spaces and times? As anthropogenic climate change and environmental destruction are making their monumental mark in the ‘deep time’ of geological earth history, ruinous collapse of large parts of the biosphere is made to happen in the lived temporal and normative orders of modernity, capitalism, and human time. People are notoriously bad at perceiving the ‘system-ness’ of their actions. However, not only are cities essential for a low carbon transformation, they are also spaces of hope where temporal and normative orders of mobilities enable an emerging sense of crisis and of change. In her talk, she uses praxeological reflections on the temporal organization of transport and traffic to explore the normative, prefigurative, performative momentum of changing mobilities and creative urbanism.

Publisert 29. sep. 2018 12:13 - Sist endret 29. sep. 2018 12:13