Sylvi Birgit Endresen

Førsteamanuensis emeritus - Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi

Faglige interesser

Jeg arbeider innenfor økonomisk geografi og arbeidsgeografi. En hovedinteresse er samfunnsmessige virkninger av teknologiske endringer, spesielt teknologisk tilbakegang (technological retrogression). For å fange opp slike endringer empirisk har jeg utviklet en statistisk metode, arbeidshistorie-metoden. Denne har jeg brukt i studier av teknologisk endring i fiskersamfunn i Sri Lanka og Malaysia. Jeg videreutvikler nå min teori om teknologisk tilbakegang; i en tid hvor den økonomiske krisen aktualiserer både stagnasjon og tilbakegang.

Et annet tema innenfor økonomisk geografi som har opptatt meg lenge er virkninger av utenlandske direkteinvesteringer for vertslandenes økonomi. Jeg har studert dette i eksportindustri (Namibias export processing zones) og i varehandelen (Namibia). Nå arbeider jeg med en studie av varehandel hvor erfaringer fra Estland og Namibia sammenliknes.

Innenfor arbeidsgeografi er "midlertidiggjøring" (casualisation) av arbeidskraft, spesielt gjennom vikarbyråer, en hovedinteresse. Jeg har tidligere foretatt empiriske studier i Namibia, og arbeider nå med dette i hotellsektoren i Norge. Jeg ser midlertidiggjøring av arbeidskraft som et betydningsfullt trekk ved dagens kapitalistiske økonomier, og søker å forstå fenomenet i lys av samfunnsvitenskapelig teori om fremmedgjøring. 



  • Cand.philol. in samfunnsgeografi ved Universitetet i Oslo i 1983
  • Dr.Philos. i 1995
  • Førsteamanuensis ved Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi fra 1992
Emneord: Samfunnsgeografi, Teknologi- og vitenskapsstudier, Globalisering, Næring-marked-konkurranse, Utvikling-politikk-miljø


  • Zabko, Oksana; Fangen, Katrine & Endresen, Sylvi Birgit (2019). Latvian migrants’ circular or permanent migration to Norway : economic and social factors . Nordic Journal of Migration Research. ISSN 1799-649X. 9(1), s. 61–79. doi: 10.2478/njmr-2019-0007. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Zabko, Oksana; Aasland, Aadne & Endresen, Sylvi Birgit (2018). Facilitating labour migration from Latvia: strategies of various categories of intermediaries. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. ISSN 1369-183X. 44(4), s. 575–591. doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2017.1315508.
  • Juuse, Egert; Endresen, Sylvi Birgit & Kattel, Rainer (2015). Foreign direct investment in Estonia – understanding the impact of public policies on local embeddedness and networking in the food retail and related industries. I Micek, G (Red.), Understanding innovation in emerging economic epaces. Global and local actors, networks and embeddedness.. Ashgate. ISSN 9781472410337.
  • Juuse, Egert; Endresen, Sylvi Birgit & Kattel, Rainer (2015). Twenty years of restructuring in the Estonian food retail industry – the interplay of the political economy of Estonia and institutional, historical and geographical factors. I Micek, G (Red.), Understanding innovation in emerging economic epaces. Global and local actors, networks and embeddedness.. Ashgate. ISSN 9781472410337.
  • Knutsen, Hege Merete; Endresen, Sylvi Birgit; Bergene, Ann Cecilie & Jordhus-Lier, David Christoffer (2015). Labor, Geography of. I Wright, James D. (Red.), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd Edition. Elsevier. ISSN 978-0080970868. s. 163–168.
  • Dokka, Synne; Knutsen, Hege Merete & Endresen, Sylvi Birgit (2014). Outsourcing with a human face? Variegated workplace regimes in the Norwegian hotel sector. I Jordhus-Lier, David Christoffer & Underthun, Anders (Red.), A hospitable world?: Organising work and workers in hotels and tourist resorts. Routledge. ISSN 978-0415747790. s. 84–100.
  • Endresen, Sylvi Birgit & Fasting, Clara M.C. (2012). More than just a production factor: the view of labour in the works of the Norwegian Economist. I Backhaus, Jûrgen Georg (Red.), The Liberation of the Serfs. The Economics of Unfree Labor. Springer Science+Business Media B.V.. ISSN 9781461400844. s. 43–64. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-0085-1_7.
  • Endresen, Sylvi Birgit (2010). "We order 20 bodies" : labour hire and alienation. I Bergene, Ann Cecilie; Endresen, Sylvi Birgit & Knutsen, Hege Merete (Red.), Missing links in labour geography. Ashgate. ISSN 978-0-7546-7798-7. s. 211–224.
  • Magnusson, Ola Anders; Knutsen, Hege Merete & Endresen, Sylvi Birgit (2010). Between coercion and consent : understanding post-apartheid workplace regimes. I Bergene, Ann Cecilie; Endresen, Sylvi Birgit & Knutsen, Hege Merete (Red.), Missing links in labour geography. Ashgate. ISSN 978-0-7546-7798-7. s. 169–181.
  • Bergene, Ann Cecilie; Endresen, Sylvi Birgit & Knutsen, Hege Merete (2010). Re-engaging with agency in labor geography. I Bergene, Ann Cecilie; Endresen, Sylvi Birgit & Knutsen, Hege Merete (Red.), Missing links in labour geography. Ashgate. ISSN 978-0-7546-7798-7. s. 3–14.
  • Bergene, Ann Cecilie; Endresen, Sylvi Birgit & Knutsen, Hege Merete (2010). Approaches to the Social and Spatial Agency of Labour. I Bergene, Ann Cecilie; Endresen, Sylvi Birgit & Knutsen, Hege Merete (Red.), Missing links in labour geography. Ashgate. ISSN 978-0-7546-7798-7. s. 227–240.
  • Endresen, Sylvi Birgit & Bergene, Ann Cecilie (2006). Labour Standards and the Question of Industrialisation Strategy. An African Example. I Jauch, Herbert & Traub-Merz, Rudolf (Red.), The Future of the Textile and Clothing Industry in Sub-Saharan Africa. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. ISSN 3898924971. s. 80–96.
  • Endresen, Sylvi Birgit (1995). Why development geographers need theories of Third World development. A production system approach, Development in the South: Issues and Debates. Contributions by Human and Physical Geography.
  • Endresen, Sylvi Birgit & Bergstø, Brita (1992). From North to South: A locational shift in industrial pollution. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift. ISSN 0029-1951. 46(4).
  • Endresen, Sylvi Birgit (1989). The "Work History Method": Reconstruction of Technological Change. Maapallo. ISSN 0357-8585. 10(3).
  • Endresen, Sylvi Birgit (1988). Reconstruction of "technological pasts": An appraisal of the "work history" method. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift. ISSN 0029-1951. 42, s. 93–101.
  • Hesselberg, Jan & Endresen, Sylvi Birgit (1987). The concept of "appropriate technology" and development in the Third World. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift. ISSN 0029-1951. 41, s. 151–154.
  • Endresen, Sylvi Birgit (1987). Technological retardation, a neglected field of study? Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift. ISSN 0029-1951. 41, s. 1–10.

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  • Bergene, Ann Cecilie; Endresen, Sylvi Birgit & Knutsen, Hege Merete (2010). Missing links in labour geography. Ashgate. ISBN 978-0-7546-7798-7. 246 s.

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  • Daugstad, Karoline; Fold, N & Endresen, Sylvi Birgit (2013). Ren idyll? Forbrukets betydning for bygdeutvikling med utgangspunkt i lokal mat og hytteliv. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift. ISSN 0029-1951. 67(1), s. 55–56. doi: 10.1080/00291951.2012.759618.
  • Fasting, Clara Mathilde Christiansen & Endresen, Sylvi Birgit (2010). Torkel Aschehoug: Seeing workers as more than just a production factor?
  • Endresen, Sylvi Birgit (2009). Labour in Torkel H. Aschehoug's 'Socialøkonomik': Production factor versus social agent.
  • Endresen, Sylvi Birgit (2009). Technological Retrogression.
  • Endresen, Sylvi Birgit (2009). Accumulation, flexibility and control. Labour hire and accumulation by dispossession.
  • Endresen, Sylvi Birgit (2008). "We order 20 bodies." Labour hire and alienation.
  • Endresen, Sylvi Birgit (2007). Doors Wide Open, Eyes Wide Shut: Foreign Direct Investment in Retail in Namibia.
  • Bergene, Ann Cecilie & Endresen, Sylvi Birgit (2005). Accumulation by dispossession in African textile and garment manufacturing: Turning workers into scapegoats? The case of Ramatex, Namibia.
  • Endresen, Sylvi Birgit & Jauch, Herbert (1999). Namibian Export Processing Zones: A story of success? International Labour Resource and Information Group. ILRIG Working Paper, Cape Town.
  • Endresen, Sylvi Birgit & Knutsen, Hege Merete (1996). Klassisk eller ny arbeidsdeling? Hvor hender det?. ISSN 0801-9509.
  • Endresen, Sylvi Birgit & Wessel Pettersen, Silje (2003). Bush Encroachment in Namibia. A study of commercial farms. Occasional Paper #38, Samfunnsgeografi. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Jerve, Alf Morten; Endresen, Sylvi Birgit; Gamage, D & Karunanayake, M.M (2003). Sustaining local level development: What worked and what did not. Lessons from the phasing out of Norwegian aid to the Hambantota Integrated Rural Development Programme. Report 2003:2 (HIRDEP), Sri Lanka, 1992 to 1999. Chr. Michelsen Institute,.
  • Endresen, Sylvi Birgit & Johnsen, Jahn Petter (2002). "If you accept things the way they are, you make peace with the world." Review-cum-appraisal of NORAD support to UNAM B.Sc. Fisheries Programme (NAM 015). Report 9/02. Centre for Rural Research.
  • Endresen, Sylvi Birgit & Jauch, Herbert (2001). Export Processing Zones in Namibia: Taking a closer look. 2nd Edition. Labour Resource and Research Institute, Windhoek, Namibia..
  • Jauch, Herbert & Endresen, Sylvi Birgit (2000). Labour Hire in Namibia: New flexibility or a new form of slavery? Labour Resource and Research Institute.
  • Bergstø, B.; Endresen, Sylvi Birgit & Knutsen, Hege Merete (1998). "Source and hide pollution". Industrial organisation, location and the environment: sourcing as a firm strategy. Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi. ISSN 0804-5828.
  • Endresen, Sylvi Birgit (1994). Modernisation Reversed? Technological Change in Four Asian Fishing Villages. Dissertation for the Dr. Philos. Degree. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Endresen, Sylvi Birgit (1993). Teknologi. Sentrale problemstillinger i debatten om teknologi of utvikling i den tredje verden. Samfunnsgeografi, Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Endresen, Sylvi Birgit (1990). "Teknologiutvikling og Internasjonal Lokalisering av Forurensende Industri".
  • Endresen, Sylvi Birgit (1985). Technological change and level of living. A study of two fishing villages in Southern Sri Lanka. Universitetet i Oslo.

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Publisert 30. okt. 2020 08:30 - Sist endret 15. juni 2021 10:20


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