JooHee Han

Bilde av JooHee Han
English version of this page
Besøksadresse Moltke Moes vei 31 Harriet Holters hus 0851 Oslo
Postadresse Postboks 1096 Blindern 0317 Oslo

Faglige interesser

Sosial ulikhet, lagdeling og mobilitet, migrasjon, organisasjoner, kriminalitet and massefengsling, militæret, livsløp, arbeid og yrker, rase og etnisitet, kvantitative forskningsmetoder.


Jeg har en doktorgrad i sosiologi fra University of Massachusetts Amherst. I min doktoravhandling "The Military and Incarceration: Hidden Mechanisms of Racial Inequality in the US Labour Market, 1980-2010" analyserer jeg hvordan fengsel og militæret, to viktige men ofte forsømte arbeidsmarkedsinstitusjoner, sammen har forsterket raseulikhet i det amerikanske arbeidsmarkedet siden 1980-tallet. Etter doktorgraden begynte jeg som postdoktor ved School of Labor and Employment Relation, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, der jeg skrev en serie rapporter om arbeidsmarkedene i Illinois. Mine tekster er publisert i Demography, and Population Research and Policy Review.



Utvalgte publikasjoner

Han, JooHee. 2020. “Does Skin Tone Matter? Immigrant Mobility in the U.S. Labor Market.” Demography. Featured in Population Association of America

Han, JooHee and Michelle Budig. 2019. “Gender Pay Gap.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Sociology. Ed. Lynette Spillman. New York: Oxford University Press.

Han, JooHee. 2018. “Who Goes to College, Military, Prison, or Long-Term Unemployment? Racialized School-to-Labor Market Transitions Among American Men.” Population Research and Policy Review 37(4):615-649.

Han, JooHee. 2017. “African-Americans in the U.S. Military” in Inclusion in the American Military: A Force for Diversity, edited by David E. Rohall, Morten G. Ender, and Michael D. Matthews. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. (Invited book chapter)

Choi, Seong-soo and JooHee Han. 2006. “State and Immigration Policy: A Study on Immigration Laws of U.S.” Journal of American Studies 38(2): 203-233. (In Korean)

Han, JooHee. 2006. “Experiences as Transnational Identity Formation Processes: Denizens’ Migration Experiences and Transnational Identity Formation.” Yonsei Journal. 43: 102-121. (In Korean)

Publisert 14. des. 2020 11:14 - Sist endret 14. des. 2020 15:48
