Sverre Johan Herstad

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Faglige interesser

Innovasjonssystemer, evolusjonær økonomisk geografi, agglomerasjon og innovasjon, arbeidsmarkeder, nærings- og innovasjonspolitikk


SGO1003 - Skrivetrening i samfunnsgeografi

SGO2200 - Economic globalisation and regional development

HGO4601 - Economic geography: Institutions, evolution and sustainability transitions



  • Professor i samfunnsgeografi, Universitetet i Oslo (2018 )
  • Professor i innovasjon, Høgskolen i Innlandet (2016-2018)
  • Forsker I (bistilling), NIFU (2016)
  • Forsker I, NIFU (2015)
  • Forsker II (bistilling), NIFU (2012-2015)
  • Forsker (bistilling), CIRCLE Lunds Universitet (2012)
  • Post.doc, Universitetet i Agder (2012-2015)
  • Forsker II, NIFU (2012-2013)
  • Seniorrådgiver, Nærings- og Handelsdepartementet (2011-2012)
  • Amanuensis II, Høgskolen i Vestfold (2009-2010)
  • Forsker II, NIFU STEP (2005-2011)
  • Stipendiat, Senter for teknologi, innovasjon og kultur, Universitetet i Oslo (2000-2004)
  • Forskningsassistent, STEP-gruppen (2000)
  • Hovedfag i samfunnsgeografi (2000)





  • Asheim, Bjørn Terje & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2021). Regional innovation strategy for resilience and transformative industrial path development. Eastern Journal of European Studies (EJES). ISSN 2068-651X. doi: 10.47743/ejes-2021-SI03.
  • Iversen, Eric James & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2021). Dynamics of regional diversification: A new approach using trademark data . Regional studies. ISSN 0034-3404. 56(2), s. 276–289. doi: 10.1080/00343404.2021.1968365. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Asheim, Bjørn Terje & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2021). Regional innovation strategy for resilience and transformative industrial path development: evolutionary theoretical perspectives on innovation policy. Eastern Journal of European Studies (EJES). ISSN 2068-651X. 12, s. 43–75. doi: 10.47743/ejes-2021-SI03. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Herstad, Sverre J.; Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen & Engen, Marit (2021). Collected worker experiences, knowledge management practices and service innovation in urban Norway. Papers in Regional Science. ISSN 1056-8190. doi: 10.1111/pirs.12633. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Ebersberger, Bernd; Herstad, Sverre Johan & Nordli, Anne Jørgensen (2021). Hospitality innovation strategies: Robustness analysis of paths to firm performance. Tourism Management. ISSN 0261-5177. doi: 10.1016/j.tourman.2021.104310.
  • Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen; Boschma, Ronald Adalbert & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2020). Collected worker experiences and the novelty content of innovation. Research Policy. ISSN 0048-7333. 49. doi: 10.1016/j.respol.2019.103856. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan & Sandven, Tore Vang (2019). A closer look at the relationship between innovation and employment growth at the firm level. Journal of evolutionary economics. ISSN 0936-9937. doi: 10.1007/s00191-019-00636-9. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan; Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen & Engen, Marit (2019). Learning through urban labour pools: Collected worker experiences and innovation in services. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. ISSN 0308-518X. 51(8), s. 1720–1740. doi: 10.1177/0308518X19865550. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Martin, Roman; Aslesen, Heidi; Grillitsch, Markus & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2018). Regional innovation systems and global knowledge flows. I Isaksen, Arne; Martin, Roman & Trippl, Michaela (Red.), New Avenues for Regional Innovation Systems - Theoretical Advances, Empirical Cases and Policy Lessons. Springer Nature. ISSN 9783319716602. s. 127–148. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-71661-9_7.
  • Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2018). The Differentiated Effects of Human Resource Diversity on Corporate Innovation. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management (IJITM). ISSN 0219-8770. 15(5). doi: 10.1142/S0219877018500463.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2018). Product innovation and employment growth at the firm level: A quantile regression approach to inter-industry differences. Applied Economics Letters. ISSN 1350-4851. 25(15), s. 1062–1065. doi: 10.1080/13504851.2017.1394970.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2018). Beyond 'related variety': How inflows of skills shape innovativeness in different industries. European Planning Studies. ISSN 0965-4313. 26(2), s. 396–420. doi: 10.1080/09654313.2017.1392490.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2018). Innovation strategy choices in the urban economy. Urban Studies. ISSN 0042-0980. 55(6), s. 1185–1202. doi: 10.1177/0042098017692941. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Jøranli, Ingvild & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2017). Urban concentration and labour market linkages in the Norwegian ICT services sector. European Planning Studies. ISSN 0965-4313. 25(10), s. 1734–1755. doi: 10.1080/09654313.2017.1337726.
  • Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2017). On the differentiated effects of human resource diversity on organizational learning and innovation, Innovation, Space, and Diversity. Universitetet i Stavanger. ISSN 978-82-7644-692-0.
  • Coenen, Lars; Asheim, Bjørn Terje; Bugge, Markus & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2016). Advancing regional innovation systems: What does evolutionary economic geography bring to the policy table? Environment and Planning. C, Government and Policy. ISSN 0263-774X. doi: 10.1177/0263774X16646583. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Børing, Pål; Fevolden, Arne Martin & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2016). Eager and able: A study of innovation activity among young, mature and old firms in Norway. Economics Bulletin. ISSN 1545-2921. 36(1), s. 291–297.
  • Fevolden, Arne Martin; Herstad, Sverre Johan & Sandven, Tore Vang (2015). Specialist supplier or systems integrator? The relationship between competencies and export performance in the Norwegian defence industry. Applied Economics Letters. ISSN 1350-4851. 22(2), s. 153–157. doi: 10.1080/13504851.2014.931912.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan; Sandven, Tore Vang & Ebersberger, Bernd (2015). Recruitment, knowledge integration and modes of innovation. Research Policy. ISSN 0048-7333. 44(1), s. 138–153. doi: 10.1016/j.respol.2014.06.007.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan & Ebersberger, Bernd (2015). On the Link between Urban Location and the Involvement of Knowledge-Intensive Business Services Firms in Collaboration Networks. Regional studies. ISSN 0034-3404. 49(7), s. 1160–1175. doi: 10.1080/00343404.2013.816413.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan & Sandven, Tore Vang (2014). Marked for life? On researcher involvement at infancy and the innovative capabilities of survivor firms. Applied Economics Letters. ISSN 1350-4851. 21(17), s. 1210–1213. doi: 10.1080/13504851.2014.920464.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan & Ebersberger, Bernd (2014). Urban agglomerations, knowledge intensive services and innovation: Establishing the core connections. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. ISSN 0898-5626. 26(3-4), s. 211–233. doi: 10.1080/08985626.2014.888098.
  • Ebersberger, Bernd; Herstad, Sverre Johan & Koller, Christina (2014). Does the composition of regional knowledge bases influence extra-regional collaboration for innovation? Applied Economics Letters. ISSN 1350-4851. 21(3), s. 201–204. doi: 10.1080/13504851.2013.848019.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan; Aslesen, Heidi Wiig & Ebersberger, Bernd (2014). On industrial knowledge bases, commercial opportunities and global innovation network linkages. Research Policy. ISSN 0048-7333. 43(3), s. 495–504. doi: 10.1016/j.respol.2013.08.003.
  • Ebersberger, Bernd; Herstad, Sverre Johan & Altman, Andreas (2013). What type of companies benefit from university spillovers? I Ebersberger, Bernd & Altmann, Andreas (Red.), Universities in change : Managing Higher Education Institutions in the Age of Globalization. Springer. ISSN 978-1-4614-4590-6. s. 323–337. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-4590-6_19.
  • Ebersberger, Bernd; Herstad, Sverre Johan & Altmann, Andreas (2013). Higher education institutions and regional development. I Ebersberger, Bernd & Altmann, Andreas (Red.), Universities in change : Managing Higher Education Institutions in the Age of Globalization. Springer. ISSN 978-1-4614-4590-6. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-4590-6_18.
  • Ebersberger, Bernd & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2013). The relationship between international innovation collaboration, intramural R&D and SME's innovation performance: A quantile regression approach. Applied Economics Letters. ISSN 1350-4851. 20(7), s. 626–630. doi: 10.1080/13504851.2012.724158.
  • Bloch, Carter; Ebersberger, Bernd; Herstad, Sverre Johan & van de Velde, Els (2013). Open innovation practices and their effect on innovation performance. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management (IJITM). ISSN 0219-8770. 9(6). doi: 10.1142/S021987701250040X.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan & Brekke, Thomas (2013). Globalization, Regional Development, and the Evolving Local University Role: The Case of Vestfold, Norway. I Ebersberger, Bernd & Altmann, Andreas (Red.), Universities in change : Managing Higher Education Institutions in the Age of Globalization. Springer. ISSN 978-1-4614-4590-6. s. 339–359. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-4590-6_20.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan; Sandven, Tore Vang & Solberg, Espen (2013). Location, education and enterprise growth. Applied Economics Letters. ISSN 1350-4851. 20(10), s. 1019–1022. doi: 10.1080/13504851.2013.772287.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2012). Regional innovasjon i en global økonomi? I Solberg, Espen & Wendt, Kaja Kathrine (Red.), Det norske forsknings- og innovasjonssystemet - statistikk og indikatorer 2012. Norges forskningsråd. ISSN 978-82-12-03114-2.
  • Ebersberger, Bernd; Herstad, Sverre Johan & Altman, Andreas (2012). Knowledge spillovers to industry: Opportunities for universities of applied sciences. Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung. ISSN 0250-6467. 7(2), s. 73–79. doi: 10.3217/zfhe-7-02/07. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Asheim, B.T.; Ebersberger, Bernd & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2012). MNCs between the global and the local: Knowledge bases, proximity and globally distributed knowledge networks. I Heidenreich, Martin (Red.), Innovation and the institutional embeddedness of multinational companies. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 978 0 85793 432 1. doi: 10.4337/9780857934338.00014.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan & Brekke, Thomas (2012). Globalization, modes of innovation and regional knowledge diffusion infrastructures. European Planning Studies. ISSN 0965-4313. 20(10), s. 1603–1625. doi: 10.1080/09654313.2012.713334.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan & Ebersberger, Bernd (2012). Go abroad or have strangers visit? On organizational search spaces and local linkages. Journal of Economic Geography. ISSN 1468-2702. 12(1), s. 273–295. doi: 10.1093/jeg/lbq057.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2011). Paradigms, regimes and the shifting notions of institutional best practice. Journal of the Knowledge Economy. ISSN 1868-7865. 2(2), s. 173–191. doi: 10.1007/s13132-010-0030-7.
  • Ebersberger, Bernd & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2011). Product innovation and the complementarities of external interfaces. European Management Review. ISSN 1740-4754. 8(3), s. 117–135. doi: 10.1111/j.1740-4762.2011.01014.x.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2023). Knowledge work, job resources and occupational stress in Europe.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2022). Where is the research frontier moving? .
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2022). Variety of change agency in different types of regions: The Innlandet case.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2021). Collected worker experiences and the geography of innovation.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2020). Distriktnæringsutvalgets rapport i lys av nyere teori om regional utvikling .
  • Iversen, Eric James & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2020). Drivers of trademarking in regional Norway.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan; Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen & Engen, Marit (2020). Collected worker experiences, knowledge integration and innovation in urban services.
  • Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen; Herstad, Sverre Johan & Engen, Marit (2019). On Organizational Routines, Workforce Diversity and Innovation.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan; Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen & Engen, Marit (2018). The imprints of urban location on human resources and innovation in knowledge intensive services .
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan; Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen & Engen, Marit (2018). The imprints of urban location on human resources and innovation in knowledge intensive services.
  • Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen; Boschma, Ronald Adalbert & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2018). Workforce Diversity and Innovation Novelty Across Geography.
  • Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2017). Ulik erfaring gir nye patent: Kan menneske sine erfaringar ha ulik påverknad på ­innovasjon? Dagens Perspektiv. ISSN 2535-6801.
  • Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen; Fitjar, Rune Dahl & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2017). Innvandring og innovasjon.
  • Isaksen, Arne; Fløysand, Arnt; Asheim, Bjørn Terje; Aslesen, Heidi; Hydle, Katja Maria & Gjelsvik, Martin [Vis alle 13 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2017). Innovasjons- og næringslivsforskning ved et veiskille. Forskningspolitikk. ISSN 0333-0273.
  • Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2017). Det unike i det ulike: Ulik erfaring gir nye patent. Ukeavisen ledelse. ISSN 1891-2028.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2017). Innovation policy beyond 'myopia': Challenges for new path creation and implications for innovation policy.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2017). Evolutionairy economic geography and regional innovation systems.
  • Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen; Boschma, Ronald Adalbert & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2017). Workforce Diversity and Innovation Novelty.
  • Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen; Fitjar, Rune Dahl & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2017). Gir mangfald auka verdiskaping og innovasjon?
  • Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen; Fitjar, Rune Dahl & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2017). Forsker Stand Up: Gir mangfald auka verdiskaping og innovasjon?
  • Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen; Herstad, Sverre Johan & Fitjar, Rune Dahl (2017). UWC dag: Ti alumni om ti ting. Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen Solheim, UWC Atlantic College: Ulike barn leikar best? Når og korleis kan mangfald påverke innovasjon?
  • Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen; Steinkopf, S.; Herstad, Sverre Johan & Fitjar, Rune Dahl (2017). Mangfold fremmer innovasjon. [Avis]. Ukeavisen Ledelse (trykt utg. og nettavis Dagens Perspektiv).
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2017). CIS-LEED data and 'The Knowledge Economy 2.0'.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2017). Om innovasjonsbasert vekst i bedrifter.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2017). Mot regionale innovasjonssystemer i Norge?
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2017). Innovation activity and collaboration in urban regions.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2017). Evolving patterns of innovation activity and linkages in Norwegian VRI regions.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2016). Location and innovation in knowledge intensive business services.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2016). Ulike typer samarbeid for innovasjon og vekst.
  • Aslesen, Heidi; Herstad, Sverre Johan; Grillitsch, Markus & Martin, Roman (2016). Regional Innovation Systems and Global Flows of Knowledge.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2016). Om innovasjonsbasert vekst i næringslivet .
  • Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2016). Diversity and innovation: Is there a relationship between workers experience portfolio and innovation?
  • Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2015). Diversity and Innovation: Human Capital, R&D and innovation.
  • Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2015). Is there a relationship between workers experience portfolio and innovation?
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2015). Knowledge intensive business services and global innovation network linkages.
  • Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2015). Diversity and Innovation.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2015). Innovasjonsaktiviteter, kompetanse og vekst.
  • Aksnes, Dag W.; Bergem, Bjørn Greger; Foyn, Frank; Gåseidnes, Sigrid; Herstad, Sverre Johan & Hervik, Arild [Vis alle 12 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2014). Resultater og effekter av FoU og innovasjon. I Wendt, Kaja Kathrine (Red.), Det norske forsknings- og innovasjonssystemet. Statistikk og indikatorer 2014. Norges forskningsråd. ISSN 9788212033634. s. 137–158.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2014). Recruitment, knowledge integration and innovation in Norwegian enterprises.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2014). Knowledge intensive business services, urban agglomerations and global innovation network linkages.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2014). Urban agglomerations and knowledge-intensive business services in Norway.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2014). Recruitment, knowledge integration and innovation in Norwegian enterprises.
  • Aslesen, Heidi Wiig & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2013). On Industrial Knowledge Bases, Commercial Opportunities and Global Innovation Network Linkages.
  • Aslesen, Heidi Wiig & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2013). North-South dividing lines in the global innovation network linkages of ICTs” (revised version). Heidi Wiig Aslesen, Sverre Herstad.
  • Bugge, Markus; Herstad, Sverre Johan; Coenen, Lars & Asheim, Bjørn Terje (2013). What does evolutionary economic geography bring to the policy table? Re-considering regional innovation policy.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2013). Recruitment and industrial innovation.
  • Coenen, Lars & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2013). Konstruksjon av regionale konkurransefortrinn i ulike typer norske regioner.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan; Asheim, Bjørn Terje; Bugge, Markus & Coenen, Lars (2012). What Does Evolutionary Economic Geography Bring To The Policy Table? Reconceptualising regional innovation systems.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2012). Åpen innovasjon i Europa: Dimensjoner, determinanter og effekter.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2012). Klar til å møte verden? [Avis]. Innsats nr. 2 2012 (Innovasjon Norge).
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2012). Ny kunnskap om global åpen innovasjon utfordrer etablerte sannheter. Innovasjonsbloggen Innovasjon Norge.
  • Ebersberger, Bernd; Herstad, Sverre Johan & Lehtoranta, Olavi (2012). Bridging the global and the local? Multinational enterprises, labor market mobility and localized learning.
  • Aslesen, Heidi Wiig & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2012). North-South dividing lines in the global innovation network linkages of ICTs.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan; Ebersberger, Bernd & Asheim, B.T. (2012). Knowledge bases, multinational enterprises and the collaborative involvement of Norwegian firms in foreign regions.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan & Ebersberger, Bernd (2012). The impacts of urban location on the involvement of knowledge-intensive business services in innovation collaboration.
  • Aslesen, Heidi Wiig & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2012). North-South dividing lines in the global innovation network linkages of ICTs.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan (2011). Utfordringer for norsk næringsutvikling.
  • Asheim, Bjørn Terje; Ebersberger, Bernd & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2011). MNCs between the global and the local.
  • Asheim, Bjørn Terje; Fitjar, Rune Dahl; Herstad, Sverre Johan & Hjertvikrem, Nina (2018). Diversity and beyond for new path development: Broadening the scope for new perspectives on innovation theory and policy. Norges forskningsråd.
  • Herstad, Sverre Johan & Sandven, Tore Vang (2017). Towards regional innovation systems in Norway? An explorative empirical analysis. Nordisk institutt for studier av innovasjon, forskning og utdanning. ISSN 978-82-327-0266-4.
  • Martin, Roman; Aslesen, Heidi; Grillitsch, Markus & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2017). Regional innovation systems and global knowledge flows. CIRCLE.
  • Asheim, Bjørn Terje; Bugge, Markus; Coenen, Lars & Herstad, Sverre Johan (2013). What Does Evolutionary Economic Geography Bring To The Policy Table? Reconceptualising regional innovation systems. Circle, Lunds universitet.
  • Ebersberger, Bernd; Herstad, Sverre Johan; Iversen, Eric James; Kirner, Eva & Som, Oliver (2011). Open innovation in Europe: effects, determinants and policy. European Commission. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 13. sep. 2018 13:12 - Sist endret 27. juni 2019 09:02