Lesley-Ann Daniels

Postdoctoral Fellow - Institutt for Statsvitenskap
Image of Lesley Ann Daniels
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Visiting address Moltke Moes vei 31 Eilert Sundts hus 7. etg. 0851 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1097 Blindern 0317 Oslo

Academic interests

I am a Marie Curie Research Fellow with a two-year project on attitudes towards peace in Ukraine. My research interests are conflict, civil war dynamics, post-conflict peace and transitional justice.


Prior to entering academia I worked on the European Union Peace and Reconciliation Programme in Northern Ireland.

PhD: Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain (2016)

MA in Research Methods: Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain

MA in European Intergration: Queen's University, Belfast, UK

BA in Social and Political Sciences: Queens' College, Cambridge University, UK


Positions held

  • Research Fellow, Barcelona Institute for International Studies (Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals - IBEI), 2019-2022
  • AXA Postdoctoral Research Fellow, IBEI, 2016-2019


Selected publications

  • Balcells, Laia; Daniels, Lesley-Ann; Kuo, Alexander. 2023. "Territorial disputes and affective polarization". European Journal of Political Research, forthcoming

  • Sanjaume-Calvet, Marc; Daniels, Lesley-Ann. "An inflexion point or business as usual? Secessionism as state contestation in Ukraine". Global Studies Quarterly, forthcoming Link

  • Balcells, Laia; Daniels, Lesley-Ann; Kuo, Alexander. 2023. "The 'weight' of territorial issues: Evidence from Catalonia, Scotland and Northern Ireland". Comparative Politics, forthcoming Link

  • Daniels, Lesley-Ann; Kuo, Alexander. 2021. "Brexit and Territorial Preferences: Evidence from Scotland and Northern Ireland". Publius: The Journal of Federalism,51(2): 186-211 Link

  • Daniels, Lesley-Ann. 2021. "Stick Then Carrot: When Do Governments Give Amnesty during Civil War?" International Studies Quarterly, 65(2): 401-408 Link

  • Daniels, Lesley-Ann; Vlaskamp, Martijn (editors). 2021. Violencia política. Madrid: Tecnos. Link

  • Daniels, Lesley-Ann. 2020. "How and When Amnesty during Conflict Affects Conflict Termination". Journal of Conflict Resolution, 64(9): 1612-1637 Link

  • Daniels, Lesley-Ann. 2018. "The International Criminal Court and the Rebels’ Commitment Problem". Civil Wars, 20(4): 455-476 Link

  • Balcells, Laia; Daniels, Lesley Ann; Escribà-Folch, Abel. 2016. "The determinants of low-intensity intergroup violence: The case of Northern Ireland". Journal of Peace Research, 53(1): 33-48 Link

  • Daniels, Lesley-Ann. 2016. "Tras el velo del antiterrorismo". Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals,112:255-257 Link

  • Daniels, Lesley-Ann. 2011. "Segregation and the Onset of Civil War". International Catalan Institute for Peace Working Papers, 2011/7 Link

Published Nov. 5, 2022 10:33 AM - Last modified Oct. 30, 2023 6:04 PM
