Persons tagged with «International Security»

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Picture of Jana Krause Krause, Jana Professor Civil War, Conflict, Conflict Resolution, Gender, Qualitative Methods, International Security, International relations, Comparative Politics
Picture of Sverke Runde Saxegaard Saxegaard, Sverke Runde Doctoral Research Fellow 004740172207 International relations, Conflict, International Politics, International Security, United States, Peace and Conflict Studies, Civil War
Picture of Pål Kriachko Røren Kriachko Røren, Pål Postdoctoral Fellow Internasjonal politikk, International relations, International Security, Krig og konflikt, Sikkerhetspolitikk, diplomati, war, teori, Discourse analysis, Diskursanalyse, Kvalitativ metode, social networks, Nordic countries, EU, European Union
Naterstad, Tora Berge Doctoral Research Fellow Internasjonal politikk, International relations, International Security, Krig og konflikt, Sikkerhetspolitikk, Discourse analysis, Diskursanalyse, Kvalitativ metode, Politisk teori, Internasjonal politisk sosiologi, Russland, Russia, Nasjonalisme
Picture of Fabian Rene Hoffmann Hoffmann, Fabian Rene Doctoral Research Fellow International Relations, International Security, Defense Policy, Nuclear Weapons
Picture of Do Young Lee Lee, Do Young Postdoctoral Fellow International Relations, International Security, Nuclear Weapons, Extended Deterrence, Alliance Politics, Asia-Pacific
Picture of Jamie Rae Withorne Withorne, Jamie Rae Doctoral Research Fellow Qualitative methods, International Security, Nuclear Weapons, Emerging Technology, Strategy, International relations, Security Studies, NATO, Sikkerhetspolitikk, Kvalitativ metode, Internasjonal politikk