Events - Page 2

Time and place: , Nydalen & Zoom

Is the state we want, the state we can have? Policy ambition and implementation capacities in the long run

Time and place: , Nydalen & Zoom

The changing politics of vaccines – the main principles and the challenges of allocation in practice

Time and place: , Nydalen & Zoom
Time and place: , Zoom

Life at the top - Understanding top bureaucrats’ roles as the link between politics and administration

Time and place: , Zoom

Policy Integration, Institutional Change and the Governance of Complex Problems

Time and place: , Nydalen & Zoom

Student Financing for Social Equity in Norway, 1947–2020

Time and place: , Nydalen & Zoom

Politics and administrative turnover in highly meritocratic systems

Time and place: , Zoom

Inward Conquest: The Political Origins of Modern Public Services

Time and place: , Zoom

Research use and research impact in public administration and policy: Empirical studies of Norwegian government employees

Time and place: , Zoom

Unpopular policies leading to the co-production of public services: The case of public transportation in Israel

Time and place: , Zoom
Time and place: , Zoom
Time and place: , Zoom
Time and place: , Zoom

SOG 2020 digital workshop - The Politicization of Bureaucracy: concepts, trends, causes, and consequences  

Time and place: , Zoom
Time and place: , Zoom
Time and place: , 847
Time and place: , 847, Eilert Sundts hus and Zoom
Time and place: , 847
Time and place: , 847, Eilert Sundts hus
Time and place: , Room 830, Eilert Sundt
Time and place: , Zoom
Time and place: , Room 830, Eilert Sundt
Time and place: , Zoom
Time and place: , Room 830, Eilert Sundt