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High-performance computing resources at SIGMA2 and USIT – services available to UiO research and beyond

The Research Infrastructure Services Department at USIT is responsible for national e-infrastructure services for computation, storage of research data and more. The group is also responsible for UiO's involvement in national, Nordic and European initiatives and other cooperation projects and initiatives in the field of e-infrastructure and scientific computing.

Computer, Fox

Fox at work

In this talk Jon Kerr Nilsen (Section Manager - Department for Research Infrastructure Services at USIT) will give an overview of which services are available for researchers at UiO when it comes to large national High Performance Computing (HPC) resources, local HPC resources as well as more lightweight and/or specialized computing services - in short, covering all computing needs requiring more than your laptop can handle.

This is a hybrid meeting. Due to limited capacity in the meeting room, we may need to ask you to sign up for the meeting in zoom


Tags: HPC, Computing
Published May 3, 2021 4:42 PM - Last modified Jan. 28, 2024 2:48 PM