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PODS-workshop: the Skagerrak sessions

This workshop brings together Danish and Oslo-based political data scientists. 

workshop - old style

Venue: Aud 6, Eilert Sundts building, Faculty of Social Science, University of Oslo

Each section is organized broadly by topic, each with a data-, method- and substantive-oriented presentation. Each presenter has 45 minutes to present and receive comments on the paper / presentation. Each presenter should spend no more than 20 minutes. Then the discussant will have up to 10 minutes. The remaining time, at least 15 minutes, is left for Q&A with the audience.  There will be a 15 min break in between each paper



0900 – 1230 Governing I (data, methods, substantive)

  • Solveig Bjørkholt - OSINT: Telegram
    • Discussant: Philipp Lutsher
  • Zoltan Fazekas – Testing campaigning/incumbency roles theory using short text classification (Twitter) & BERT
    • Discussant: Philipp Broneicki
  • Roman Senninger - How do people communicate their political ideas?
    • Discussant: Øyvind Stiansen

1330 – 1700 Governing II (data, methods, substantive)

  • Jonas Schmid - Measuring Symbolic Politics: Introducing New Data on
    Buildings and Monuments from across the World
    • Discussant: Francesca Jensenius
  • Emil Aas Stoltenberg - Regression discontinuity design with right-censored survival data
    • Discussant: Jeremy Spater
  • Frederik Hjorth - Losing Touch: The Rhetorical Cost of Governing
    • Discussant: Jørgen Bølstad   

Workshop Dinner 1900: TBA



0900 – 1230 Coordination and segregation (data, methods, substantive)

  • Tore Wig - Political Science: A new dataset on scientific activity around the world at subnational scales
    • Discussant: Solveig Bjørkholt
  • Jeremy Spater - Measuring segregation and exposure using K-nearest-neighbors methods
    • Discussant: Emil Aas Stoltenberg
  • Francesca R. Jensenius - Coordination failures and the challenge of constructing a majority in Indian elections
    • Discussant: Jacob Nyrup

1330 – 1700 Legislative (data, methods, substantive)

  • Philipp Broniecki – European Parliament Dataset
    • Discussant: Roman Senninger
  • Bjørn Høyland - Strategic roll call vote requests
    • Discussant: Zoltan Fazekas
  • Martin Søyland - Party Conflict and Coalition Control in Parliament
    • Discussant: Frederik Hjort
Tags: political data science
Published Nov. 2, 2022 3:49 PM - Last modified Jan. 28, 2024 2:48 PM