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Events - Page 5

Time and place: , Zoom

Title of the presentation: "Colonial Education, Political Elites, and Regional Political Inequality in Africa"

Time and place: , Nydalen

How Public Service Users React to Bureaucratic Scandals: Evidence from a Real-World Embezzlement Case

Time and place: , Zoom

Written Directives and Chinese Ministerial Tenure: A New Measurement for Political Performance?

Time and place: , Nydalen & Zoom

Is the state we want, the state we can have? Policy ambition and implementation capacities in the long run

Time and place: , Gullhaug Torg 1 & Zoom

Title of the presentation: "Privileging one's own? Voting patterns and politicized spending in India"

Time and place: , Nydalen & Zoom

The changing politics of vaccines – the main principles and the challenges of allocation in practice

Time and place: , Zoom

Title of the presentation "Great Power Competition and the Domestic Politics of 'Swing' States: Southern Asia since 1945"


Time and place: , Nydalen & Zoom
Time and place: , Gullhaug Torg 1

Title of the presentation "The Politics of COVID-19 Containment: The Curious Case of Tanzania"


Time and place: , Zoom

Life at the top - Understanding top bureaucrats’ roles as the link between politics and administration

Time and place: , Zoom

Title of the presentation "Vox Populi. Public Support for the Popular Initiative"


Time and place: , Zoom

Policy Integration, Institutional Change and the Governance of Complex Problems

Time and place: , Zoom

Title of the presentation "International Sports Events, Media Attention, and Repression: Evidence from the 1978 FIFA World Cup"


How do international sports events shape repression in authoritarian host countries? International tournaments promise unique gains in political prestige through global media attention. However, autocrats must fear that foreign journalists will unmask their wrongdoings. We argue that autocracies solve this dilemma by strategically adjusting repression according to the spatial-temporal presence of international media. Using original, highly disaggregated data on the 1978 World Cup, we demonstrate that the Argentine host government largely refrained from repression during the tournament, but preemptively cleansed the streets beforehand. These adjustments specifically occurred around hotels reserved for foreign journalists. Additional tests demonstrate that: 1) before the tournament, repression turned increasingly covert, 2) during the tournament, targeting patterns mirrored the working shifts of foreign journalists, 3) after the tournament, regime violence again spiked in locations where international media had been present. Together, the paper highlights the human costs of mega-events, contradicting the common whitewashing rhetoric of functionaries

Time and place: , Nydalen & Zoom

Student Financing for Social Equity in Norway, 1947–2020

Time and place: , Gullhaug Torg 1

Title of the presentation "Ethnic Inequality and Regime Change: Investigating an Asymmetric Relationship"


Do socioeconomic disparities between ethnic groups affect the likelihood of a country to democratize and remain democratic? I argue theoretically that higher ethnic socioeconomic inequality does not one-sidedly reduce the likelihood of transitioning to democracy. Although such inequalities give rise to grievances that fuel the demand for democracy, they also make the ruling elites from dominant groups less willing to concede political rights. Moreover, I argue that ethnic inequality is clearly related to democratic breakdowns, because high-inequality countries are more likely to experience distributional conflict and polarization. Investigating these arguments with panel data for 162 countries for 120 years, I find that ethnic inequality is not significantly associated with the likelihood of democratization. However, there is a strong and robust association between ethnic inequality and the risk of democratic breakdown. A quantitative examination of the mechanisms provides further evidence of the theoretical argument.


Time and place: , Zoom

Title: The Institutional Sources of Economic Transformation: Energy Policy from the Oil Crises to Climate Change


Why are some governments more effective in promoting economic change than others? We develop a theory of the institutional sources of economic transformation. Domestic institutions condition the ability of policymakers to impose costs on consumers and producers. We argue that institutions can enable transformation through two central mechanisms: insulation and compensation. The institutional sources of transformation vary across policy types—whether policies impose costs primarily on consumers (demand-side policies) or on producers (supply-side policies). Proportional electoral rules and strong welfare states facilitate demand-side policies, whereas autonomous bureaucracies and corporatist interest intermediation facilitate supply-side policies. We test our theory by leveraging the 1973 oil crisis, an exogenous shock that compelled policymakers to simultaneously pursue transformational change across OECD countries. Panel analysis, case studies, and discourse network analysis support our hypotheses. The findings offer important lessons for contemporary climate change policy and low-carbon transitions.

Time and place: , Nydalen & Zoom

Politics and administrative turnover in highly meritocratic systems

Time and place: , Gullhaug Torg 1

Title of the presentation "Land Property Rights, Cadasters and Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Panel 1000-2015 CE”


Since the transition to agricultural production, property rights to land have been a key institution for economic development. Clearly defined land rights provide economic agents with increased access to credit, secure returns on investment, free up resources used to defend one's land rights, and facilitate land market transactions. Formalized land records also strengthen governments' capacity to tax land-owners. Despite a large body of extant micro-level empirical studies, macro-level research on the evolution of formal rights to land, and their importance for economic growth, has so far been lacking. In this paper, we present a novel data set on the emergence of state-administered cadasters (i.e. centralized land records) for 159 countries over the last millennium. We also analyze empirically the association between the development of cadastral institutions and long-run economic growth in a panel of countries. Our findings demonstrate a substantive positive effect of the introduction of cadasters on modern per capita income levels, supporting theoretical conjectures that states with more formalized property rights to land should experience higher levels of economic growth.


Time and place: , Zoom

Title of the presentation "Regime Threats and State Solutions”


Time and place: , Zoom

Inward Conquest: The Political Origins of Modern Public Services

Time and place: , Zoom

Research use and research impact in public administration and policy: Empirical studies of Norwegian government employees

Time and place: , Zoom

Unpopular policies leading to the co-production of public services: The case of public transportation in Israel

Time and place: , Zoom
Time and place: , CET, Zoom

Title of the presentation "The Phantom at the Opera: How Social Movements Intersect with Institutional Politics; Reflections from A Study of American Political Development”

Time and place: , CET, Zoom

Title: Mass attitudes in Difficult times: Natural Disasters and Authoritarianism