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Previous disputations at the Department of Political Science


Disputation: Sebastian J. Conte

Time and place: 14. Oct. 2022 10:15, Auditorium 2, Eilert Sundts hus

Master in Political Science Sebastian J. Conte at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD:  Method in Political Philosophy and the challenge from Experimental Philosophy.

Disputation: Trym Nohr Fjørtoft

Time and place: 7. Oct. 2022 10:15, Auditorium 7, Eilert Sundts hus

Master in Political Science Trym Nohr Fjørtoft defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Borders of Technocracy. Expertise, democracy, and the legitimacy of unelected bodies.

Disputation: Petter Christiansen

Time and place: 20. Sep. 2022 10:15, Auditorium 3, ZEB-bygningen

Master in Political Science Petter Christiansen defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Policy instruments, policy packages and political support. Challenges and implications.

Disputation: Stein Helge Kingsrød

Time and place: 2. Sep. 2022 10:15, Auditorium 1. Kjemibygningen

Master of History Stein Helge Kingsrød defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Alle andre gjør det jo sånn! - Utvikling og endring av Forsvarets personellsystem.

Disputation: Priyanka Chakravarty

Time and place: 2. Jun. 2022 13:15, Auditorium 7, Eilert Sundts hus

M.Phil. in Law and Governance Priyanka Chakravarty defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Politics of Rights and Public Service Delivery. Examining Right to Public Services Legislations in India.

Disputation: Gunnar Fermann

Time and place: 20. May 2022 09:00, Zoom

Magister of Political Science Gunnar Fermann defended their dissertation for the degree of dr. philos: Foreign Politics of Caveats in Coalition Operations: Empirical Research Program.

Disputation: Anke Schwarzkopf

Time and place: 12. May 2022 10:15, Auditorium 1, Eilert Sundts hus

Master in European and International Relations Anke Schwarzkopf defended their dissertation: Values versus interests? The EU's approach to multilateral negotiations at the United Nations.

Disputation: Claire Godet

Time and place: 22. Apr. 2022 13:15, Zoom

Master of European Politics Claire Godet defended their dissertation: Understanding the Legitimation of Controversial Institutions: Stakeholder Critique and Legitimation of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).

Disputation: Steven Connolley

Time and place: 13. Apr. 2022 10:15, Auditorium.7, Eilert Sundts hus

Master in Sociology Steven Connolley defended their dissertation: Social Capital and Social Media as a Fusion of Hopes: A Comparative Case Study of Four Small-Scale Voluntary Groups in Norway and the United States.

Disputation: Hans Morten Haugen

Time and place: 7. Feb. 2022 12:15, Auditorium 7, Zoom

Dr.jur., cand.polit. Hans Morten Haugen defended their dissertation for the degree of dr.philos.: Majoritetskirker i den offentlige samtalen om immigrasjon og minoritetsintegrering i Skandinavia.



Disputation: Ingvild Reymert

Time and place: 17. Dec. 2021 13:15, Zoom

Master in Political Science Ingvild Reymaert defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Controlling the Future of Academe: Academic and Managerial Logics in Professorial Recruitment.

Disputation: Ida Dokk Smith

Time and place: 24. Sep. 2021 10:15, Zoom

Master in Political Science Ida Dokk Smith defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Unpacking decarbonization of the power sector as a political process: On- and off-path change in California and New York.

Disputation: Lene Ekhaugen

Time and place: 15. Apr. 2021 12:15, Zoom

Master in Political Science Lene Ekhaugen defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Inter-Ministerial Coordination and Frontline Implementation. A Study of Norway in the Complex Operation in Afghanistan.

Disputation: Tarald Laudal Berge

Time and place: 3. Feb. 2021 14:15, Zoom

Master in Political Science Tarald Laudal Berge defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: State Capacity in the International Investment Treaty Regime.



Disputation: Martin Søyland

Time and place: 6. Nov. 2020 12:15, Zoom

Master in Political Science Martin Søyland defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Parliamentary Debates in Norway: A Computational Social Science Approach.

Disputation: Sigurd Lindstad

Time and place: 30. Oct. 2020 14:15, Zoom

Master in Political Science Sigurd Lindstad defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Unjustifiable Enrichment? Essays on the Morality for Benefiting from Injustice.

Disputation: Helena Seibicke

Time and place: 15. Oct. 2020 12:15, Zoom

Master in Political Strategy and Communication Helena Seibicke defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Between Expertisation and Advocacy? The European Women’s Lobby, Gender Expertise and EU Governance.

Disputation: Henrik Skaug Sætra

Time and place: 18. Sep. 2020 12:15, Zoom

Master in Political Science Henrik Skaug Sætra defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Big Data's Threefold Threat to Liberty: Surveillance, nudging and the curation of information.

Disputation: Karl Hagen Bjurstrøm

Time and place: 4. Sep. 2020 12:15, Zoom

Master in Political Science Karl Hagen Bjurstrøm defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Principals and agents or principals and stewards? Performance management of agencies in Norwegian state administration.

Disputation: Ragna Lillevik

Time and place: 25. Aug. 2020 12:15, Zoom

Master in Political Science Ragna Lillevik defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Policy responses to contestation over Islam in Norway.

Disputation: Marthe Indset

Time and place: 15. Jun 2020 12:15, Zoom

Cand.polit. Marthe Indset defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Managing the river basin. The role of regional authorities in the European Union administrative system.

Disputation: Nicholas Marsh

Time and place: 15. May 2020 12:15, Zoom

M.A. in International conflict analysis Nicholas Marsh defended their dissertation for the degree of dr. philos:  Because We Have the Maxim Gun: The Relationship Between Arms Acquisition by Non‐State Groups and Violence.

Disputation: Vilde Hernes

Time and place: 30. Apr. 2020 12:15, Zoom

Master in Political Science Vilde Hernes defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Convergence, Centralization and Change. Immigrant Integration Policies in West-Europe, 1997-2017.



Disputation: Haakon Gjerløw

Time and place: 18. Oct. 2019 10:15, Gamle Festsal, Domus Academica

Master in Political Science Haakon Gjerløw at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Political institutions, leaders, and public spending.

Disputation: Andreas Kokkvoll Tveit

Time and place: 20. Aug. 2019 10:15, Forsamlingssalen, Harald Schjelderups hus

Master in Political Science Andreas Kokkvoll Tveit at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Deadlines and Commitments: The Effectiveness of and Compliance with Agreements on Air Pollution in Europe.

Disputation: Lena P. Kvarving

Time and place: 12. Aug. 2019 10:15, Auditorium 2, Helga Engs hus

M.A. Lena P. Kvarving at Forsvarets høgskole and the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Gender Perspectives in the Armed Forces and Military Operations: An uphill battle. Cultural, structural and functional factors that prevent or promote implementation of UNSCR 1325 in the Norwegian Armed Forces and NATO.

Disputation: Solveig Hillesund

Time and place: 18. Jun 2019 10:15, Auditorium 7, Helga Engs hus

Master in Political Science Solveig Hillesund at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Choosing Targets and Tactics: How Horizontal Inequality Spurs Conflict.

Disputation: Stian Kjeksrud

Time and place: 6. Jun. 2019 10:15, Auditorium 7. Eilert Sundts hus

Master in International Relations Stian Kjeksrud at Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt and the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Using force to protect civilians. A comparative analysis of United Nations military protection operations.

Disputation: Øyvind Stiansen

Time and place: 10. May 2019 10:15, Gamle Festsal, Domus Academica

M.Phil. Øyvind Stiansen at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: The Politics of Compliance with International Human Rights Court Judgments.

Disputation: Christopher D.W. Hsiung

Time and place: 6. May 2019 10:15, Auditorium 2, Eilert Sundts hus

Magisterexamen of Political Science Christopher D. W. Hsiung at Forsvarets høgskole, Institutt for forsvarsstudier and the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Too big to fail: China’s Russia policy in the post-Cold War period.

Disputation: Øyvind Bugge Solheim

Time and place: 29. Mar. 2019 10:15, Auditorium 2, Hega Engs hus

Master in Political Science Øyvind Bugge Solheim at the Institute for Social Science and the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Terrorism and Attitudes Toward Out-groups: A Political Perspective.

Disputation: Johanne D. Saltnes

Time and place: 28. Mar. 2019 12:15, Gamle Festsal, Domus Academica

M.A. Johanne D. Saltnes at ARENA Centre for European Studies and the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Norm collision in the European Union’s external policies. EU development policy revisited.

Disputation: Peter Egge Langsæther

Time and place: 22. Mar. 2019 10:15, Auditorium 2, Helga Engs hus

Master in Political Science Peter Egge Langsæther at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Cleavage Politics in the 21st Century: How and why social background affects political preferences.

Disputation: Saira Basit

Time and place: 13. Feb. 2019 10:15, Forsamlingssalen, Harald Schjelderups hus

Master in Asian and African Studies Saira Basit at Forsvarets høgskole and the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Transnational militancy and conflictual interstate orders in Asia: Cooperation in the midst of conflict in Iran–Pakistan, China–Pakistan, and India–Myanmar relations.

Disputation: Johanna Strikwerda

Time and place: 24. Jan. 2019 10:15, Auditorium 14, Domus Bibliotheca

M.A. Johanna Strikwerda at ARENA Centre for European Studies and the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Integration in the European Union’s field of defence and security.

Disputation: Vegard Bye

Time and place: 15. Jan. 2019 09.30, Gamle Festsal, Domus Academica

Cand.polit. Vegard Bye defended their dissertation for the degree of dr.philos.:The End of an Era – or a New Start? Economic Reforms with Potential for Political Transformation in Cuba on Raúl Castro´s Watch (2008-2018).



Disputation: Julia S.P. Loe

Time and place: 19. Dec. 2018 10:15, Gamle Festsal, Domus Academica

M.A. Julia S. P. Loe at Fridtjof Nansens institutt and the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: The Russian Gas Sector in a Changing World: Gazprom’s Response to Upstream and Market Changes.

Disputation: Atle Hennum Haugsgjerd

Time and place: 16. Nov. 2018 10:15, Auditorium 2, Helga Engs hus

Master in Political Science Atle Hennum Haugsgjerd at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: A Vicious Circle? Performance Dissatisfaction, Political Distrust and the Populist Response.

Disputation: Inga Margrete Ydersbond

Time and place: 7. Sep.. 2018 10:15, Auditorium 7, Eilert Sundts hus

M.Phil. Inga Margrete Ydersbond at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Political Power in the EU's Climate and Energy Policy and Advocacy Coalition Influence.

Disputation: Solveig Aamodt

Time and place: 22. Jun. 2018 10:15, Gamle Festsal, Domus Academica

Master in Political Science Solveig Aamodt at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Understanding the BASICs: Policy actors, coalitions, and cooperation in the BASIC countries’ climate policy processes. 

Disputation: Kjersti Skarstad

Time and place: 16. Mar. 2018 10:15, Gamle Festsal, Domus Academica

M.Phil. Kjersti Skarstad at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Realizing the human rights of persons with disabilities. From political ideals to political practices. 

Disputation: Jonas Vestby

Time and place: 9. Mar. 2018 10:15, Auditorium 6, Domus Academica

M.A. Jonas Vestby at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Climate, development, and conflict: Learning from the past and mapping uncertainties of the future.

Disputation: Silvia J. Olsen

Time and place: 2. Feb. 2018 10:15, Gamle Festsal, Domus Academica

Cand.polit. Silvia J. Olsen at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Selecting road safety measures: Policies, structures and processes.



Disputation: Tom Røseth

Time and place: 18. Dec. 2017 10:15, Stallen i Professorboligen

Cand.polit. Tom Røseth at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Russia’s response to China’s rise: Moscow’s partnership policies toward Beijing in the military domain, on energy and in the Arctic.

Disputation: Alexander Vadala

Time and place: 12 Oct. 2017 10:15, Gamle Festsal, Domus Academica

M.A. Alexander Vadala at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Pastoral Vulnerability in Ethiopia: The Case of the Afar.

Disputation: Jacob Aasland Ravndal

Time and place: 9 Oct. 2017 10:15, Gamle Festsal, Domus Academica

M. Phil. Jacob Aasland Ravndal at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Right-Wing Terrorism and Violence in Western Europe: A Comparative Analysis.

Disputation: Sirianne Dahlum

Time and place: 18. Aug. 2017 10:15, Gamle Festsal, Domus Academica

Master in Political Science Sirianne Dahlum at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Schooling for dissent? Education, autocratic regime instability and transitions to democracy.

Disputation: Christine Thokle Martens

Time and place: 14. Jun. 2017 10:15, Auditorium 6, Eilert Sundts hus

Cand.polit. Christine Thokle Martens at Velferdsforskningsinstituttet NOVA and the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Allocating responsibilities. Norwegian elder care between national ambitions and local autonomy.

Disputation: Silje Synnøve Lyder Hermansen

Time and place: 10. Mar. 2017 10:15, Gamle Festsal, Domus Academica

Master in Political Science Silje Synnøve Lyder Hermansen at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Choosing Agents: Members of the European Parliament and their Political Organizations Seen through Report Allocation.



Disputation: Mathias Johannessen

Time and place: 9. Dec. 2016 10:15, Auditorium 2, Helga Engs hus

Master in Political Science Mathias Johannesssen at Direktoratet for forvaltning og IKT and the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: The EU as Captain, Co-Pilot or Passenger: A study of Administrative Integration in the Transport Sector.

Disputation: Andreas Holmedahl Hvidsten

Time and place: 20. Oct. 2016 10:15, Auditorium 13, Domus Medica

Master in Political Science Andreas Holmedahl Hvidsten at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Beyond Reification and Deconstruction: Towards a Dialogical Approach to Theorizing International Politics.

Disputation: Håkon Solbu Trætteberg

Time and place: 13. Oct. 2016 10:15, Auditorium 2, Gamle Festsal, Domus Academica

Master in Political Science Håkon Solbu Trætteberg at Institute for Social Research and the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Does welfare mix matter? Active citizenship in public, for-profit and nonprofit schools and nursing homes in Scandinavia.

Disputation: Håkon Lunde Saxi

Time and place: 12. Aug. 2016 10:15, Auditorium 2, Eilert Sundts hus

Master in History and International Politics Håkon Lunde Saxi at Institutt for forsvarsstudier and the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: From the Defence of Europe to Global Expeditionary Operations: British and German Defence Policy 1990–2014.

Disputation: Håkon Sælen

Time and place: 13. May 2016 10:15, Gamle Festsal, Urbygningen

Master in Political Science Håkon Sælen at CICERO Center for International Climate Research and the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: When can a small number of states drive effective global cooperation on climate change?

Disputation: Henrik Stålhane Hiim

Time and place: 7. Apr. 2016 13:15, Gamle Festsal, Universitetet i Oslo

Master in Political Science Henrik Stålhane Hiim at Institutt for forsvarsstudier  defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Selective supporter: China and nuclear weapons proliferation.

Disputation: Kathleen Jennings

Time and place: 10. Feb. 2016 12:30, Auditorium 2, Gamle Festsal, Urbygningen

M.Phil. Kathleen Jennings at FAFO defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Blue Helmet Havens: Gendered peacekeeping economies in Liberia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Disputation: Tatjana Stankovic

Time and place: 25. Jan. 2016 13:15, Forsamlingssalen, Harald Schjelderups hus

Master in Political Science Tatjana Stankovic at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Conflict Bargaining Outcomes: Efficiency, Distribution, and Stability.

Disputation: Stina Hansteeen Solhøy

Time and place: 15. Jan. 2016 13:15, Auditorium 103, Georg Morgenstiernes hus

Cand.polit. Stina Hansteen Solhøy at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Unntak for trossamfunn? Politikkutforming i spenningsfeltet mellom statlige likestillingsambisjoner og religiøs autonomi, 1974-2014.



Disputation: Özlem Denli

Time and place: 16. Oct. 2015 13:15, Auditorium 3, Eilert Sundts hus

Özlem Denli defended their dissertation for the degree of dr.philos.: Liberalism and Islamism in Contemporary Turkey. ‘Internal Liberalization ‘ or Authoritarian Institutionalization.

Tore Wig

Time and place: 25. Sep. 2015 13:15, Auditorium 2, Eilert Sundts hus

Master in Political Science Tore Wig at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Beyond the Civil Democratic Peace: Subnational Political Institutions and Internal Armed Conflict.

Disputation: Nina Merethe Vestlund

Time and place: 3. Sep. 2015 13:15, Auditorium 2, Eilert Sundts hus

Master in Political Science Nina Merethe Vestlund at ARENA defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Between Centralization and Decentralization. Decision behaviour in the EU’s multilevel administrative system.

Disputation: Ellen Emilie Stensrud

Time and place: 22. Jun. 2015 13:15, Gamle Festsal, Universitetet i Oslo

Cand.polit. Ellen Emilie Stensrud at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Transitional Justice and the Problem of Legitimacy. A Study of the Mixed Courts in Cambodia and Sierra Leone.

Disputation: Anders Ravik Jupskås

Time and place: 10. Jun. 2015 13:15, Auditorium 7, Eilert Sundts hus

Master in Political Science Anders Ravik Jupskås at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: The Persistence of Populism. The Norwegian Progress Party 1973 – 2009.

Disputation: Ida Maria Oma

Time and place: 9. Jun. 2015 13:15, Auditorium 2, Eilert Sundts hus

Master in Political Science Ida Maria Oma at Institutt for forsvarsstudier (IFS) defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Small states and burden-sharing in allied operations abroad. The case of Norway in ISAF.

Disputation: Helge Blakkisrud

Time and place: 8. Jun. 2015 13:15, Auditorium 2, Eilert Sundts hus

Cand.polit. Helge Blakkisrud at NUPI defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: The Governors’ Last Stand: Federal Barganing in Russia's Transition to Appointed Regional Heads, 2005–2009.

Disputation: Ingrid Lønrusten Rogstad

Time and place: 26. Mar 2015 13:15, Forsamlingssalen, Harald Schjelderups hus

Master in Political Science Ingrid Lønrusten Rogstad at Institute for Social Research defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Tweets that matter. Politisk kommunikasjon i et nytt medielandskap.

Disputation: Guri Rosén

Time and place: 15. Jan. 2015 13:15, Auditorium 2, Eilert Sundts hus

Master in Political Science Guri Rosén at ARENA defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Striving for Influence. The European Parliament in EU Foreign Policy.



Disputation: Torunn L. Tryggestad

Time and place: 15. Dec. 2014 13:15, Auditorium 2, Eilert Sundts hus

Cand.polit. in Political Science Torunn L. Tryggestad at Institutt for fredsforskning, PRIO defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: International Norms and Political Change: ’Women, Peace and Security’ and the UN Security Agenda.

Disputation: Jeevan Baniya

Time and place: 4. Dec. 2014 13:15, Gamle Festsal, Urbygningen

Master in Political Science Jeevan Baniya at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Civil Society, Social Movements and Democratization: A Case Study of Nepal.

Disputation: Tommy A. Knutsen

Time and place: 28. Oct. 2014 13:15, Forsamlingssalen, Harald Schjelderups hus

Master in Political Science Tommy A. Knutsen at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Liberalism, Autocracy, and Non-ideal Theory. A critical assessment of liberal, non-ideal justifications of autocracy.

Disputation: Kristian Hoelscher

Time and place: 24 Oct. 2014 13:15, Gamle Festsal, Urbygningen UiO

Master Kristian Hoelscher at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Institutions and Social Violence.

Disputation: Kristin Marie Haugevik

Time and place: 4. Jul. 2014 13:15, Gamle Festsal, Universitetet i Oslo

Master in Political Science Kristin Marie Haugevik at NUPI defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: How relationships become special. Inter-state friendship and diplomacy after the Second World War.

Disputation: Kari Osland

Time and place: 16. May 2014 10:15, Auditorium 3, Eilert Sundts hus

Cand.polit. Kari Osland at NUPI defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD:Much Ado About Nothing? International Assistance to Post-Conflict Police Reform in Afghanistan, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Serbia & South Sudan. A Comparative Case Study and Developing a Model for Evaluating Democratic Policing.

Disputation: Julie Wilhelmsen

Time and place: 21. Mar. 2014 13:15, Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups hus

Cand.polit. Julie Wilhelmsen at NUPI defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: How War Becomes Acceptable: Russian re-phrasing of Chechnya.

Disputation: Vibeke Wøien Hansen

Time and place: 18. Mar. 2014 13:15, Gamle Festsal, Urbygningen

Master in Political Science Vibeke Wøien Hansen at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Decision Making in the European Union: Connecting Preferences With Behaviour

Disputation: Håvard Mokleiv Nygård

Time and place: 31. Jan. 2014 13:15, Gamle Festsal, Urbygningen

Master in Political Science Håvard Mokleiv Nygård at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Five Essays on the Political Economy of Regime Survival.



Disputation: Stine Aakre

Time and place: 6. Dec. 2013 13:15, Auditorium 2, Eilert Sundts hus

Master in Political Science Stine Aakre at CICERO defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: The Nature, Design and Feasibility of Robust Climate Agreements.

Disputation: Kristoffer Kolltveit

Time and place: 15. Nov. 2013 13:15, Auditorium 2, Theologisk eksamenssal, Domus Academica

Master in Political Science Kristoffer Kolltveit at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Cabinet Decision-making and Concentration of Power: A study of the Norwegian executive centre.

Disputation: Cecilie Thun

Time and place: 24. Oct. 2013 12:15, Forsamlingssalen, Harald Schjelderups hus

Cand.polit. Cecilie Thun at Centre for Gender Research defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Complex Norwegianness: National Identity and Participation in the Enactment of Citizenship.

Disputation: Beret Bråten

Time and place: 18. Oct. 2013 13:15, Auditorium 1, Eilert Sundts hus

Cand.polit. Beret Bråten at Centre for Gender Research defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Folkestyrets innvandrere. Integrering i norske partier.  

Disputation: Bjørn Ervik

Time and place: 26. Sep. 2013 13:15, Auditorium 1, Harald Schjelderups hus

Master in Political Science Bjørn Ervik at HiOA defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: The Choice of Policy in Local Elections: Assessing Local Autonomy from the Perspective of Local Politicians

Disputation: Helge Holtermann

Time and place: 7. Jun. 2013 13:15, Auditorium 7, Eilert Sundts hus

Master in Political Science Helge Holtermann at PRIO defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Economic Development, Rebel Mobilization, and Civil War Onset.

Disputation: Kim Angell

Time and place: 31. May 2013 14:15, Auditorium 2, Eilert Sundts hus

Master in Political Science Kim Angell at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Land and Labor: Lockean Perspectives on Territorial Rights.

Disputation: Gro Sandkjær Hanssen

Time and place: 19. Apr. 2013 13:15, Auditorium 7, Eilert Sundts hus

Cand.polit. Gro Sandkjær Hanssen at NIBR defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Negotiating Urban Space. Challenges of Legitimacy in Urban Planning

Disputation: Marte Winsvold

Time and place: 15. Feb. 2013 13:15, Ullevål kino

Cand.polit. Marte Winsvold at NIBR defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Lokal digital offentlighet.

Disputation: Hege Hofstad

Time and place: 14. Feb. 2013 13:15, Ullevål kino

Cand. polit. Hege Hofstad at NIBR defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Håndtering av "wicked problems" i kommunal planlegging. Lokal oversettelse av målsettingene om bærekraftig utvikling og bedre folkehelse i ulike planleggingspraksiser.

Disputation: Michael Mayer

Time and place: 11. Jan. 2013 13:15, Auditorium 2, Eilert Sundts hus

Master in Political Science Michael Mayer at Instittut for forsvarsstudier and the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Behind the Shield. The Strategy of US Ballistic Missile Defense.



Disputation: Tor Håkon Inderberg

Time and place: 14. Dec. 2012 13:15, Auditorium 2, Eilert Sundts hus

Master in Political Science Tor Håkon Inderberg at the Department of Political Science og FNI defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Formal structure and culture: Organizational influence on adaptive capacity to climate change in quasi-public network sectors.

Disputation: Aase Marthe Horrigmo

Time and place: 28. Nov. 2012 15:15, Auditorium 3, Eilert Sundts hus

Master in Political Science Aase Marthe Horrigmo at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Cultural connections. Culture as a tool for regional development in Nordic local and regional governments.

Disputation: Rania Maktabi

Time and place: 28. Sep. 2012 13:15, Auditorium 2, Eilert Sundts hus

Cand.polit. Rania Maktabi at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: The politicization of the demos in the Middle East: Citizenship between membership and participation in the state.

Disputation: Christer Gulbrandsen

Time and place: 27. Sep. 2012 12:30, Auditorium 14, Domus Bibliotheca

Master in Political Science Christer Gulbrandsen at ARENA defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Europeanization in a global context - A study of a national maritime safety agency's work with global and European rules.

Disputation: Martin Austvoll Nome

Time and place: 9. Aug. 2012 10:15, Auditorium 2, Eilert Sundts hus

Master in Political Science Martin Austvoll Nome at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Kin State Intervention in Civil War.

Disputation: Marit Brochmann

Time and place: 11. Jun. 2012 13:15, Auditorium 7, Eilert Sundts hus

Master in Political Science Marit Brochmann defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Bridge over Troubled Water. Interaction in International River Basins.

Disputation: Siri Bjerkreim Hellevik

Time and place: 26. Apr. 2012 13:15, Gamle festsal, Universitetet i Oslo

Cand. polit. Siri Bjerkreim Hellevik at NIBR defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Multisectoral coordination of HIV/AIDS programmes. A study of Tanzania.

Disputation: Maria Gjølbeg

Time and place: 16. Mar. 2012 13:15, Auditorium 2, Eilert Sundts hus

Cand.polit. Maria Gjølberg at Centre for Development and the Enivornment (SUM) defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: The Political Economy of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Disputation: Dag Einar Thorsen

Time and place: 27. Jan. 2012 13:15, Auditorium 2, Eilert Sundts hus

Cand.polit. Dag Einar Thorsen at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: The Politics of Freedom - A Study of the Political Thought of Isaiah Berlin and Karl Popper, and of the Challenge of Neoliberalism

Disputation: Sunniva Frislid Meyer

Time and place: 13. Jan. 2012 13:15, Auditorium 2, Eilert Sundts hus

Master in Political Science Sunniva Frislid Meyer at Transportøkonomisk institutt defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Preventing mass killings: Optimal strategies for protecting public targets against terrorist attacks



Disputation: Anne Britt Djuve

Time and place: 29. Jun 2011 13:15, Gamle festsal, Urbygningen

Cand.polit. Anne Britt Djuve at Fafo defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Introduksjonsordningen for nyankomne innvandrere: Et integreringspolitisk paradigmeskifte?



Disputation: Kristine Offerdal

Time and place: 13. Dec. 2010 13:15, Gamle festsal, Domus Academica

Cand. Polit Kristine Offerdal at Institutt for Forsvarsstudier defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: The politics of energy in the European High North: Norway and the 'petroleum dialogue' with the USA and the EU

Disputation: Pieter de Wilde

Time and place: 19. Nov. 2010 10:15, Theologisk eksamenssal, Domus Academica

Master in Political Science Pieter de Wilde at ARENA defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: How Politicisation Affects European Integration: Contesting the EU Budget in the Media and Parliaments of the Netherlands, Denmark and Ireland

Disputation: Amund Lie

Time and place: 22. Oct. 2010 13:15, Room 847, Eilert Sundts hus

Master in Political Science Amund Lie at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Coordination Processes and Outcomes in Norway and New Zealand: The Challenge of Inter-Organizational Coordination of Food Safety Issues

Disputation: Olav Schram Stokke

Time and place: 19. Mar 2010 10:15, Gamle festsal, Domus Academica

Cand.polit. Olav Schram Stokke at Fridtjof Nansens Institutt (FNI) defended their dissertation for the degree of dr.philos. (doctor philosophiae): A Disaggregate Approach to International Regime Effectiveness. The Case of Barents Sea Fisheries.

Disputation: Maria Martens

Time and place: 29. Jan. 2010 13:15, Auditorium 6, Eilert Sundts hus

Cand.polit. Maria Martens at ARENA defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Organized administrative integration. The role of agencies in the European administrative system.

Disputation: Anne Elizabeth Stie

Time and place: 22. Jan 2010 13:15, Auditorium 6, Eilert Sundts hus

Cand.polit. Anne Elizabeth Stie at ARENA defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Co-decision – the panacea for EU democracy?



Disputation: Finn Henrik Thune

Time and place: 17. Nov. 2009 13:15, Gamle festsal, Karl Johans gate 47

Cand.polit. Finn Henrik Thune at NUPI defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD (philosophiae doctor): Beyond the CNN effect. Towards a constitutive understanding of media power in international politics.

Disputation: Pål Ketil Botvar

Time and place: 30. Oct 2009 09:15, Auditorium 2, Eilert Sundts hus

Cand.polit. Pål Ketil Botvar at Stiftelsen Kirkeforskning defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD (philosophiae doctor): Skjebnetro, selvutvikling og samfunnsengasjement. Den politiske betydningen av ulike former for religiøsitet blant norske velgere.

Disputation: Stig Stenslie

Time and place: 9. Oct. 2009 10:15, Gamle festsal, Karl Johans gate 47

Cand.polit. Stig Stenslie at defended their dissertation for the degree of dr.philos. (doctor philosophiae): Elite Integration and Stability in The House of Sa’ud.

Disputation: Rune Karlsen

Time and place: 23. Jun. 2009 10:15, Gamle festsal, Karl Johans gate 47

Cand.polit. Rune Karlsen at Institute for Social Research defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD (philosophiae doctor): Election Campaigns and New Media Technology. A Closer Look at Campaigning in Norway.

Disputation: Pinar Tank

Time and place: 19. Jun. 2009 10:15, Ragnar Frisch's Auditorium, Ullevål kino

Cand.polit. Pinar Tank at The International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO) defended their dissertation for the degree of dr.philos. (doctor philosophiae): Turkey’s Military Elite at a Crossroad: Paths to Desecuritisation?

Disputation: Signe Bock Segaard

Time and place: 17. Jun. 2009 12:15, Auditorium 2, Eilert Sundts hus

Cand.polit. Signe Bock Segaard at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD (philosophiae doctor): Veje til lokalt e-demokrati – organisering, mål, virkemidler og resultater.

Disputation: Anne Therese Gullberg

Time and place: 11. May 2009 13:15, Gamle festsal, Karl Johans gate 47

Cand.polit. Anne Therese Gullberg at CICERO defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD (philosophiae doctor): Strategy counts, resources decide: Lobbying European Union climate policy

Disputation: Are Vegard Haug

Time and place: 3. Apr. 2009 10:15, Gamle festsal, Karl Johans gate 47

Cand.polit. Are Vegard Haug at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD (philosophiae doctor): Lokaldemokratiet på nett og i nett.

Disputation: Lars Harald Gulbrandsen

Time and place: 1. Apr. 2009 10:15, Gamle festsal, Karl Johans gate 47

Cand.polit. Lars Harald Gulbrandsen at Fridtjof Nansens institutt defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD (philosophiae doctor): Non-State Global Environmental Governance. The Emergence and Effectiveness of Forest and Fisheries Certification Schemes

Disputation: Ole Gunnar Kaldor Austvik

Time and place: 13. Mar 2009 10:15, Gamle festsal, Karl Johans gate 47

Cand.oecon. (Universitetet i Oslo) and Master of International Relations (Harvard University) Ole Gunnar Kaldor Austvik at Høyskolen i Lillehammer defended their dissertation for the degree of dr.philos. (doctor philosophiae): The Norwegian State as a Natural Gas Entrepreneur. The Impact of the EEA Agreement and EU Gas Market Liberalization.



Disputation: Mary Ann Stamsø

Time and place: 9. Dec. 2008 11:15, Gamle festsal, Karl Johans gate 47

Cand.oecon. Mary Ann Stamsø at SIFO defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD (philosophiae doctor): Boligpolitikk - mellom velferd og marked. Om fordelingsvirkninger og endringer i boligpolitikken.

Disputation: Eivind Falkum

Time and place: 12. Jun 2008 09:15, Auditorium 1, Eilert Sundt Hus

Cand.polit. Eivind Falkum at Fafo defended their dissertation for the degree of dr.philos. (doctor philosophiae): Makt og opposisjon i norsk arbeidsliv.

Disputation: Jonathan P. Aus

Time and place: 7. Apr. 2008 12:15, Auditorium 1, Gamle Festsal, Karl Johans gate 47

Dipl.-Pol., M.E.S. Jonathan P. Aus at ARENA defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD (philosophiae doctor): EU Governance in an Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: Logics of Decision-making in the Justice and Home Affairs Council.

Disputation: Lovise Aalen

Time and place: 4. Apr. 2008 10:15, Ragnar Frisch's auditorium, Ullevål kino

Cand.polit. Lovise Aalen at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD (philosophiae doctor): Institutionalising the Politics of Ethnicity. Actors, power and mobilisation in southern Ethiopia under ethnic federalism.

Disputation: Johannes Bergh

Time and place: 29. Feb. 2008 10:15, Ragnar Frisch's auditorium, Ullevål kino

Cand.polit. Johannes Bergh at Institute for Social Research defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD (philosophiae doctor): Gender Attitudes, New Politics and Modernization. Four Studies of Continuity and Change in Modern Democracies.

Disputation: Torunn Laugen Haaland

Time and place: 5. Feb. 2008 10:15, Gamle festsal, Karl Johans gate 47

Cand.polit. Torunn Laugen Haaland at Institutt for forsvarsstudier defended their dissertation for the degree of dr.polit. (doctor rerum politicarum): Small Forces with a Global Outreach. Role perceptions in the Norwegian Armed Forces after the Cold War.

Disputation: Robert Huseby

Time and place: 25. Jan. 2008 10:30, Auditorium 6, Eilert Sundts hus

Cand.polit. Robert Huseby at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of dr.polit. (doctor rerum politicarum): On Sufficiency – Four Essays on Distributive Justice.



Disputation: Jostein Askim

Time and place: 20. Nov. 2007 14:00, Auditorium 4, Eilert Sundts hus

Cand. polit. Jostein Askim at Insitutt for statsvitenskap defended their dissertation for the degree of dr.polit. (doctor rerum politicarum): Local Government by Numbers. Who Makes Use of Performance Information, When, and for What Purposes?

Disputation: Nina Græger

Time and place: 17. Aug. 2007 10:15, Gamle festsal, Karl Johans gate 47

Cand.polit. Nina Græger at Norsk utenrikspolitisk institutt defended their dissertation for the degree of dr.polit. (doctor rerum politicarum): Norsk forsvarsdiskurs 1990 - 2005: Internasjonaliseringen av Forsvaret.

Disputation: Håvard Strand

Time and place: 22. Jun. 2007 10:15, Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups hus

Cand.polit. Håvard Strand at the Department of Political Science defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD (philosophiae doctor): Reassessing the Civil Democratic Peace.



Disputation: Tormod Heier

Influence and Marginalisation. Norway's Adaption to US Transformation Efforts in NATO, 1998 - 2004.

Disputation: Jozef Bátora or Diplomacy.gone?

Disputation: Fixdal, Mona Christine:

Public Participation in Technology Assessment. An Analysis with Focus on Three European Models for Public Participation and Their Contribution to a Well Informed and Democratic Governance of Technology.



Disputation: Jørn Holm-Hansen

The transferability of policy instruments: How New Environmental Policy Instruments strike roots in Russia and Latvia.

Disputation: Camilla Gjerde

Political Institutions and Extreme Presidents. Comparing presidential systems in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, 1974 - 2004.

Disputation: Jan Erik Hallandvik

Kontinuitet, endring eller forbedring? Den nye kvalitetsbølgen i helsetjenesten.

Disputation: Marianne Takle

Changes in German Policy on Immigration. From Ethnos to Demos?

Disputation: Hermann Smith-Sivertsen

What Kind(s) of Political Parties Emerged and Why? Comparing the parties of Latvia and Lithuania of the late 1990s by their organizations, policies and surroundings.

Disputation: Anne Bregnballe

Når opplysning blir hindring – legfolk og fagfolk i dialog om utviklings- og miljøpolitikk.



Disputation: Bård Anders Andreassen

Ethnicity, Rationality and Uncertainty. Democratic Transition in Multi-ethnic Polities: The Case of Kenya.

Disputation: Frode Veggeland

Internasjonalisering og styring av matpolitikk. Institusjoners betydning for staters atferd og politikk.

Disputation: Pernille Rieker

Europeanisation of Nordic Security. The EU and the Changing Security Identities of the Nordic States.

Disputation: Guri Bang

Sources of Influence in Climate Change Policymaking: a comparative analysis of Norway, Germany, and the United States.

Disputation: Eli Feiring

Rettferdig rasjonering av sykehusbehandling. Om den norske modellen for prioritering mellom pasienter med behov for spesialisert helsehjelp.

Disputation: Lars Erik Kjekshus

Organizing for Efficiency - A Study of Norwegian Somatic Hospitals.

Disputation: Jan Erling Klausen

Lokaldemokratiet i bydelene. En studie av forsøket med direkte valg til fire bydelsutvalg i Oslo kommune.

Disputation: Håvard Hegre - Dr. Philos

The Limits of Liberal Peace.



Disputation: Dan Banik

Democracy, drought and starvation in India: Testing Sen in theory and practive.

Disputation: Frode Berglund

Partiidentifikasjon og politisk endring. En studie av langsiktige partitilknytninger blant norske velgere 1965 - 1997.

Disputation: Wenche Hauge

Causes and Dynamics of Conflict Escalation: The Role of Economic Development and Environmental Change.

Disputation: Hilde W. Nagell

Just Pension.

Disputation: Sven Gunnar Simonsen - Dr. Philos

Pains of Partition. Nationalism, national identity, and the military in Post-Soviet Russia.



Disputation: Audun Ruud

Transnational Corporations and Environmental Concerns in Less Developed Countries. Can cross border environmental management systems achieve public policy goals?

Disputation: Trygve Ugland

Policy Re-categorization and Integration: Europeanization of Nordic Alcohol Control Policies.

Disputation: Morten Øgård

Forvaltningsinnovasjon i de nordiske regionene/komunene: I felles takt mot new public management?

Disputation: Liv Langfeldt

Decision-making in expert panels evaluating research. Constraints, processes and bias.

Disputation: Signy Irene Vabo

Koordinering og politisk styring. En studie av nye organisasjonsløsninger i norske kommuner.

Disputation: Benedicte Bull

Aid, Power and Privatization: Domestic and International Sources of Telecommunication Reform in Central America (1986 - 2000).



Disputation: Sissel Hovik

Statlige målsetninger og lokale interesser i miljøpolitikken. En studie av kommunal iverksetting.

Disputation: Leif Helland

Preferanser, prosedyrer og informasjon: Betingelser for budsjettdisiplin.

Disputation: Morten Bøås

Multilateral Development Banks and the Environment: The Case of the African Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank 1979 - 1996.

Disputation: Jarle Trondal

Administrative Integration across Levels of Governance, Integration through Participation in EU Committee.

Disputation: Alexander López - Dr. Philos

Environmental Change, Social Conflicts, and Security in the Brazilian Amazon: Exploring the Links.



Disputation: Liv Tørres

Amandla! Ngawethu? The Trade Union Movement in South Africa and Political Change.

Disputation: Jo Saglie

Standpunkter og strategi. EU-saken i norsk partipolitikk, 1989 - 1994.

Disputation: Geir Hønneland

Compliance in the Barents Sea Fisheries.

Disputation: Oluf Langhelle

Fra ideer til politikk: Bærekraftig utvikling - svada eller rettesnor for samfunnsutviklingen?

Disputation: Arne Holm

Statlige prioriteringsmål og lokale forhandlinger. En studie av lokal implementering av fordelingspolitiske målsettinger innenfor grunnskolen i Oslo.

Disputation: Anne Julie Semb

Sovereignty Challenged: The Changing Status and Moral Significance of Territorial Boundaries.

Disputation: Stein Ingar Sundstøl Eriksen

Close Links and Blurred Boundaries: Council and Community in a Tanzanian and a Zimbabwean District.

Disputation: Ulf Sverdrup

Ambiguity and Adaption. Europeanization of Administrative Institutions as Loosely Coupled Processes.

Disputation: Bent Sofus Tranøy

Losing Credit. The Politics of Liberalisation and Macro-Economic Regime Change in Norway 1980-92.

Disputation: Annika Susanna Hansen

International Security Assistance to Peace Implementation Processes: The Cases of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Angola.



Disputation: Jon Birger Skjærseth

The Making and Implementation of North-Sea Pollution Commitments: Institutions, Rationality and Norms.

Disputation: Tora Skodvin

Structure and Agent in the Scientific Diplomacy of the Climate Change.

Disputation: Guri Kristin Rosendal

Implementing International Environmental Agreements in Developing Countries: The Creation and Impact of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Disputation: Elisabeth Bakke

Doomed to Failure? The Czechoslovak Nation Project and the Slovak Autonomist Reaction 1918-38.

Disputation: Tor Bjørklund - Dr. Philos

Periferi mot sentrum. Landsomfattende folkeavstemninger i Norge.



Disputation: Einar Øverbye

Risk and Welfare. Examining stability and change in 'welfare' policies.

Disputation: Marit Reitan

Interesser og institusjoner i miljøpolitikken.

Disputation: Ann Helen Bay

Opinionen og eldrepolitikken.

Disputation: Dag Harald Claes

The Politics of Oil-Producer Cooperation.



Disputation: Lars Fjell Hansson

Ethical Problems of Preventive Medicine.

Disputation: Jon Arve Nervik

Offentlig politkk og klientløpebaner. Sosialhjelp og arbeidsmarkedstiltak - bidrag til selvforsørging eller ringdans i velferdsbyråkratiet?

Disputation: Kari Dokken - Dr. Philos

Environment, Security and Regional Integration in West Africa.



Disputation: Ragnar Audunson

Change processes in public libraries: A comparative project within an institutionalist perspective.

Disputation: Arild Schou

The Emergence of a Public Political Elite in the West Bank During the Palestinian Uprising (1987-1991). A study of Elite Recruitment.

Disputation: Eli Skogerbø

Privatising the public interest. Conflicts and compromises in Norwegian media politics 1980-1993 .

Disputation: Hanne Marthe Narud

Voters, Parties and Governments: Electoral Competition, Policy Distances and Government Formation in Multi-Party Systems.

Disputation: Asbjørn Røiseland

Statlige målsetninger og lokal praksis. Om kommunens arbeide med miljøbetingede helseproblemer.

Disputation: Tore Nyhamar

US-Soviet Détente and Regional Conflicts 1974-1980.

Disputation: Gunnar Rongen - Dr. Philos

Equity, Choice and Local Preferences. Studies of Norwegian Governments

Disputation: Terje Wessel - Dr. Philos

Eierleiligheter. Framveksten av en ny boligsektor i Oslo, Bergen og Trondheim.



Disputation: Terje P. Hagen

Models of decision-making in political institutions.

Disputation: Hilde Lorentzen

Når ikke alle kan få - om fordeling av knappe goder.



Disputation: Torkel Bjørnskau

Spillteori, trafikk og ulykker: En teori om interaksjon i trafikken.

Disputation: Janne Haaland Matlary - Dr. Philos

Towards understanding integration: An analysis of the role of the state in the EC energy policy, 1985-1992.



Disputation: Rune Elvik

Hvor rasjonell er trafikksikkerhetspolitikken? En analyse av investeringsprogrammet på norsk veg og vegtrafikkplan.

Disputation: Arne Kommisrud

Statsbyggning og sosioøkonomisk endringer i multinasjonale samfunn. En sammenlignende studie av Habsburgmonarkiet, det all-russiske imperiet og Sovjetunionen.

Disputation: Bernt Aardal - Dr. Philos

Energi og miljø. Nye stridsspørsmål - gamle strukturer.



Disputation: Hege Skjeie

Den politiske betydning av kjønn. En studie av norsk topp-politikk

Disputation: Jon Hovi - Dr. Philos

Spillmodeller og internasjonalt samarbeid: oppgaver, mekanismer og institusjoner.



Disputation: Rune Sørensen - Dr. Philos

Modeller i studiet av offentlig økonomi.

Disputation: Oddbjørn Knutsen - Dr. Philos

Politiske verdier, konfliktlinjer og ideologi. Den norske politiske kulturen i komparativt perspektiv.



Disputation: Morten Egeberg - Dr. Philos

Makro-organisasjonsformer i offentlig virksomhet : karakteristika og betingelser.

Disputation: Anton Steen - Dr. Philos

Interessekonflikt og offentlig politikk : en komparativ studie av landbruksinteresser og statsstøtte i Norge, Sverige og U.K. etter 1945.



Disputation: Arild Underdal - Dr. Philos

The politics of international fisheries management: the case of the Northeast Atlantic.

Published Apr. 9, 2024 9:56 AM - Last modified June 24, 2024 3:11 PM