Published Apr. 25, 2024 12:43 AM

With a new database researchers can for the first time guess what government members from around the world are up to. It turns out, among other things, that women have far better access to positions of power in democratic countries than dictatorships.

Published Mar. 19, 2024 1:09 PM

Who among us becomes ministers? And what happens behind closed doors when decisions are made? A new study reveals a high degree of collegiality within various governments. The researchers also uncover that decision-making processes function well and continue apace – despite the coming and going of governments, prime ministers, and ministers.

Published Mar. 13, 2024 4:13 PM

"It is very significant for me to receive an award in Fridtjof Nansen's name, especially in these times with brutal wars in Ukraine and Gaza, and serious threats to democracy internationally", says Professor Tore Wig from the Department of Political Science. He receives this year's Fridtjof Nansen Award for Younger Researchers in the category of Humanities and Social Sciences.