ACCELZ Accelerating Climate Action and the State: Getting to Net Zero

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The project ACCELZ wants to enhance our understanding of how states can design public organizations, practices, and policies, to accelerate climate action towards net-zero emissions

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About the project

The project aims to establish the study of the stateʼs role in accelerating climate action as a research frontier within climate research.

We will also specify how governments, and Norway in particular, can design its political-administrative apparatus and climate policy mix to ensure acceleration of climate action. If we succeed, ACCELZ may ease the processes of combatting climate change.

Read more about the project here.


The main objective of ACCELZ is to enhance our understanding of how states can design public organizations, practices, and policies, to accelerate climate action towards net-zero emissions.


We will study the EU, US and India, at the central and federal levels but also explore climate governing and climate action at the state levels.

Further, we will conduct a comparative study of the Nordic countries, Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

The project combines comparative qualitative case studies, with quantitative social science studies and establishment of a new data base. We will also draw on energy and emissions data as well as policy scenarios.

We map how climate organized into the governmental apparatus and practices, and explain differences across countries and over time, and examine the inter-relationship between how climate is organized into the state apparatus and climate policy mixes.

Further, we explore how the climate governing of states translate into GHG emission developments and lastly develop recommendations to policy makers.

The project is cross disciplinary, situating political science at the core of climate science.


The Paris Agreementʼs goal of pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 C above pre-industrial levels requires global emissions to peak as soon as possible and reach net-zero by 2050.

This cannot happen without unprecedented acceleration of climate action. Getting to net-zero represents a pressing governing challenge.



Aktuelle saker


Funded by The Research Council of Norway

Prosjektnummer: 335073


CICERO Center for International Climate Research

Heidelberg University

Norwegian version of this page
Published May 7, 2024 9:02 AM - Last modified June 10, 2024 2:08 PM