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Oslo Nuclear Project (ONP)

Nuclear weapons pose an enduring challenge to international security. This research center analyzes these challenges and educates a new generation of experts on nuclear weapons and international security. Alumni from the Oslo Nuclear Project work in academia, government and international organizations. 


About the Center

Scholars in the Oslo Nuclear Project provide academic research, education at undergraduate and graduate levels, and outreach to policy and practitioner communities. To receive our quarterly newsletter and / or invitations to our events, please sign up via this link .


This research center has received support from the University of Oslo, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Norwegian Ministry of Defense, the Alva Myrdal Center, and the MacArthur foundation.

Advisory board

Oslo Nuclear Project has an international advisory board including Hans Blix, Rolf Ekéus, Scott D. Sagan, Lynn Eden, David Holloway, Laura Rockwood, Ole Harbitz, Jennifer Erickson and Rolf Tamnes.

The Oslo Nuclear Project is designed to assure a continued and increased cadre of experts [...] but also to pursue research and present ideas in the problematic field of nuclear weapons. It is valuable that discussions in this field should not be confined to experts from nuclear weapon states but also comprise researchers and expert officials from non-nuclear weapon states. 

                                                       Dr. Hans Blix, 20 May 2019

Published Mar. 6, 2019 2:06 PM - Last modified June 28, 2024 1:33 PM