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ResilienceBuilding: Social Resilience, Gendered Dynamics, and Local Peace in Protracted Conflicts

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Photo: Jana Krause/City of Jos, Nigeria

About the project

The ResilienceBuilding project focuses on the causes and consequences of civilian agency for self-protection and violence prevention in contexts characterized by civil war, communal conflict, local peacebuilding, and international peacekeeping actors. We investigate how armed groups, civilian actions, and peacebuilding approaches interact on multiple levels of conflict and study the consequences for the vulnerability and resilience of local populations. One research stream analyses the gender dimensions of social resilience and peacebuilding. A second one engages with the climate change, conflict, and peacebuilding nexus to better understand vulnerability and building resilience. A third stream examines linkages between local and national peace processes and implications for variation in violence against civilians and peacebuilding success.

The research team conducts field research in Nigeria, Kenya, South Sudan, and the CAR. The team brings together researchers who together implement multi-method approaches, combining in-depth interviewing and ethnographic observation with event data analysis, survey research, and archival work.


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 852816

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Selected publications

Project-related Publications

Krause, Jana. 2018. Resilient Communities: Non-Violence and Civilian Agency in Communal War. Cambridge University Press. 

Krause, Jana. 2019. Gender Dimensions of (Non)Violence in Communal Conflict: The Case of Jos, Nigeria. Comparative Political Studies, 52:10, 1466–1499. 

Krause, Jana. 2019. Stabilization and Local Conflicts: Communal and Civil War in South SudanEthnopolitics, 18:5, 478-493.

Krause, Jana, Werner Krause and Piia Braenfors. 2018. Women’s Participation in Peace Negotiations and the Durability of PeaceInternational Interactions, 44:6, 985-1016.

Published Nov. 9, 2020 10:36 AM - Last modified Apr. 10, 2024 4:05 PM


Principal Investigator: Jana Krause


Detailed list of participants