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The annual PODS workshop takes place 27 October

0900 – 0915 Bjørn Høyland (UiO)

            Welcome and practicalities

0915 – 1000 Jeremy Spater (UiO)

AI methods for detecting residential segregation

1000 – 1045 Luca Bellodi (Bocconi)

            Bureaucratic Information in Congress

                        Discussant: Scott Gates

1045 – 1100 Break

1100 – 1145 Roman Senninger (Århus)

Unsuccessful candidates are more concerned about electoral fairness than election winners

            Discussant: Jacob Nyrup

1145 – 1230 Yuri Kasahara (OsloMet)

Dynastic Partisanship: Oligarchic Political Competition in Brazil

1230 – 1315 Lunch

1315 – 1400 Håvard Hegre (PRIO / Uppsala)

The underreported death toll of wars:  a probabilistic reassessment from a structured expert elicitation

1400 – 1445 Zoltan Fazekas (Copenhagen Business School)

Raising Moral Considerations: Intra-Court Bargaining and Moral Language in the European Court of Human Rights

            Discussant: Philipp Broniecki

1445 – 1500 Break

1500 – 1545 Oda Nedregård (SciencePo, Paris)

The effect of legislative misalignment on representation of constituency interests

1545 – 1600 Break

1600 – 1645 Frederik Hjorth (Copenhagen University)

            Partisan Conflict and Polarization in Nonverbal Communication

                        Discussant: Bjørn Høyland

1645 – 1730 Eric Nilsen (UiO)

            In Times of Peril: How Liberals Embrace National Defence


Emneord: Political Science, Political Data Science
Publisert 27. okt. 2023 07:11 - Sist endret 27. okt. 2023 14:49