Hege Skjeie mottar europeisk pris

Hege Skjeie tildeles ECPGs Gender and Politics Career Achievement Award for 2017 for sin langvarige innsats innen fagfeltet kjønn, likestilling og politikk. Vi gratulerer!

portrettbilde av Hege Skjeie

Foto: ISV/UiO

Komiteen skriver:

Hege's innovative research on ethnicity, diversity and intersectionality, human rights law and policy, and political representation, power and elite politics has contributed to advance the theoretical thinking of European gender and politics research. One major contribution is her research on the intersections of gender, ethnicity and religion in the Nordic and European institutions, for example in the path-breaking and collaborative project on institutionalizing intersectionality and the changing nature of European Equality Regimes


Institutt for statsvitenskap gratulerer Hege med velfortjent pris!

Publisert 23. mars 2017 15:28 - Sist endret 14. mai 2024 10:41