Gender data

  • IDEA Global Database of Quotas for Women
    Contains information on the use of electoral quotas for women. In this project, electoral quotas are defined as mandatory or targeted percentages of women candidates for public elections.
    Data classification: Aggregated on the national level
    Region: Global
    Time period:  Last parliamentary election
    Format: HTML

  • PARLINE database on National Parliaments
    The PARLINE database contains information on the structure and working methods of 261 parliamentary chambers in all of the 193 countries where a national legislature exists. The data includes number of women in parliaments and the corresponding percentage.

    Data classification: Aggregated on the national level
    Region: Global, 193 countries
    Time period:  Last parliamentary election
    Format: HTML

  • GenderStats
    The World Bank site Gender database. Also contains statistics regarding poverty, political participation and human development.

    Data classification: Aggregated on the national level
    Region: Global, 263 countries
    Time period: 1960-2016
    Format: MS Excel
Publisert 5. mars 2010 08:29 - Sist endret 24. nov. 2020 09:48