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Om fakultetet

Det samfunnsvitskaplege fakultetet ved Universitetet i Oslo vart etablert i 1963. Det er i dag den leiande og største samfunnsvitskaplege utdannings- og forskingsinstitusjonen i Noreg.

UiOs tilbud til flyktninger

Informasjon om studier, arbeidspraksis og ulike støtteordninger for mennesker på flukt.


glade studenter sitter å snakker sammen i en park med blomster i bakgrunnen

Klima, miljø og bærekraft

Utdanningstilbud og forskning innen klima, miljø og bærekraft


  • ISV har feiret bachelor- og masterkandidater en uke til ende 21. juni 2024

    Fra og med våren 2023 besluttet Institutt for statsvitenskap å arrangere bachelor- og kandidatmarkeringer på alle studieprogram for å feire at våre dyktige studenter har fullført sine ISV-grader og trer inn i rekken av alumner. Fra i år har vi samkoordinert disse feiringene for å sørge for et felles «ISV-avtrykk» på dem, og det har vært fem fantastisk flott feiringer!

  • Congratulations to our graduated students 21. juni 2024

    The Department of Psychology congratulates our recently graduated students from the Bachelor's, Master's, and professional programs.


09:00, University of Oslo

C-REX and the ECPR Standing Group on Extremism and Democracy are thrilled to present the 4th edition of its Summer School focusing on the study of the far–right in its radical, populist, and extremist manifestations. The programme is crafted to deepen your understanding of the theoretical, empirical, and methodological frameworks that underpin contemporary far-right politics.

University of Oslo

C-REX and the ECPR Standing Group on Extremism and Democracy are thrilled to present the 4th edition of its Summer School focusing on the study of the far–right in its radical, populist, and extremist manifestations. The programme is crafted to deepen your understanding of the theoretical, empirical, and methodological frameworks that underpin contemporary far-right politics.

University of Oslo

C-REX and the ECPR Standing Group on Extremism and Democracy are thrilled to present the 4th edition of its Summer School focusing on the study of the far–right in its radical, populist, and extremist manifestations. The programme is crafted to deepen your understanding of the theoretical, empirical, and methodological frameworks that underpin contemporary far-right politics.

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