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Tidligere arrangementer - Side 28

Tid og sted: , Eilert Sundts hus, A-blokka: Auditorium 3

Ingrid Kristine Glad (dScience)

dScience er et tverrfaglig senter som blant annet ønsker å forstå data bedre, representere kunnskap gjennom data, sikre intelligent utvikling av kunstig intelligens, håndtere usikkerhet, forstå fenomener - enten de er en del av naturen eller skapt av oss mennesker. 

Tid og sted: , Domus Juridica, aud. 3

Parlamentenes rolle for utforming av kunnskapsbasert politikk


Katrin Auel presents the paper 'Do Parliaments Talk about Each Other? Analysing Transparliamentary References in the Austrian Nationalrat and the German Bundestag’ at the ARENA Tuesday seminar on 5 April 2022.

Tid og sted: , Harald Schjelderups hus Forsamlingssalen/Zoom

A two-day workshop on pupillometry and its applications in ongoing research at the University of Oslo and RITMO.

Tid og sted: , Jean Monnet House, Houjarray

In cooperation with the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) and the EP's DG Communication, EU3D organise the seminar 'Democracy in Tomorrow's Europe: Institutional debates, action and tools in the context of the Conference on the Future of Europe' at the Jean Monnet House outside Paris.

Tid og sted: , Online

With Ruth Wodak (Lancaster University/University Vienna)

Tid og sted: , Tencent

John Erik Fossum will hold a guest lecture on Brexit and the European Union at the Beijing and Fudan Universities on 30 March 2022. 

Tid og sted: , Gullhaug Torg 1 & Zoom

Title of the presentation: "Fighting the Disease or Manipulating the Data? Democracy, State Capacity, and the COVID-19 Pandemic"


Tid og sted: , Ullevål Stadion: Møterom 342

In this final seminar Jørgen will present his Ph.D. thesis draft on the digitalisation and sustainability transitions in urban passenger mobility.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

In this online seminar, we will discuss Jaganath Sankaran and Steve Fetter's paper "Defending the United States: Revisiting National Missile Defense against North Korea"

Tid og sted: , Zoom (link provided upon registration)

PROMENTAs March Scientific Meeting features a talk by our partner Dr. Eveline Crone, professor of Developmental Neuroscience in Society at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and professor of Neurocognitive Developmental Psychology at Leiden University.


Roman Senninger presents the paper 'Does Evidence-Based Policy-Making Reduce Elite Polarization?' at the ARENA Tuesday seminar on 22 March 2022.

Tid og sted: , Sognsveien 77 (room 207) and Zoom

The workshop marks the start-up of the project, which is financed by The Norwegian Research Council (project number 324472) and with NTNU as the collaborating institution.

Tid og sted: , Nydalen

Business and Climate Policy Development: When Does Opposition Become Support?

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Title of the presentation: "License to Educate: The Role of National Networks in Colonial Empires"

Tid og sted: , Nydalen

What role are cyber operations playing in the Ukrainian war? In this presentation, Dr Philipp Lutscher will elaborate on how Ukraine became a testbed for Russian cyber actions since 2014, talk about different activities, such as Denial-of-Service attacks and their motivation, and show that such cyber operations played a rather marginal role in the conflict thus far. Finally, Philipp will talk about Russia's strategy of information control, more precisely, the use of bots, disinformation campaigns, and censorship.


Velkommen til nasjonalt vinterseminar i samfunnsgeografi. Seminaret er en lavterskel møteplass for alle samfunnsgeografer; studenter, vitenskapelig ansatte og ansatte i arbeidslivet. Årets tema er polarisering.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Title of the presentation: "Colonial Education, Political Elites, and Regional Political Inequality in Africa"

Tid og sted: , Online

Lecturer: Ionut Chiruta, University of Tartu

Tid og sted: , Harriet Holters hus, Seminar room 201, Moltke Moes vei 31

Oslo Meetings for Genetics and Social Sciences (OMGSS) is an interdisciplinary forum open to researchers in genetics (quantitative, molecular) and/or social sciences (psychology, sociology, demography, economics) and beyond. We aim to foster knowledge exchange between disciplines, increase collaboration, and develop practical skills and resources. 

Tid og sted: , ARENA (Gaustadalléen 30, Oslo)

Regine Paul presents the paper 'Three worlds of risk for a trademark: The cultural political economy of European AI regulation' at the ARENA Tuesday seminar on 8 March 2022.

Tid og sted: , Forsamlingssalen, Harald Schjelderups Hus

The PROMENTA Genetics Network is hosting this one day science communication event, featuring two London based guest speakers. 

Tid og sted: , Nydalen

How Public Service Users React to Bureaucratic Scandals: Evidence from a Real-World Embezzlement Case

Tid og sted: , Zoom/BETA, University of Strasbourg
Tid og sted: , Eilert Sundts hus, A-blokka Auditorium 6

I dette seminaret snakker vi om karrierermuligheter innen data-vitenskap.