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Tidligere arrangementer - Side 35

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Neil Ketchley presents Violence, Concessions, and Decolonization: Evidence from the 1919 Egyptian Revolution

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Leading experts will share their analyses of the emerging political role of the European Commission in this online panel discussion, organised by Webster University in Vienna. Moderated by EU3D Professor Jozef Bátora.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Roberta Guerrina presents the paper 'The Role of the High Representative in Framing Gender: A Comparison of Catherine Ashton and Federica Mogherini' at the ARENA Tuesday seminar on 13 April 2021.

Tid og sted: , CEST, Zoom

With Kurt Braddock (PERIL, American University) and Bart Schuurman (ISGA, Leiden University)

Tid og sted: , Zoom webinar

As part of our innovation lunch series, Professor James Wilsdon (The University of Sheffield) presents "Meta-science and meta-research: old wine in new bottles, or a cocktail for change?"

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Lecturer: Haley McEwen (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg)

Tid og sted: , Zoom

We will discuss Oliver Barton's paper "'No Special Privileges'? British Nuclear Forces, Transatlantic Relations, and the INF Negotiations."

Tid og sted: , Zoom

We are happy to welcome Associate professor in environmental humanities and director of the Oslo School of Environmental Humanities, Ursula Münster for the next STS Methods Lab.

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C-REX inviterer til masterlunsj for de som skriver oppgave om eller studerer høyreekstremisme. 

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Frauke Rohden is a PhD candidate at the Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture (TIK). This seminar marks her midway evaluation.

Tid og sted: , CEST, Zoom

With Katrine Fangen (C-REX, University of Oslo) and moderated by Cynthia Miller-Idriss (American University)

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Tid og sted: , Online

Speaker: Jonas Kunst, Department of Psychology, University of Oslo

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C-REX and the Research Group on Populism, Anti-gender and Democracy at the University of Stavanger co-organise an online workshop on gender dimensions of right-wing populism and extremism. 


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17. mars deltar Førsteamanuensis Tone Druglitrø i en paneldebatt som handler om forholdet mellom ekspertkunnskap og politikk under korona.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

On March 16 Professor Kristin Asdal will contribute to an interdisciplinary lecture series with her lecture entitled "The Archive of the Anthropocene: The Nature of Political Documents and the Role of Documents in Politics of Nature". 

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Andrew Geddes presents the paper 'Repertoires of Migration Governance in the European Union' at the ARENA Tuesday seminar on 16 March 2021.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

In this final seminar Elisabeth Svennevik will present her thesis investigating car-sharing practices in transitions to sustainable mobility.

Tid og sted: , Zoom: link nederst på siden

Karen Waltorp skulle gjestet Litteraturhuset og introdusert Nordisk Laboratorium sitt nye fokus digitale hverdagsliv, i 2020. Grenser ble stengt og resten er historie. Men, den 15. mars deltar Waltorp på en workshop knyttet til forskningsprosjektet Privatlivets Grenser, og vi streamer hennes åpningsinnlegg.

Tid og sted: , Online

The conference will bring together experts and stakeholders from policymaking, civil society and academia, as well as a ‘witness panel’ with stakeholders involved in the Brexit negotiations. 

Tid og sted: , Zoom / 830

Hvem vinner stortingsvalget? Selv om ingen vet noe sikkert før valget har funnet sted, har vi en mengde data som gjør det mulig å svare i form av sannsynligheter.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Vinterseminaret er en møteplass for samfunnsgeografer der vi diskuterer temaer som har relevans på tvers av fagets ulike retninger. Årets tema er "grenser".

Tid og sted: , CET, Zoom

Title of the presentation "The Phantom at the Opera: How Social Movements Intersect with Institutional Politics; Reflections from A Study of American Political Development”

Tid og sted: , Zoom
The STS Methods Lab is relaunched! After a short break, we are up and running again and will offer a series of methods seminars this spring. First off is Helge Jordheim on temporalities as methods.