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Tidligere arrangementer - Side 59

Tid og sted: , ES830

The theme this time is Anthropology, labor, and class.

Tid og sted: , Seminar room ES 1220, Faculty of Social Sciences, UiO

MACRO BB seminar. Arnaldur S. Kristjansson, PhD candidate and project member, presents "Optimal taxation of investors and workers".

Tid og sted: , Psykologisk Institutt

It is time for another seminar and dinner for the Fellows at the Department of Psychology!  

April 30th

Seminar: 9:00-12:00 @ Psykologisk Institutt

Dinner: 18:00-24:00

Tid og sted: , Johan P. Olsen Room

In the extended Tuesday Seminar held on 28 April 2015, which was also ELJ's For and Against Series #2, Prof. Neil Walker from Edinburgh Law School and Julio Baquero Cruz from the European Commission discussed constitutional pluralism.

Tid og sted: , Rjieka, Croatia

Tatiana Fumasoli will hold a public lecture on the evolving academic profession in Europe at the University of Rjieka in Croatia on 28 April 2015.

Tid og sted: , ESOP seminar room ES 1047

MACRO BB seminar. Alessia Russo, assistant professor and project member, presents the paper "Sustainable Intergenerational Insurance".

Tid og sted: , ES830

In this Meeting, Christian has chosen two Readings from the edited book Vital Relations (2013); one chapter by Janet Carsten and another by Gillian Feeley-Harnik. Christian will introduce the chapters.


Tid og sted: , ES821

We read a couple of texts on rituals and perspectives, and discuss these in relation to a draft written by Jon Henrik.

Tid og sted: , Seminar room ES 1220, Faculty of Social Sciences, UiO

MACRO BB seminar. Yikai Wang, assistant professor and project member, presents "China's Shadow Banking System".

Tid og sted: , Fafo, styrerommet. Adresse: Borggata 2B, like ved Grønland kirke

Prosjektet Institusjonell endring inviterer til seminar med Cathrine Holst om demokrati og ekspertise.

Seminaret er åpent for alle interesserte.

Tid og sted: , Johan P. Olsen Room

At the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 17 March Uwe Puetter presented an excerpt from the book The New Intergovernmetalism: States and Supranational Actors in the Post-Maastricht Era authored with Christopher Bickerton and Dermot Hodson.

Tid og sted: , Seminar room ES1220, Faculty of Social Sciences

MACRO BB seminar. Andreas Müller, assistant professor and project member, presents the paper "Sovereign Default Risk in a Political Equilibrium".


Tid og sted: , Seminar room ES1220, Faculty of Social Sciences

MACRO BB seminar. Alfonso Irrarazabal, BI Norwegian Business School and UiO, presents the paper "Optimal Asset Allocation for Commodity Sovereign Wealth Funds" w. Lin Ma.

Tid og sted: , Johan P. Olsen Room

Prof. Hans-Jörg Trenz from ARENA and University of Copenhagen presented his paper 'Euroscepticism as EU polity contestation: from normative assessment to cognitive framing' at the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 3 March 2015.

Tid og sted: , Faculty of Social Sciences, seminar room ES1220

MACRO BB seminar. Jeffrey R. Campbell, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, presents the paper "Liquidity contraints of the middle class",

Tid og sted: , Escape, Ole-Johan Dahls Hus (IFI)

Vil du vite mer om hva slags forskning Psykologisk Institutt driver med? På under syv minutter forteller våre forskere deg hva de brenner for.

Tid og sted: , ES648

In this meeting we will discuss two contributions by Matt Tomlinson.

Tid og sted: , ES830

First meeting this semester will focus on Linda McDowell's book (2009) Working Bodies: Interactive Service Employment and Workplace Identities.

Tid og sted: , Kraków, Poland

Who is an expert? What is knowledge? How can we reconcile expertise with various types of democracy? A Winter School on these topics for postgraduate students will be organised in Kraków in February 2015.

Tid og sted: , Psykologisk Institutt, Seminar room 2

The young research staff at the department are generally apprehensive about talking to the media, in fear of not being correct or not feeling like "experts" in their own fields yet.

However scary it may be, we all need to face these fears at some point, after all, what is the point of research if no-one learns from it but you?

Tid og sted: , Johan P. Olsen Room

At the ARENA Tuesday seminar on 3 February 2015, Christina Eckes presented the paper 'Constitutionalizing the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) through judicial control: institutional prerogatives, consistency and fundamental rights'.

Tid og sted: , Johan P. Olsen Room

On 27 January 2014, Baldur Thórhallsson from the University of Iceland gave the presentation 'Are Icelanders not good Europeans? The reluctance of the Icelandic political elite to take full part in the European project'.

Tid og sted: , foajeen i Eilert Sundts hus

Våg å vite-prisene tildeles fire masterstudenter ved SV-fakultetet for oppgaver som utfordrer etablerte sannheter og som er av høy kvalitet. Det blir kanapeer, drikke og minikonsert med bandet "Lady Moscow".

Tid og sted: , ES830

This time we will focus on two articles by Tania Murray Li about land and labour.

Tid og sted: , Room 1074, Eilert Sundts hus

Andreas Müller presents the paper "Time-consistent Taxation of Foreign Assets: the Efficiency Cost of  Piketty's Global Wealth Tax".