Election of PhD representatives 2024

Two main representatives and two deputy representatives will be elected for the period 1.7.2024 - 30.6.2025/6. (it is possible to hold the position for one year or two years)

Candidates must be nominated within May 30th (at 12:00).

An electronic election takes place between June 10 and 14 (election ends at 12:00 on June 14th).

The PhD Programme Board is the highest body of the PhD programme. All the study options and the PhD candidates are represented on the board, which is led by the Dean of Research. As a member of the PhD Programme Council, you get the chance to influence decisions that affect the candidates’ situation. The Board meets four to five times during a year.

How do I nominate a candidate for election?

You can nominate candidates by sending an email to ingebjorg.hovde@sv.uio.no within May 30th, at 12.00 AM.

All proposed candidates should have been asked whether she/he is interested in running for election.

Each candidate must have at least one nominator. Candidates may nominate themselves.

Who can stand for election?

You can stand for election if you are a candidate on the PhD Programme for all of the election period (1.7.2024 - 30.6.2025), and your agreement is to work at least 50 % with the doctoral degree.

You must master Norwegian to stand for election.

Who is eligible to vote?

You can vote if you are a candidate on the PhD Programme, and your agreement is to work at least 50 % with the doctoral degree.

Wondering whether to take on the task?

Send an email to one of the sitting representatives to ask about their experience and why it is important to be represented on the Board.

Anna Ivanova - Department of Psychology - current
Solveig Bjørkholt - Department of Political Science - current

Publisert 8. juni 2018 11:26 - Sist endret 15. mai 2024 10:26