Ella Marie Sandbakken


Ella Marie Sandbakken, PhD candidate at Oslo New University College and Department of Psychology
Contact information: e.m.sandbakken@psykologi.uio.no

Ella Marie Sandbakken
Foto: Tron Trondal

As a PhD representative at the PhD programme board, I wish to contribute to a PhD programme that gives candidates both a warm social environment with opportunities to connect with fellow researchers, as well as gaining solid academic competence that will be valuable both inside and outside of academia. I find it important to evaluate if there should be included an additional welcoming day at each institute in addition to the introduction day and courses at faculty level. Being an externally funded PhD candidate myself, I hope to contribute to making an inclusive environment for both internal and external candidates. I also wish to contribute to a best possible transition from the digital years under COVID-19, and want to discuss how physical versus digital attendances at courses and defences should best be managed. 



Av Ella Marie Sandbakken
Publisert 17. juni 2019 09:11 - Sist endret 12. juni 2024 05:54