Kaja Sparre Bakke

Kaja Sparre Bakke, PhD candidate at Department of Political Science

Contact information: k.s.bakke@stv.uio.no

Anna Harpviken

Foto: Teuta Kukleci

As a member of the PhD program board, I want to contribute to making the PhD-journey at the Faculty of Social Sciences as fulfilling, rewarding and constructive as possible. The PhD position offers a unique opportunity for learning and exploring while simultaneously laying the groundwork for future career prospects. The combination of learning, working, and often teaching, creates an exciting role that enjoys great flexibility and numerous opportunities for individual creativity. To fully exploit these features however, we need a robust framework for the PhD program at large. As a member of the PhD program board, I want to contribute to strengthen this framework in four ways:

  1. Communication across departments: we can significantly benefit from increased interaction among PhD students across our faculty. By strengthening existing platforms for regular exchange, we can share experiences and insights as well as offer mutual support and build a stronger community. Additionally, I will advocate for the continuous updating and improvement of the courses offered at the faculty. I believe these courses have the potential to be valuable assets for PhDs if we manage to strike the right balance between generalizability and relevance across fields.
  2. Career development: with the growing number of PhD students, it's crucial to broaden our career outlook. I will advocate for enhanced resources and programs that prepare us for diverse career paths, both within and outside academia. This includes workshops, networking events, and mentorship opportunities tailored to a variety of career aspirations. Not all PhDs plan on continuing a career in academia. Rather than overlook this segment of PhDs, the faculty should support and take pride in their venture into the non-academic work force.
  3. Collaboration across seniority: joint initiatives between junior and senior faculty members, such as workshops, conferences, and collaborative projects, are invaluable. These arenas offer great learning opportunities for PhD students while also fostering an inclusive and productive research community writ large. I will advocate for the continuation of efforts to enhance collaboration across roles and seniority.
  4. Clear Expectations and guidelines: as flexible and unique the PhD role can be, it can also involve unwanted uncertainty and ambiguity. Here, the faculty can work to streamline communication channels, ensuring that important information is readily accessible and disseminated promptly. Increased communication between the departments can also offer valuable insights into how PhDs are best supported.

I am currently entering my second year in a four-year open PhD position at the department of Political Science. Before I started my PhD, I worked as a research assistant on various projects across multiple institutions. I hold both a BA and an MA from the University of Oslo. At the board, I hope to make the PhD experience live up to its great potentials as both a job and as an education.

Av Anna Harpviken
Publisert 31. mai 2024 09:02 - Sist endret 8. juni 2024 12:41