Anna Harpviken

Anna Harpviken, PhD candidate at National Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies (NKVTS) and Department of Psycology

Contact information:

Anna Harpviken

Foto: Kristoffer Sandven 

Being a member of the program board; contributing to creating the best possible framework and experience for the PhD-students enrolled at the University of Oslo feels both meaningful and educational. As a member of the program board, my goal will be to contribute so that our faculty not only excels in academic and research achievements but also provides an encouraging and empowering environment for all PhD-students. By focusing on opportunities for growth and ambition in research, while also advocating for the well-being of our PhD-students and furthering open and transparent dialogue between students and faculty, I hope to enhance the PhD-experience for everyone.

As a member of the program board, I am committed to representing and advocating for the diverse needs and aspirations of our PhD-community – both the external and internal candidates. Our faculty thrives on the dedication, ambition, and innovative research conducted by its PhD-students. To further enhance their experience and ensure academic and personal well-being, I will focus on the following aspects of the PhD-experience:

- Opportunities: I wish to contribute to useful and vibrant academic and professional arenas for PhD-students, raising issues important for securing the best opportunities for development both during and after the PhD-period. This, I believe, benefits both students, faculty, and society. Such opportunities can be fostered through measures such as organizing workshops and seminars on relevant topics (such as grant writing, publishing, or career development), fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and networking both within and  outside of academia, as well as fostering partnerships with relevant actors. It is also relevant to pace the delivery of resources to different phases of the PhD – for example pedagogics at the start and grant proposals towards the end.

- Well-being: a PhD-period brings both joys and opportunities, but also frustrations and challenges. It is essential that we prioritize mental health and well-being, creating a supportive community that addresses the challenges of PhD-life. Many great resources have been established already, and a continued and even increased focus on social activities and introductory events is important. I also intend to further integrate international and external PhD-candidates both academically and socially.

- Ambition and quality in research: knowing the dedication and determination of most PhDstudents, I wish to cultivate a culture of high ambition and quality in research, supporting PhD-students in producing impactful and innovative work. Here, I suggest increased focus on support structures (e.g., mentoring programs, peer review groups and access to relevant facilities and resources), recognizing and encouraging innovative and remarkable research, as well as supporting and emphasizing ethical practices. 

- Openness and transparency are values of great importance to me, and I will strive to ensure that these values are prioritized both in the work of the board but also in the communication between faculty and students.

About me:
I recently started my PhD as an external candidate, situated at the National Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies (NKVTS). My project focuses on individual dynamics in trauma treatment for youth. I have always been fascinated by interactions between person and society, and have experience within the fields of psychotraumatology, violence and extremism. With experience both as a clinical psychologist and researcher, I have developed a particular interest in the relationship between research and practice, and a belief that a good dynamic between the two is essential in creating good and viable solutions to different challenges. As a member of the board, I aim to contribute to making the PhD-experience a positive and enlightening one, in all aspect

Av Anna Harpviken
Publisert 31. mai 2024 09:02 - Sist endret 8. juni 2024 11:06