Integrating Genetics and Social Sciences Conference

Extraordinary advances in human genetics have taken place since the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003. But much of this new knowledge on how our DNA shapes us has neglected to consider the social context. Likewise, social science research often ignores the role of genetics.

This conference features interdisciplinary research that gets to the heart of how biological and social factors jointly shape our lives. We will discuss how genetic influences depend on social context at family and neighbourhood levels, and how social mechanisms such as school and spouse effects can be better understood when incorporating genetic information.

Our diverse line-up features psychologists, sociologists, economists, and geneticists, and we hope that our audience will be even more diverse. The event is open to students and staff across the University of Oslo, even if (especially if!) you don’t have a background in genetics!


Download the full programme.  

Register for the conference by June 1st, 2023


This conference is funded by UiO:Life Science


Published Apr. 14, 2023 11:45 AM - Last modified Apr. 18, 2023 12:39 PM