How to securely collect questionnaire data, sound, and pictures for research by using and mobile apps

We can assume that Apple and Google see all data stored on a mobile phone. How do we then collect data for research from the camera and the microphone in a secure way without compromising the respondent´s privacy? recently released a new version of the mobile app Nettskjema-diktafon. This autumn will release a new generic mobile app for taking pictures — available for everyone at UiO.

As a part of the opening of the PROMENTA Research Center, Dagfinn Bergsager (PROMENTA, USIT) will demonstrate how researchers at all levels (including Master students) can use and its mobile apps to collect questionnaire data, sound, and pictures with or without using TSD.

The lecture will be in English, and everyone is welcome. 

Published Aug. 16, 2019 1:50 PM - Last modified Apr. 21, 2022 9:29 AM