
Time and place: , Auditorium 1, Harald Schjelderups Hus

Happiness and wellbeing have emerged as important study subjects within and across many fields of research. A major driving force behind this is the association with physical and mental health and its pivotal role in socioeconomic issues and economic development. With the increased interest in the importance of wellbeing, it is critically important to understand and reveal sources of individual differences. 

Time and place: , Seminarrom 4, Harald Schjelderups Hus

PROMENTAs September Scientific Meeting features a lecture by  Professor Torbjørn Skardhamar, Department of Sociology and Human Geography at the University of Oslo. The meeting is open to all. 

Time and place: , Auditorium 3, Harald Schjelderups Hus

PROMENTAs April Scientific Meeting features a guest lecture by Associate Professor Are Skeie Hermansen, Department of Sociology and Human Geography at the University of Oslo. He will present his new paper "Childhood Immigration, Skill Specialization, and Labor Market Sorting". 

Time and place: , Zoom (link provided upon registration)

PROMENTAs March Scientific Meeting features a talk by our partner Dr. Eveline Crone, professor of Developmental Neuroscience in Society at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and professor of Neurocognitive Developmental Psychology at Leiden University.