PROMENTA hosts successful Drug Policy Reform seminar

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From left: Cathrine Holst, Jonathan Wollff and Willy Pedersen 

Officially kicking off PROMENTA activities at the Department of Sociology and Human Geography, Professor Willy Pedersen hosted a stimulating and productive two day seminar on drug policy reform last week.

The coming Norwegian drug policy reform is a key research area, and professor of Philosophy at Oxford University, Jonathan Wolff invited us to reflect on the remarkable current situation, in which people worldwide can be put in prison for acts that harm only themselves. How can such policies be justified? Are there other ways to solve our drug problems?

Professor of Sociology at University of Oslo, Cathrine Holst, part of the PROMENTA team, talked about characteristics the “Nordic knowledge regime” in the drug policy area.

Wolff and Holst set the scene for more than 20 presentations from key international and Norwegian researchers, and not least – from members of the Norwegian Drug Policy reform Committee who will deliver their report in December.

Published Sep. 17, 2019 3:01 PM - Last modified Sep. 17, 2019 3:17 PM