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Anders M. Dale appointed honorary doctor for groundbreaking research on the brain.

Anders M. Dale is appointed as an honorary doctor at the University of Oslo for his outstanding scientific achievements - which have contributed to new insights into the function of the brain.

Anders Martin Dale

Anders M. Dale is new honorary doctorate at UiO. Photo: Jarli & Jordan/ UiO

Anders M. Dale is a professor at the University of California San Diego (UC San Diego) within neuroscience, radiology, psychiatry, and cognitive science.

- We receive the news of Anders M. Dale's appointment as an honorary doctor at UiO with great joy. Dale has, in addition to providing new insights into the functioning of the brain, also created a culture for international collaboration that is central to us, says Bjørn Lau. He is head of the Department of Psychology and nominated Dale, who was born in Norway.

Bjørn Lau particularly highlights Dale's pioneering work within "computational neuroimaging" and his efforts to build bridges between academic institutions worldwide.

- This resonates deeply with our core values of collaboration and curiosity, says Lau, who also emphasizes Dale's leadership at the "Center for Multimodal Imaging & Genetics (CMIG)" at UC San Diego. Dale has also played a significant role in the development of FreeSurfer - one of the world's most widely used and freely available tools in brain imaging, which has revolutionized the understanding of the brain's development and aging.

Other qualities of Anders M. Dale that are highlighted is his international orientation and the quality of research that is crucial for the development of groundbreaking scientific thinking.

- Dale's mentoring work and support for young researchers also reflect our commitment to future academic growth, says Bjørn Lau.

Will yield benefits far into the future

Anders M. Dale collaborates with both UiO and renowned institutions such as Harvard Medical School and UCSD.

Image may contain: Clothing, Forehead, Smile, Dress shirt, Sleeve.
Bjørn Lau. Photo: Sverre Aurstad

- Dale's methodological innovations have further developed the scientific basis for neuroscientific research at UiO and the Department of Psychology and have established a solid foundation that will bear fruit far into the future. His generous willingness to share knowledge and resources has contributed to creating an environment characterized by openness and growth, which is fundamental for scientific progress. His significant role and contributions to the research field thus make him an exemplary candidate for the honorary doctorate at UiO, says Lau.

Broad collaboration with Norwegian researchers

Among researchers at UiO who have particularly benefited from Dale's methodological expertise in their research are professors Ole A. Andreassen, Lars T. Westlye, Christian K. Tamnes, Anders M. Fjell, and Kristine B. Walhovd, as well as a large number of Ph.D. and post-doc fellows at UiO.

From the nomination for the honorary doctorate, it is stated, among other things, that: "Many researchers at UiO have benefited from studying abroad with Dale. Dale, with his innovative methods and inclusive research, has greatly contributed to a very active brain imaging environment at UiO and OUS, as well as correspondingly active environments within genetics, with a series internationally in terms of recruitment and education of young researchers."

It is also pointed out that Dale's methods of reconstructing the cerebral cortex and visualizing changes in the brain over time have been revolutionary and have contributed to illuminating the development and aging of the human brain in both health and disease. He has contributed significantly and broadly to the development of multimodal brain imaging techniques and analysis tools. Dale has also developed methods for examining the genetic influences on the brain and has developed methods for quantifying individual differences in risk for the development of Alzheimer's disease.

"By generously making his analysis tools under development available to researchers at UiO, he has created unique opportunities and been involved in initiating a large number of projects, several of them ongoing longitudinal studies at UiO.", it concludes.

Read about all new honorary doctors at the University of Oslo: New honorary doctorates at the University of Oslo - University of Oslo (

By Gro Lien Garbo
Published Feb. 16, 2024 12:08 PM - Last modified Feb. 16, 2024 12:10 PM