Karen O'Brien: Climate Change and Transformations to Climate Change: You Matter More Than You Think

Time and place: Aud. 1, Harald Schjeldrups hus

Many people are worried about climate change. They are concerned not only about the impacts, but also our inability to respond at the rate, scale, speed, and depth that is called for by international agreements. Climate anxiety, climate trauma, and climate depression are rapidly becoming part of our vocabulary. A growing field of research on transformative change looks at how we can shift systems and cultures at scale to meet the 2030 Agenda, and emphasizes the need to think, act, and design differently. How do we do this?  In this talk, O'Brien discusses the practical, political, and personal spheres of transformation and present a relational approach to scaling solutions to climate change. She argues that we need to make a “quantum leap,” which involves a recognition that each of us matters more than we think.