Mudassar Aziz: Academic Equity in Climate Action: The Role of Psychological Knowledge in Justice Initiatives

This seminar is designed to elucidate the essential intersection between academic equity and climate justice, emphasizing the vital contribution of psychological insights in formulating strategies that are not only efficacious but also inclusive and equitable. In the sphere of climate action, academic equity pertains to the equitable allocation of opportunities, resources, and platforms across the domains of education and research related to climate science and environmental studies. The application of psychological principles plays a crucial role in tailoring adaptation and mitigation strategies to climate change, thereby acknowledging and addressing the myriad historical, cultural, economic, and political factors that not only propel climate change but also influence the development of solutions. This approach underscores the complexity of climate action, advocating for a multidimensional strategy that integrates psychological understanding with a broad spectrum of interdisciplinary insights to forge equitable and effective responses to climate change.

Mudassar Aziz, is a psychologist affiliated with the University of Oslo's  Social Psychology (MAKS) department. He has made significant contributions to the field of climate advocacy through his research and activism in Pakistan, Canada, and Norway. Employing a critical psychological perspective, he seeks to deepen our understanding of the climate crisis and its multifaceted impacts. As a founding member of the Climate Change Collective (CCC) in Pakistan, he has been at the forefront of advocating for climate change awareness and action within marginalized communities. His work is characterized by an interdisciplinary approach that situates the climate crisis at the nexus of gender issues and social justice, highlighting the interconnections between environmental challenges and societal inequities.

Published Feb. 14, 2024 12:25 PM - Last modified Feb. 14, 2024 12:25 PM