Hanne Haavind

Professor emeritus
Image of Hanne Haavind
Mobile phone +47-91616510
Room N02-01/02
Available hours By agreement
Visiting address Forskningsveien 3A Harald Schjelderups hus 0373 Oslo
Postal address Psykologisk institutt Postboks 1094 Blindern 0317 Oslo

Academic interests

  • Social participation and development in children

  • Child care and social changes in parenting and family life - the distribution and collaboration between mothers and fathers

  • Analyzing gendered meanings: Where do the power and the disconnections go?

  • Interpretative methods in clinical and social psychology

  • Psychoterapy with chidren and youth

Higher education and employment history

  • I have been Professor in psychology since 1992

  • Before that I was Associate Professor at the same department

  • Earlier affiliations

    • Institute of Social Science at the University of Tromsø

    • Institutt for behavioral science in Medicine at the University of Oslo

  • Research Director at the Secretariat for Gender Research at the Norwegian Research Council

  • Dr.philos, dissertation is The large and the little one: Maternal care and the developmental possibilities for children (Universitetsforlaget 1987)

  • Psykologspesialist og deltidspraksis som psykoterapeut

  • Guest Researcher:

    • Department of Psychology in UCLA, USA

    • Institute of Human Development at UC Berkeley, USA

    • Institut for psykologi at Københavns Universitet, Danmark

    • Department of Psychology at University of Adelaide, Australia

Tags: Clinical psychology and personality psychology


  • Haune, Monica Christine; Christiansen, Øivin; Heiervang, Einar Røshol & Haavind, Hanne (2024). “Great day! But now what?” Adolescents’ and foster carers’ experiences of a comprehensive health assessment for children in out-of-home care. Children and Youth Services Review. ISSN 0190-7409. 158. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2024.107464. Full text in Research Archive
  • Lømo, Bente; Haavind, Hanne & Tjersland, Odd Arne (2023). Repeated explorations of violent scripts: psychotherapy for men acting violently against their female partner. Counselling Psychology Quarterly. ISSN 0951-5070. doi: 10.1080/09515070.2023.2211937. Full text in Research Archive
  • Jordet, Maria; Gullestad, Siri Erika & Haavind, Hanne (2022). When singing strengthens the capacity to aspire: girls’ reflexivity in rural Bangladesh. Journal of Critical Realism. ISSN 1476-7430. 22(1), p. 7–26. doi: 10.1080/14767430.2022.2095110. Full text in Research Archive
  • Haavind, Hanne (2021). Når vi nå skal snakke om selvmord blant samer, hva er det viktig at vi snakker om? . Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift (SMT). ISSN 0037-833X. 98(5-6), p. 850–860. Full text in Research Archive
  • Østlie, Kristin; Stänicke, Erik & Haavind, Hanne (2021). Assessments in Psychotherapy with Suicidal Patients: The Precedence of Alliance Work. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy. ISSN 0022-0116. doi: 10.1007/s10879-021-09518-3.
  • Haavind, Hanne (2019). Livsformsintervjuet: En veiviser til subjektive erfaringer. In Jansen, Anne & Andenæs, Agnes (Ed.), Hverdagsliv, barndom og oppvekst. Teoretiske posisjoner og metodiske grep. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 978-82-15-02979-5. p. 26–57.
  • Lømo, Bente; Haavind, Hanne & Tjersland, Odd Arne (2019). Finding a common ground: Therapist responsiveness to male clients who have acted violently against their female partner. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. ISSN 0886-2605. 36(17-18), p. NP9930–NP9958. doi: 10.1177/0886260519862271.
  • Stänicke, Line Indrevoll; Haavind, Hanne; Rø, Frida Gullestad & Gullestad, Siri Erika (2019). Discovering One’s Own Way: Adolescent Girls’ Different Pathways Into and Out of Self-Harm. Journal of Adolescent Research. ISSN 0743-5584. p. 1–30. doi: 10.1177/0743558419883360. Full text in Research Archive
  • Råbu, Marit; Mcleod, John; Haavind, Hanne; Bernhardt, Ida S.; Nissen-Lie, Helene A & Moltu, Christian (2019). How psychotherapists make use of their experiences from being a client: Lessons from a collective autoethnography . Counselling Psychology Quarterly. ISSN 0951-5070. 34(1), p. 109–128. doi: 10.1080/09515070.2019.1671319. Full text in Research Archive
  • Gulbrandsen, Wenke; Haavind, Hanne & Tjersland, Odd Arne (2018). Mediation strategies in the face of custody conflicts. Conflict Resolution Quarterly. ISSN 1536-5581. 36(4), p. 293–309. doi: 10.1002/crq.21241. Full text in Research Archive
  • Rønnestad, Michael Helge; Nissen-Lie, Helene A; Oddli, Hanne; Benum, Kirsten; Ekroll, Vidar Blokhus & Gullestad, Siri Erika [Show all 12 contributors for this article] (2018). Expanding the Conceptualization of Outcome and Clinical Effectiveness. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy. ISSN 0022-0116. 49, p. 87–97. doi: 10.1007/s10879-018-9405-z.
  • Gulbrandsen, Wenke; Haavind, Hanne & Tjersland, Odd Arne (2018). High-conflict parents in mediation: An analysis of dialogues and sources to conflict. Conflict Resolution Quarterly. ISSN 1536-5581. 35(4), p. 335–349. doi: 10.1002/crq.21214. Full text in Research Archive
  • Østbye, Silje Vagli; Kvamme, Maria Fredriksen; Wang, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson; Haavind, Hanne; Waage, Trond & Risør, Mette Bech (2018). ‘Not a film about my slackness’: Making sense of medically unexplained illness in youth using collaborative visual methods. Health. ISSN 1363-4593. 24(1), p. 38–58. doi: 10.1177/1363459318785696. Full text in Research Archive
  • Stänicke, Line Indrevoll; Haavind, Hanne & Gullestad, Siri Erika (2018). How do young people understand their own self-harm? A meta-synthesis of adolescents' subjective experience of self-harm. Adolescent Research Review. ISSN 2363-8346. 3(2), p. 173–191. doi: 10.1007/s40894-018-0080-9.
  • Rasmussen, Mette Lyberg; Haavind, Hanne & Dieserud, Gudrun Klemetsdal (2018). Young Men, Masculinities, and Suicide. Archives of Suicide Research. ISSN 1381-1118. 22(2), p. 327–343. doi: 10.1080/13811118.2017.1340855.
  • Østlie, Kristin; Stänicke, Erik & Haavind, Hanne (2018). A listening perspective in psychotherapy with suicidal patients: Establishing convergence in therapists and patients private theories on suicidality and cure. Psychotherapy Research. ISSN 1050-3307. 28(1), p. 150–163. doi: 10.1080/10503307.2016.1174347.
  • Lømo, Bente; Haavind, Hanne & Tjersland, Odd Arne (2018). From Resistance to Invitations: How Men Voluntarily in Therapy for Intimate Partner Violence May Contribute to the Development of a Working Alliance. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. ISSN 0886-2605. 33(16), p. 2579–2601. doi: 10.1177/0886260516628290.
  • Rasmussen, Mette Lyberg; Dyregrov, Kari; Haavind, Hanne; Leenaars, Antoon A. & Dieserud, Gudrun Klemetsdal (2018). The Role of Self-Esteem in Suicides Among Young Men. Omega - Journal of Death and Dying. ISSN 0030-2228. 77(3), p. 217–239. doi: 10.1177/0030222815601514.
  • Haavind, Hanne (2017). Kvinneforskning og vitenskapelige paradigmer. Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning. ISSN 0809-6341. 41(4), p. 232–239. doi: 10.18261/issn.1891-1781-2017-04-03.
  • Andenæs, Agnes & Haavind, Hanne (2017). Sharing Early Care: Learning from Practitioners. In Fleer, Marilyn & van Oers, Bert (Ed.), International Handbook of Early Childhood Education. Springer. ISSN 9789402409253. p. 1483–1503.
  • Råbu, Marit & Haavind, Hanne (2017). "Hvor langt kom vi?" : felles utforskning av bedring i siste fase av psykoterapi. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470. 54(3), p. 284–293.
  • Råbu, Marit & Haavind, Hanne (2017). Coming to terms: Client subjective expereience of ending psychotherapy. Counselling Psychology Quarterly. ISSN 0951-5070. 31(2), p. 223–242. doi: 10.1080/09515070.2017.1296410. Full text in Research Archive
  • Halvorsen, Margrethe S.; Mcleod, John; Benum, Kirsten & Haavind, Hanne (2016). Response to Commentaries on A Life-Saving Therapy: The Theory-Building Case of "Cora": Conceptualizing the Complexity of Change in Psychotherapy: The Case of “Cora”. Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy. ISSN 1553-0124. 12(3), p. 224–237. doi: 10.14713/pcsp.v12i3.1979.
  • Halvorsen, Margrethe S.; Benum, Kirsten; Haavind, Hanne & Mcleod, John (2016). A Life-Saving Therapy: The Theory-Building Case of "Cora". Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy. ISSN 1553-0124. 12(3), p. 158–193. doi: 10.14713/pcsp.v12i3.1975.
  • Solhaug, Ida; Eriksen, Thor Eirik; De Vibe, Michael F.; Haavind, Hanne; Friborg, Oddgeir & Sørlie, Tore [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2016). Medical and Psychology Student’s Experiences in Learning Mindfulness: Benefits, Paradoxes, and Pitfalls. Mindfulness. ISSN 1868-8527. 7(4), p. 838–850. doi: 10.1007/s12671-016-0521-0. Full text in Research Archive
  • Haavind, Hanne & Øvreeide, Haldor (2016). Utviklingsforståelse og terapeutiske fremgangsmåter. In Haavind, Hanne & Øvreeide, Haldor (Ed.), Barn og unge i psykoterapi, bind 2. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 978-82-05-48756-7. p. 11–20.
  • Haavind, Hanne (2016). Involvering og representasjon i den utviklingsrettede samtalen. In Haavind, Hanne & Øvreeide, Haldor (Ed.), Barn og unge i psykoterapi, bind 1. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 978-82-05-48755-0. p. 68–94.
  • Tjersland, Odd Arne; Gulbrandsen, Wenke & Haavind, Hanne (2015). Mandatory Mediation outside the Court: A Process and Effect Study. Conflict Resolution Quarterly. ISSN 1536-5581. 33(1), p. 19–34. doi: 10.1002/crq.21129.
  • Kiamanesh, Parvin; Dieserud, Gudrun Klemetsdal; Dyregrov, Kari & Haavind, Hanne (2015). Maladaptive perfectionism: Understanding the psychological vulnerability to suicide in terms of developmental history. Omega - Journal of Death and Dying. ISSN 0030-2228. 71(2), p. 126–145. doi: 10.1177/0030222815570592.
  • Kiamanesh, Parvin; Dieserud, Gudrun Klemetsdal & Haavind, Hanne (2015). From a Cracking Façade to a Total Escape: Maladaptive Perfectionism and Suicide. Death Studies. ISSN 0748-1187. 39(5), p. 316–322. doi: 10.1080/07481187.2014.946625.
  • Haavind, Hanne; Thorne, Barrie; Hollway, Wendy & Magnusson, E (2015). “Because nobody likes Chinese girls”: Intersecting identities and emotional experiences of subordination and resistance in school life. Childhood. ISSN 0907-5682. 22(3), p. 300–315. doi: 10.1177/0907568214549080.
  • Haavind, Hanne (2014). Who does he think he is? Making New friends and leaving others behind - on the path from childhood to youth. In Schott, Robin May & Søndergaard, Dorte Marie (Ed.), School Bullying: New Theories in Context. Cambridge University Press. ISSN 978-1-107-02776-3. p. 129–159. doi: 10.1017/cbo9781139226707.009.
  • Kiamanesh, Parvin; Dyregrov, Kari; Haavind, Hanne & Dieserud, Gudrun Klemetsdal (2014). Suicide and Perfectionism: A Psychological Autopsy Study of Non-clinical Suicides. Omega - Journal of Death and Dying. ISSN 0030-2228. 69(4), p. 381–399. doi: 10.2190/OM.69.4.c.
  • Rasmussen, Mette Lyberg; Dieserud, Gudrun Klemetsdal; Dyregrov, Kari & Haavind, Hanne (2014). Warning signs of suicide among young men. Nordic Psychology. ISSN 1901-2276. 66(3), p. 153–167. doi: 10.1080/19012276.2014.921576.
  • Rasmussen, Mette Lyberg; Haavind, Hanne; Dieserud, Gudrun Klemetsdal & Dyregrov, Kari (2014). Exploring Vulnerability to Suicide in the Developmental History of Young Men: A Psychological Autopsy Study. Death Studies. ISSN 0748-1187. 38(9), p. 549–556. doi: 10.1080/07481187.2013.780113.
  • Råbu, Marit; Haavind, Hanne & Binder, Per-Einar (2013). We have travelled a long distance and sorted out the mess in the drawers: Metaphors for moving toward the end in psychotherapy. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. ISSN 1473-3145. 13(1), p. 71–80. doi: 10.1080/14733145.2012.711339. Full text in Research Archive
  • Haavind, Hanne (2013). Hvem bilder han seg ind,at han er? Genforhandlinger om venskaber mellom børn i overgangen mellem barndom og ungdom. In Kofoed, Jette & Søndergaard, Dorte Marie (Ed.), Mobning gentænkt. Hans Reitzels Forlag. ISSN 978-87-412-5616-0. p. 193–227.
  • Urwin, Cathy; Hauge, Mona-Iren; Hollway, Wendy & Haavind, Hanne (2013). Becoming a mother through culture. Qualitative Inquiry. ISSN 1077-8004. 19(6), p. 470–479. doi: 10.1177/1077800413482101.
  • Råbu, Marit; Binder, Per-Einar & Haavind, Hanne (2013). Negotiating ending: A qualitative study of the process of ending psychotherapy. European Journal of Psychotherapy & Councelling. ISSN 1364-2537. 15(3), p. 274–295. doi: 10.1080/13642537.2013.810962. Full text in Research Archive
  • Råbu, Marit & Haavind, Hanne (2012). Coming to an end: A case study of an ambigous process of ending. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. ISSN 1473-3145. 12(2), p. 109–117. doi: 10.1080/14733145.2011.608131. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hafstad, Gertrud Sofie; Haavind, Hanne & Jensen, Tine Kristin (2012). Parenting after a natural disaster: A qualitative study of Norwegian families surviving the 2004 Tsunami in Southeast Asia. Journal of Child and Family Studies. ISSN 1062-1024. 21(2), p. 293–302. doi: 10.1007/s10826-011-9474-z.
  • Haavind, Hanne (2011). Utvikling og deltakelse. Livsformsintervju som klinisk instrument med barn og unge. In Von der Lippe, Anna Louise & Rønnestad, Michael Helge (Ed.), Det kliniske intervjuet. Bind II. Praksis med ulike klientgrupper. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 978-82-05-39972-3. p. 133–153.
  • Magnusson, E & Haavind, Hanne (2011). Feminist approaches to psychology in the Nordic countries: The fates of feminism in psychology in modern welfare societies. In Rutherford, A.; Capdevila, R.; Undurti, V. & Palmary, I. (Ed.), Handbook of international feminisms: Perspectives on psychology, women, culture, and rights. Springer Publishing Company. ISSN 1441998683. p. 151–174. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4419-9869-9_8.
  • Haavind, Hanne (2011). Everyday life in psychology. Nordic Psychology. ISSN 1901-2276. 63(2), p. 1–3. doi: 10.1027/1901-2276/a000029.
  • Haavind, Hanne (2011). Loving and caring for small children: Contested issues for everyday practices. Nordic Psychology. ISSN 1901-2276. 63(2), p. 24–48. doi: 10.1027/1901-2276/a000031.
  • Jansen, Anne & Haavind, Hanne (2011). "If only" and "despite all" Narrative configuration among young people living in residential care. Narrative Inquiry. ISSN 1387-6740. 21(1), p. 68–87. doi: 10.1075/ni.21.1.04jan.
  • Hauge, Mona-Iren & Haavind, Hanne (2011). Boys' bodies and the constitution of adolescent masculinities. Sport, Education and Society. ISSN 1357-3322. 16(1), p. 1–16. doi: 10.1080/13573322.2011.531958.
  • Råbu, Marit; Halvorsen, Margrethe S. & Haavind, Hanne (2011). Early relationship struggles: A case study of alliance formation and reparation. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. ISSN 1473-3145. 11(1), p. 23–33. doi: 10.1080/14733145.2011.546073. Full text in Research Archive
  • Råbu, Marit; Hytten, Karsten; Haavind, Hanne & Binder, Per-Einar (2010). Development through interruptions and reparations – A case study of a mutually challenging psychotherapy. European Journal of Psychotherapy & Councelling. ISSN 1364-2537. 12, p. 287–302. Full text in Research Archive
  • Jensen, Tine Kristin; Haavind, Hanne; Gulbrandsen, Wenke; Mossige, Svein; Reichelt, Sissel & Tjersland, Odd Arne (2010). What constitutes a good working alliance in therapy with children that may have been sexually abused? Qualitative Social Work. ISSN 1473-3250. 9, p. 461–478.
  • Rønbeck, Knut; Hagen, Tore & Haavind, Hanne (2010). Foreldreposisjoner i bevegelse : fra fastlåst konflikt til utvidet omsorg og empati for egne barn. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470. 47(8), p. 720–729.
  • Haavind, Hanne (2009). Familien som oppvekst arena for barn og unge. In Hjermann, Reidar & Haanes, Knut (Ed.), Barn. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 978-82-15-01443-2. p. 106–126.
  • Haavind, Hanne (2009). To spor i psykologisk forskning? In Gullestad, Siri Erika; Killingmo, Bjørn & Magnussen, Svein (Ed.), Klinikk og laboratorium. Psykologi i hundre år. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 978-82-15-01563-7. p. 114–129.
  • Haavind, Hanne (2009). Innledning til ny utgave. In Gruda Skard, Åsa (Eds.), Ungene våre. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 9788205381513. p. 9–26.
  • Haavind, Hanne (2008). Det tosidige likestillingsprosjektet: Hva er det som skjer, og hvordan blir forståelsen formet? Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning. ISSN 0809-6341. 32(4), p. 59–79.

View all works in Cristin

  • Haavind, Hanne & Øvreeide, Haldor (2016). Barn og unge i psykoterapi, bind 2. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISBN 978-82-05-48756-7. 347 p.
  • Haavind, Hanne & Øvreeide, Haldor (2016). Barn og unge i psykoterapi, bind 1. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISBN 978-82-05-48755-0. 302 p.
  • Haavind, Hanne & Øvreeide, Haldor (2007). Barn og unge i psykoterapi. Bind I: Samspill og utviklingsforståelse. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISBN 9788205362734. 336 p.
  • Haavind, Hanne & Øvreeide, Haldor (2007). Barn og unge i psykoterapi. Bind II: Terapeutiske fremgangsmåter og forandring. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISBN 978-82-05-37368-6. 274 p.

View all works in Cristin

  • Haavind, Hanne (2019). Feeling Gender. A Generational and Psychosocial Approach. NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research. ISSN 0803-8740. 27(3), p. 206–209. doi: 10.1080/08038740.2019.1623523.
  • Råbu, Marit & Haavind, Hanne (2019). "Where did we arrive in the end?" Conjoint explorations of improvements in the last phase of psychotherapy.
  • Axelsen, Eva Dalsgaard; Benum, Kirsten; Bernhardt, Ida S.; Gullestad, Siri Erika; Halvorsen, Margrethe Seeger & Hartmann, Ellen Johanne [Show all 24 contributors for this article] (2017). Historien Psykologtidsskriftet ikke forteller. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470. 54(12), p. 1197–1199.
  • Haavind, Hanne (2017). «Historicity as Existence” – Review of Reidar Aasgaard, Marcia Bunge and Merete Roos (Eds.), Nordic Childhoods 1700-1960: From Folk Beliefs to Pippi Longstocking.
  • Mcleod, John; Råbu, Marit; Moltu, Christian & Haavind, Hanne (2016). Researcher reflexivity: Taking account of personal meaning of investigating the integration of Professional and personal knowledge.
  • Solhaug, Ida; Eriksen, Thor Eirik; de Vibe, Michael; Haavind, Hanne; Friborg, Oddgeir & Sørlie, Tore [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2015). From Improving to Befriending: Medical and Psychology Students Experiences in Learning Mindfulness.
  • Rasmussen, Mette Lyberg; Dieserud, Gudrun Klemetsdal; Dyregrov, Kari & Haavind, Hanne (2014). Selvmord hos unge tilsynelatende velfungerende menn. Et psykologisk autopsistudie.
  • Rasmussen, Mette Lyberg; Dieserud, Gudrun Klemetsdal; Dyregrov, Kari & Haavind, Hanne (2014). Selvmord hos unge tilsynelatende velfungerende menn - og hva skal vi se etter?
  • Rasmussen, Mette Lyberg; Dieserud, Gudrun Klemetsdal; Dyregrov, Kari & Haavind, Hanne (2014). Selvmord hos unge tilsynelatende velfungerende menn og psykologisk autopsi som metode.
  • Rasmussen, Mette Lyberg; Dieserud, Gudrun Klemetsdal; Dyregrov, Kari & Haavind, Hanne (2014). Selvmord hos unge tilsynelatende velfungerende menn - og implikasjoner for forebygging.
  • Rasmussen, Mette Lyberg; Dieserud, Gudrun Klemetsdal; Dyregrov, Kari & Haavind, Hanne (2014). Warning Signs of Suicide among Young Men.
  • Rasmussen, Mette Lyberg; Dieserud, Gudrun Klemetsdal; Dyregrov, Kari & Haavind, Hanne (2014). Selvmord hos unge tilsynelatende velfungerende menn.
  • Rasmussen, Mette Lyberg; Dieserud, Gudrun Klemetsdal; Dyregrov, Kari & Haavind, Hanne (2014). Selvmord hos unge tilsynelatende velfungerende menn.
  • Rasmussen, Mette Lyberg; Dieserud, Gudrun Klemetsdal; Dyregrov, Kari & Haavind, Hanne (2014). Selvmord hos unge tilsynelatende velfungerende menn.
  • Rasmussen, Mette Lyberg; Dieserud, Gudrun Klemetsdal; Dyregrov, Kari & Haavind, Hanne (2014). Selvmord hos unge tilsynelatende velfungerende menn.
  • Rønnestad, Michael Helge; Gullestad, Siri Erika; Halvorsen, Margrethe; Haavind, Hanne; Lippe, Anna Louise von der & Nissen-Lie, Helene A [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2014). The outcomes of therapies conducted by highly experienced therapists.
  • Halvorsen, Margrethe S.; Benum, Kirsten; Haavind, Hanne; Von der Lippe, Anna Louise; Nissen-Lie, Helene A & Oddli, Hanne [Show all 9 contributors for this article] (2014). How does alliance work develop in phases of psychotherapy?
  • Råbu, Marit & Haavind, Hanne (2013). Creating analytical procedures in the service of making results from psychotherapy research relevant for clinical practice.
  • Råbu, Marit; Haavind, Hanne & Binder, Per-Einar (2012). Metaphors for moving toward the end in psychotherapy.
  • Haavind, Hanne (2012). Den nye tilbakereisen - om forandring gjennom terapi. Materialisten. Tidsskrift for forskning, fagkritikk og teoretisk debatt. ISSN 0801-3055.
  • Hauge, Mona-Iren; Haavind, Hanne; Hollway, Wendy & Urwin, Cathy (2011). Becoming a mother through culture.
  • Råbu, Marit; Binder, Per-Einar & Haavind, Hanne (2011). Negotiating ending: a qualitative study of the process of ending psychotherapy.
  • Råbu, Marit; Binder, Per-Einar & Haavind, Hanne (2011). What has changed? A qualitative study of how improvement in psychotherapy is negotiatied and experienced in the process of ending.
  • Nielsen, Harriet Bjerrum & Haavind, Hanne (2010). "It is up to me to decide who I want to be". [Newspaper]. Glimt, Centre for Advanced Studies, Oslo.
  • Andenæs, Agnes & Haavind, Hanne (2010). Deling av ansvar, omsorg og samvær: Moderne omsorgspraksiser som kunnskapskilde for fagfolk.
  • Nielsen, Harriet Bjerrum & Haavind, Hanne (2010). Hvem tror du at du er? Dagsavisen. ISSN 1503-2892.
  • Råbu, Marit; Halvorsen, Margrethe S. & Haavind, Hanne (2010). Early relationship struggles. A case study of alliance formation and reparation.
  • Halvorsen, Margrethe S.; Rønnestad, Michael Helge; Von der Lippe, Anna Louise; Axelsen, Eva; Haavind, Hanne & Gullestad, Siri Erika [Show all 8 contributors for this article] (2010). Convergence of alliance ratings in a sample of highly experienced teacher-therapists and their clients.
  • Haavind, Hanne (2009). Den besværlige likestillingen. Uniforum. ISSN 1891-5825.
  • Haavind, Hanne (2009). Hva er en kvinne? Apollon : Forskningsmagasin for Universitetet i Oslo. ISSN 0803-6926.
  • Haavind, Hanne (2009). Sosiologi versus psykologi. Sosiolog-nytt. ISSN 0333-3205. 34(4), p. 23–24.
  • Haavind, Hanne (2008). Sociale forandringer som kønsanalytisk udfordring. Kvinder, Køn og Forskning. ISSN 0907-6182. 16(4), p. 63–65.
  • Haavind, Hanne (2008). Livsviktig oppdrag. Posisjoner og budskap i bøker om barneomsorg. Prosa - tidsskrift for skribenter. ISSN 0805-276X. 14(6), p. 20–27.
  • Haavind, Hanne (2008). Hvorfor fremhever du gang på gang at foreldres vakgmuligheter skrumper? Morgenbladet. ISSN 0805-3847.
  • Haavind, Hanne (2008). Tilknytning handler ikke bare om å henge fast ved en person. Morgenbladet. ISSN 0805-3847.
  • Haavind, Hanne (2008). Vi må bygge en omsorgskultur som støtter både mor og far. Morgenbladet. ISSN 0805-3847.
  • Haavind, Hanne (2008). Accountability in persons: What is in the telling to others about yourself?
  • Haavind, Hanne (2008). Talking the personal problems "in“: The power of gendered discourses in the encounters between psychotherapists and their female and male clients.
  • Haavind, Hanne (2008). Med barnet i fokus – en gjennomgang av barnelovens regler om foreldreansvar, bosted og samvær.
  • Stänicke, Line Indrevoll; Gullestad, Siri Erika & Haavind, Hanne (2019). The punished self, the unknown self and the harmed self - towards a more nuanced understanding of self-harm among adolescents. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Dieserud, Gudrun Klemetsdal; Dyregrov, Kari; Haavind, Hanne & Rasmussen, Mette Lyberg (2013). Suicide among young men: self-esteem regulation in transition to adult life. Universitetet i Oslo. ISSN 1504-3991.

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Published Sep. 21, 2010 10:02 AM - Last modified Mar. 14, 2023 12:56 PM


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