Linda Nyanchoka

Postdoctoral Fellow - Clinical Psychology
Image of Linda Moraa Nyanchoka
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Available hours By agreement
Visiting address Forskningsveien 3A Harald Schjelderups hus 0373 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1094 Blindern 0317 Oslo
Other affiliations The International Summer School (Student)

Academic interests

Linda joined the University of Oslo, Department of Psychology in 2023 as a post -doctoral fellow with the project titled, SIBS - Preventing Mental Health Problems in Siblings of Children with Chronic Disorders” at the Section for Clinical Psychology. She previously worked with the Cancer Registry of Norway on a Cervical Cancer Screening and HPV Prevention investigating women in rural areas of Romania attendance and follow-up of cervical cancer screening as well as making recommendations based on research to update the Romania national policy on cervical cancer prevention. She has also worked with the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) as a Public Health Advisor on different national and international public health projects. Linda is passionate about public health, global health, promoting mental health, sexual and reproductive health and rights, evidence synthesis, health systems and policy research.


She is a recent Marie Curie research fellow, she completed her PhD in Clinical Epidemiology from the Université de Paris (Paris, France) and Applied Health from the University of Liverpool (Liverpool, UK). Her PhD focused on the use of health research to inform policy making, practice and future research by exploring methods to identify research gaps and determine research priorities.

Linda also has a joint master’s degree in public health From the University of Copenhagen (Copenhagen, Denmark) and the University of Sheffield (Sheffield, United Kingdom) under Europubhealth, an EU funded Erasmus Mundus Masters programme.

Tags: Clinical psychology


  • Nyanchoka, Linda; Damian, Andreea & Nygård, Mari (2022). Understanding facilitators and barriers to follow-up after abnormal cervical cancer screening examination among women living in remote areas of Romania: a qualitative study protocol. BMJ Open. ISSN 2044-6055. 12(2). doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-053954.
  • Nyanchoka, Linda; Tudur-Smith, Catrin; Thu, Van Nguyen; Iversen, Valentina Cabral; Tricco, Andrea C. & Porcher, Raphaël (2019). A scoping review describes methods used to identify, prioritize and display gaps in health research. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. ISSN 0895-4356. 109, p. 99–110. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2019.01.005. Full text in Research Archive
  • Frøen, Frederik; Myhre, Sonja; Frost, Michael James; Chou, Doris; Mehl, Garrett & Say, Lale [Show all 22 contributors for this article] (2016). eRegistries: Electronic registries for maternal and child health. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. ISSN 1471-2393. 16(11). doi: 10.1186/s12884-016-0801-7. Full text in Research Archive

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  • Nyanchoka, Linda; Stone, Hollie; Myhre, Sonja; Jani-Bølstad, Jagrati & Frøen, Frederik (2015). Status of Maternal and Child Health Registries in Low and Middle Income Countries: A Systematic Review of Literature.

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Published Sep. 1, 2023 3:51 PM - Last modified Sep. 1, 2023 3:51 PM