Perline Demange

Postdoctoral Fellow - PROMENTA
Image of Perline Aline Delle Demange
Available hours By agreement
Visiting address Forskningsveien 3A Harald Schjelderups hus 0373 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1094 Blindern 0317 Oslo

Academic interests

At the core of my scientific interest lies the question of the mechanisms of intergenerational transmission of (dis-)advantage. My work seeks to use, advocate for, and develop tools that strengthen the identification of causal mechanisms in the complex correlations between parental and offspring outcomes, behaviors, environments, and genes.


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Courses taught

  • PSY2209 Behavioral Genetics
  • PSY1250/PSYC1220 Personality Psychology


Selected projects

Intergenerational transmission of education and mental health: Triangulation across genetically-informed designs: I defended my PhD thesis on the 2nd October 2023. You can rewatch the public defense on YouTube.

Evaluating the causal relationship between educational attainment and mental health: You can find a preprint of this upcoming project, as well as the preregistration, slides and posters on the OSF page.

Indirect genetic effects of cognitive and noncognitive skills: Now published in Nature Communications. You can find the code used to run the analyses and simulations, and the pre-registration as well as slides of conference talks and posters on our OSF page. We simulated the three analytic designs to compare their biases, you can watch my 5-min summary here, as well as a two-minute primer on the study.

Genetics of noncognitive skills: Now published in Nature Genetics. Here you can find the FAQ, the tutorial to run your own GWAS-by-subtraction, the code used to run the analyses, and the summary statistics for the GWAS. You can watch the 15-min talk on the project.


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Published Nov. 8, 2023 11:20 AM - Last modified Dec. 5, 2023 5:26 PM