Ralph Porneso

Doctoral Research Fellow - PROMENTA
Image of Ralph Pascual Ortiz Porneso
Available hours By agreement
Visiting address Forskningsveien 3A Harald Schjelderups hus 0373 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1094 Blindern 0317 Oslo
Other affiliations Faculty of Social Sciences (Student)

Academic interests

Statistical methodologies aimed at identifying and modelling non-additive genetic effects to elucidate which, and how, genetic variants interact with each other and psychosocial as well as environmental factors to shape complex traits.


My formal education is in Neuroscience. I trained in the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience (NIN) in 2021 where I participated in rabies-virus monosynaptic retrograde tracing to identify the input circuitry of Chandelier cells in the mouse primary visual cortex. In addition, I performed immunohistochemistry to detect structural synaptic plasticity in these cells and their target, Layer 2 Pyramidal cells. I reconstructed mouse brains in 3D to visualize the sources of inputs of Chandelier cells and quantified the structural plasticity of the pre- and post-synapse using multi-level mixed effects models. 

In 2022, I performed an ERC-funded meta-analysis together with the Health Sciences Department at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam to assess the effect of different interventions aimed at increasing transversal skills of students in higher education. 

Positions held

  • Docent Statistics in Biomedical Science and Epidemiology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (January 2022 - July 2022)
  • Research Assistant at the Health Sciences Department, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (January 2021 - July 2022)


Tags: Statistics, Genetics, Neuroscience


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Published Oct. 20, 2023 5:48 PM - Last modified Oct. 21, 2023 2:23 PM