Roald Arild Bjørklund

Image of Roald Arild Bjørklund
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Room S04-23
Available hours By agreement
Visiting address Forskningsveien 3A Harald Schjelderups hus 0373 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1094 Blindern 0317 Oslo

Academic Interests

At the time being he is doing research within work- and organizational psychology.

Higher education and employment history

  • Professor in work- and organizational psychology. He is specialist in work- and organizational psychology.
  • He has professor competence in Health- and General psychology.
  • He has worked within several areas as experimental psychology, psychopharmacology, stress research, health psychology, work environment research, forensic psychology, and organizational psychology.
Tags: Work and organisational psychology


  • Myklebust, Trond; Motland, Karoline; Garnås, Alexander; Bjørklund, Roald Arild; Bjørkli, Cato Alexander & Fostervold, Knut Inge (2020). An Empirical evaluation of the relationship between human relations climate and readiness for change. Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. ISSN 2002-2867. 5(1), p. 1–12. doi: 10.16993/sjwop.74. Full text in Research Archive
  • Lone, Jon Anders; Garnås, Alexander; Myklebust, Trond; Bjørklund, Roald; Hoff, Thomas & Bjørkli, Cato (2017). Organizational climate and investigation performance in the Norwegian police: A qualitative study. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling. ISSN 1544-4759. 14(3), p. 227–245. doi: 10.1002/jip.1474.
  • Lone, Jon Anders; Riege, Anine Cecilie; Bjørklund, Roald Arild; Hoff, Thomas & Bjørkli, Cato Alexander (2017). The relationship between the broader environment and the work system in a university setting: a systems approach. Studies in Higher Education. ISSN 0307-5079. 42(1), p. 3–22. doi: 10.1080/03075079.2015.1034259.
  • Lone, Jon Anders; Bjørklund, Roald Arild; Østerud, Kaja Brynildsen; Anderssen, Line; Hoff, Thomas & Bjørkli, Cato Alexsander (2014). Assessing knowledge-intensive work environment: General versus situation-specific instruments. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. ISSN 1359-432X. 23(3), p. 469–482. doi: 10.1080/1359432X.2012.750449.
  • Hannevik, Martine B; Lone, Jon Anders; Bjørklund, Roald Arild; Bjørkli, Cato Alexsander & Hoff, Thomas (2014). Organizational climate in large-scale projects in the oil and gas industry: A competing values perspective. International Journal of Project Management. ISSN 0263-7863. 32(4), p. 687–697. doi: 10.1016/j.ijproman.2013.08.006.
  • Lone, Jon Anders; Bjørkli, Cato Alexsander; Bjørklund, Roald Arild; Ulleberg, Pål & Hoff, Thomas (2011). Organizational Climate and Innovation in the Norwegian Service Sector. Scandinavian Journal of Organizational Psychology. ISSN 1891-473X. 3(1), p. 3–17.
  • Myklebust, Trond & Bjørklund, Roald Arild (2010). Factors Affecting the Length of Responses in Field Investigative Interviews of Children (FIIC) in Child Sexual Abuse Cases. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. ISSN 1321-8719. 17(2), p. 273–289. doi: 10.1080/13218710903421290.
  • Myklebust, Trond & Bjørklund, Roald Arild (2009). The Child Verbal Competence Effect in Court: A Comparative Study of Field Investigative Interviews of Children (FIIC) in Child Sexual Abuse Cases. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling. ISSN 1544-4759. 6(2), p. 117–128. doi: 10.10002/jip.97.
  • Hoff, Thomas; Ellen, Flakke; Anne-Karin, Larsen; Lone, Jon Anders; Bjørkli, Cato & Bjørklund, Roald Arild (2009). On the Validity of M-SWOT for Innovation Climate Development. Scandinavian Journal of Organizational Psychology. ISSN 1891-473X. 1(1), p. 3–11.
  • Hoff, Thomas; Straumsheim, Per Atle; Bjørkli, Cato & Bjørklund, Roald Arild (2009). An External Validation of Two Psychosocial Work Environment Surveys – A SWOT Approach. Scandinavian Journal of Organizational Psychology. ISSN 1891-473X. 1(1), p. 11–28.
  • Bjørklund, Roald Arild (2008). Organisasjonspsykologiske suksesskriterier. Psykologisk tidsskrift. ISSN 1501-7508. 12(2), p. 4–10.
  • Bjørklund, Roald Arild & Einarsen, Ståle (2006). Alvorlige arbeidskonflikter og familieliv. In Roness, Atle & Matthiesen, Stig Berge (Ed.), I klem eller balanse. Om arbeid, stress og familieliv. Fagbokforlaget. ISSN 8245003255. p. 92–108.
  • Myklebust, Trond & Bjørklund, Roald Arild (2006). The Effect of Long-Term Training on Police Officers`Use of Open and Closed Questions in Field Investigative Interviews of Children (FIIC). Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling. ISSN 1544-4759. 3, p. 165–181.
  • Bjørklund, Roald Arild (2006). Psykologisk sakkyndighet med vekt på psykologisk profilering. Kritisk juss. ISSN 0804-7375. 32(3), p. 168–182.
  • Bjørklund, Roald Arild (2005). Persepsjon og kommunikasjon: De basale mekanismer for menneskets fungering. In Einarsen, Ståle (Eds.), Den Dyktige Medarbeider. Fagbokforlaget. ISSN 82-450-0234-8. p. 13–42.
  • Bjørklund, Roald Arild (2002). Hverdagens skulte ondskap - Fysisk vold og mobbing, Hverdagens skjulte ondskap - psykisk vold og mobbing. N.W. Damm & Søn. ISSN 82-496-0405-9. p. 211–237.
  • Dunlop, Oona; Bjørklund, Roald; Bruun, Johan N; Evensen, R.; Goplen, Anne Kristin & Liestøl, Knut [Show all 9 contributors for this article] (2002). Early psychomotor slowing predicts the development of HIV dementia and autopsy-verified encephalitis. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. ISSN 0001-6314. 105, p. 270–275.
  • Dunlop, Oona; Bjørklund, Roald; Bruun, Johan N; Evensen, R.; Goplen, Anne Kristin & Liestøl, Knut [Show all 9 contributors for this article] (2002). Early psychomotor slowing predicts the development of HIV dementia and autopsy-verified HIV encephalitis. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. ISSN 0001-6314. 105(4), p. 270–275.
  • Røe, Cecilie; Bjørklund, Roald; Knardahl, Stein; Wærsted, Morten & Vøllestad, Nina Køpke (2001). Cognitive performance and muscle activation in workers with chronic shoulder myalgia. Ergonomics. ISSN 0014-0139. 44(1), p. 1–16.

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  • Bjørkli, Cato A; Myklebust, Trond; Lone, Jon Anders & Bjørklund, Roald Arild (2013). Exploring the practitioners perspective: A model for investigation in the Norwegian Police. The importance of the investigative interview.
  • Lone, Jon Anders; Myklebust, Trond; Bjørklund, Roald Arild & Bjørkli, Cato Alexsander (2013). The IGLO Model: An Empirical Investigation of a Four-Level Model of Work Characteristics.
  • Myklebust, Trond & Bjørklund, Roald Arild (2009). Analysis of field investigative interviews of children. Presentasjon av hovedfunn i doktorgradsavhandlingen.
  • Myklebust, Trond & Bjørklund, Roald Arild (2009). Analysis of Field Investigative Interviews of Children conducted by specially trained police investigators.
  • Myklebust, Trond & Bjørklund, Roald Arild (2009). The child verbal competence effect in court. A comparative study of Field Investigative Interviews of Children (FIIC) in Child Sexual Abuse Cases.
  • Myklebust, Trond & Bjørklund, Roald Arild (2009). Are some of the variables affecting field investigative interviews of children (FIIC) also affecting the outcome as judged by the prosecutors or the court?
  • Bøhn, Siv Kjølsrud; Myhrstad, Mari Charlotte; Thoresen, Magne; Marciuch, Anne; Vasstrand, Ann kristin & Carlsen, Monica Hauger [Show all 13 contributors for this article] (2009). Effect of berry and grape polyphenols on cognition and blood parameters in normal, aged men with subjective memory decline.
  • Flekkøy, Kjell- Magne; Engedal, Knut Arne; Bohn, Siv kjølsrud; Myhrstad, Mari; Thoresen, Magne & Carlsen, Monica h. [Show all 11 contributors for this article] (2008). Effect of berry polyphenols on cognition and clinical parameters in normal, aged men with subjective memory decline. A pilot study.
  • Myklebust, Trond & Bjørklund, Roald Arild (2008). Keep it simple - The effect of the interviewers`utterances on the number of words in the children`s responses.
  • Myklebust, Trond & Bjørklund, Roald Arild (2008). Training the trainers - Analysis of investigative interviews of children.
  • Myklebust, Trond & Bjørklund, Roald Arild (2008). “Judge a man by his questions, not by his answers” Analysis of Investigative interviews of children.
  • Myklebust, Trond & Bjørklund, Roald Arild (2008). Effective Communication in Child Sexual Abuse Cases.
  • Myklebust, Trond & Bjørklund, Roald Arild (2007). How you ask is what you get. Structured analyses of investigative interviews.
  • Myklebust, Trond & Bjørklund, Roald Arild (2006). The effect of interviewer competence, type of utterances and the age of the interviewee on the length of the interviewed children’s responses.
  • Myklebust, Trond & Bjørklund, Roald Arild (2006). The effect of investigative interview training on the number of words in the children’s responses.
  • Myklebust, Trond & Bjørklund, Roald Arild (2006). Does theoretical and practical training of investigative police officers affect the number of words in the children’s responses in interviews?
  • Myklebust, Trond & Bjørklund, Roald Arild (2006). Training investigative police interviewers: The effect of long term training in the use of open and closed questions.
  • Myklebust, Trond & Bjørklund, Roald Arild (2006). Training investigative police interviewers: The effect of long term training in the use of open and closed questions.
  • Myklebust, Trond & Bjørklund, Roald Arild (2006). Training investigative police interviewers: The effect of long term training in the use of open and closed questions.
  • Bjørklund, Roald Arild & Myklebust, Trond (2005). Investigative interviews of children.
  • Bjørklund, Roald Arild & Myklebust, Trond (2005). Time analysis of open and closed questions in police interviews: evidence for a structured or dynamic interviewing model?
  • Bjørklund, Roald Arild & Myklebust, Trond (2005). Training investigative police interviewers: The effect og theoretical and practical training on the use of open and closed questions among 100 Norwegian police officers.
  • Bjørklund, Roald Arild & Myklebust, Trond (2004). Statement Validity Assessment of investigative interviews conducted by special trained police investegators in Norway.
  • Bjørklund, Roald Arild & Myklebust, Trond (2004). Norwegian police officers interviewing style - analysis of structure in investigative interviews conducted by special trained police investegators.
  • Bjørklund, Roald Arild (2004). Experimental approach to cognitive abnormality among victims to bullying at work.
  • Røe, Cecilie; Bjørklund, Roald; Wærsted, Morten & Vøllestad, Nina Køpke (1997). Pain, muscle activation and behavior among VDU-operators with unilateral shoulder myalgia and controls.

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Published Sep. 30, 2010 3:43 PM - Last modified Aug. 6, 2013 10:53 AM