Ingrid Nesdal Fossum

PhD candidate

The PhD is part of a larger research project at Innlandet Hospital Trust: "The Lillehammer Neurodevelopmental Follow-Up Study (LINEUP)”, LINEUP is a ten-year follow-up study on children with ADHD, autism spectrum disorder or Tourettes syndrome who participated in a research project on emotional and cognitive development in children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders (2009-2015). The participants have now become young adults, and we re-assess their cognitive abilities, mental health, everyday functioning and quality of life. The aim is to identify factors in childhood that predict outcome in young adulthood.

Funding and research team

The research project is funded by Innlandet Hospital Trust (IHT). Erik Winther Skogli (IHT) is the Principal Investigator and main supervisor. Per Normann Andersen (INN University) and Merete Øie (Department of Psychology, University of Oslo) are co-supervisors. The project has also received funding from NevSom.


 Psychologist, University of Bergen, 2010-2016

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Published Mar. 10, 2020 1:48 PM - Last modified June 5, 2020 9:46 AM
