Kristoffer Høiland

PhD candidate

PhD project

"Patient factors predicting completion and outcome in group treatment of alcohol use disorders."

Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is one of the major risk factors for disease and early death, and among the three most common mental disorders in Norway. Nevertheless, a substanial portion of the patients do not receive effective treatment. To provide more effective treatments and facilitate patient selection to treatments, we need more research on how patient factors (psychological, sociodemographic and social factors) impact treatment outcome. Patient factors may explain as much as 30-40 % of treatment outcome. Persons with AUD vary a lot on factors like history of substance use, network, psychiatric comorbidity, cognitive function and personality. These factors seem to have a significant impact on treatment effectiveness, but further studies needed to clarify how. Group treatment is among the most common treatment formats in treatment of AUD in Norway, and has documented effect. Being standardized with an end-point regardless of treatment success, it is particularly suited for this kind of research. In this multi-center trial, we will examine how patient factors in patients enrolled in the specialist health service in Norway mediate or moderate treatment outcome, and see how these factors predict completion of group treatment and outcome after one year.

Other projects

"Improving the methodology for assessing cognitive impairment in persons with substance use disorder: Is the Repeatable Battery of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS) a useful instrument?"

In collaboration with Rune Raudeberg, University of Bergen.

Academic interests

  • Psychotherapy research
  • Addiction treatment
  • Patient factors
  • Group treatment
  • Cognition


  • 2018- : Clinical psychologist, RUPO, Avdeling rus og avhengighet, SiV
  • 2017-2018: Clinical psychologist, Furuset BUP
  • 2016-2017: Clinical psychologist, BASIS-prosjektet, OUS 
  • 2015-2016: Clinical psychologist, Seksjon ruspoliklinikker, OUS
  • 2014: Licensed specialist in clinical child and adolescent psychology
  • 2013-2014: Clinical psychologist, Follo ARA
  • 2009-2013: Clinical psychologist, BUP Follo
  • 2009: Cand. Psychol., University of Oslo. Licensed psychologist
  • 2002: Bachelor of Music (in Jazz studies). Birmingham Conservatoire


  • Bjørn Christiansens memorial prize from the Norwegian Psychological Association 2018 for the article: The Good lives model i behandling av personer dømt for seksuallovbrudd». (The Good lives model in treatment of persons convicted of sexual offenses).

Research team

  • Main supervisor: Jens Egeland. Director of research, Division for mental health and addiction, Vestfold Hospital Trust (SiV). Professor II, University of Oslo
  • Co-supervisor: Espen Ajo Arnevik. PhD., leader of RusForsk (Addiction research), Oslo University Hospital


  • Katie Witkiewitz. Professor, Center on Alcoholism, Substance use and Addictions, Department of Psychology, University of New Mexico, NM, USA
  • Anette Søgaard Nielsen. Professor MSO, Institute of Clinical research, University of Southern Denmark
  • Helle Wessel Andersson. Researcher, PhD, St Olavs hospital
  • Espen Walderhaug. PhD, neuropsychologist



Høiland, K., Arnevik, E. K. A., & Egeland, J. (2024). Alcohol use disorder and fitness to drive: Discrepancies between health professionals’ evaluations and objective measures of alcohol use and cognitive functioning. Nordic studies on alcohol and drugs.

Høiland, K., & Egeland, J. (2022). Behandling av alkoholbrukslidelser: pasientfaktorers betydning for gjennomføring og utfall. Tidsskrift for norsk psykologforening, 59, 798-808.

Høiland, K. (2018). «The Good lives model» i behandling av personer dømt for seksuallovbrudd. Tidsskrift for norsk psykologforening, 56, 656-665.

Høiland, K. (2015). Om å skape en terapeutisk relasjon i arbeid med traumatiserte barn. Mellanrummet, 33, 45-54.

  • Høiland, Kristoffer; Arnevik, Espen Kristian Ajo & Egeland, Jens (2024). Alcohol use disorder and fitness to drive: Discrepancies between health professionals’ evaluations and objective measures of alcohol use and cognitive functioning. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD). ISSN 1455-0725. doi: 10.1177/14550725231219972.
  • Høiland, Kristoffer & Egeland, Jens (2022). alcohol use disorder. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470. 59(9), p. 798–808. doi: 10.52734/dX5j39y5.
  • Høiland, Kristoffer (2018). The Good Lives Model i behandling av personer dømt for seksuallovbrudd. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470. 55(8), p. 657–665.

View all works in Cristin

  • Høiland, Kristoffer (2024). Kan mennesker med et alkoholproblem være egnede bilførere, eller bør de fratas førerkortet?
  • Høiland, Kristoffer (2024). Hvit januar, hjelper det? Dagsavisen. ISSN 1503-2892.
  • Høiland, Kristoffer (2023). Vi bør slutte å kalle folk alkoholikere. Nettavisen. ISSN 0808-2049.
  • Høiland, Kristoffer (2023). Vi bør slutte å kalle folk alkoholikere. ISSN 1891-635X.
  • Høiland, Kristoffer (2023). Forskning på alkoholbehandling: Hva vet vi? Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • Høiland, Kristoffer (2022). Folk med alkoholproblemer tilbys for dårlig behandling. Morgenbladet. ISSN 0805-3847.

View all works in Cristin

Published Oct. 25, 2022 9:40 AM - Last modified Jan. 14, 2024 10:34 AM