Lillan Halsaa

Image of Lillan Halsaa
Norwegian version of this page
Mobile phone 95031343
Visiting address BUP Poliklinikk Lillehammer Sykehuset Innlandet HF Anders Sandvigsgate 17 2609 Lillehammer
Postal address Postboks 1084 Blindern 0317 Oslo
Other affiliations Department of Psychology

Academic interests

Child and adolescent mental health, with a particular interest in family therapy and eating disorders

Courses taught

  • Tverrfaglig videreutdanning i psykososialt arbeid, Høyskolen Innlandet, Lillehammer (2022-2024)


Clinical social worker, specialist in child and adolescent mental health.



Positions held


Mette Bentz, Specialist psychologist PsyD/PhD, BUC Bispebjerg, Copenhagen


Tags: Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Family therapy, Eating Disorders


  • Kommisrud, Kristin; Söderström, Kerstin; Halsaa, Lillan & Halsa, Astrid Dagmar (2019). ”Jeg er ikke noe offer for mamma”: Ungdoms søken etter mening og sammenheng i dobbeltrollen som pårørende og BUP-pasient. Fokus på familien. ISSN 0332-5415. 47(2), p. 82–101. doi: 10.18261/issn.0807-7487-2019-02-02. Full text in Research Archive

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Published May 29, 2024 2:38 PM - Last modified June 10, 2024 10:13 AM