Eye Tracking Lab


About the Eye Tracking Lab

Location: ?, Harald Schjelderups Hus
Responsible person: Bruno Laeng

The Eye Tracking and Pupillometry Lab consists of three experimental rooms (two windowless) set up for eye tracking with human adults. Two of the experimental rooms each have a SMI Remote Eye Tracking Device with sampling rates 30-250 Hz, with a control laptop and an infrared video camera attached to LED screens. Another experimental room contains Vive VR goggles with integrated eye tracking equipment in virtual reality, plus a couple other standard VR goggles. The largest of the experimental rooms also has a separate Dell computer with encased SMI license and BeGaze software (SMI) for advanced data extraction and graphics for analyses of eye fixations and movements. 

Published Feb. 2, 2023 11:44 AM - Last modified Mar. 19, 2023 10:14 AM