A group of people posing in front of a magnetic resonance imaging scanner.

About the MRI Lab

Location: Intervention Center (IVS), Oslo University Hospital
Responsible person: Tor Endestad

The MRI lab is located at the Intervention Center (IVS) at Oslo University Hospital (OUH). It consists of a 3T Phillips Achieva scanner with 8 channel head coil, a stimulation unit with a video screen in the MRI room, and a setup for a variety of stimulation software and response boxes. For noise reduction, the OptoACTIVE Active Noise Control, Optical MRI Communication System is used. For multimodal imaging the scanner is set up with an EEG system and a state-of-the-art eye tracker. The scanner ownership is shared between UiO and OUH. In addition, a mocup facility to test experiments is set up at the Department of Psychology. CTNC has access to radiographs and physicist aid one day per week and the scanner is available for projects outside office hours. 

Published Feb. 2, 2023 11:44 AM - Last modified Mar. 6, 2024 10:33 AM