Sleep Lab

A bed in a simple room.

About the Sleep Lab

Location: S01-31 & S01-33, Harald Schjelderups Hus
Responsible person: Liisa Raud

The Sleep Lab consists of a separate room with a double-bed, in which participants can sleep in private during electroencephalo- and/or polysomnography measurements. Another separate room is connected to the sleep lab, where staff can monitor signals online and have audio-communcation with the participant. Three polysomnography devices (Resmed Nox A1s) are available, including 6 electroencephalography channels, electromyography, electrocardiography, and respiratory belts. Shared with EEG Lab 3, the lab also has two different actigraph models (15 x ActiGraph GT9X Link and 12 x Actiwatch Spectrum Plus), which can measure motor activity over extended periods of time. The accompanying actigraphy software can be used to estimate sleep/wake patterns based on the measured activity. Multichannel electroencephalography is available with Braincap MR-Sleep electrode caps (32 channels) and BrainProducts MRplus amplifier (shared with EEG Lab 3), which are also suitable for monitoring sleep in the magnetic resonance imaging scanner. Hard- and software experimental auditory stimulation during sleep is available. 

Published Feb. 2, 2023 11:44 AM - Last modified Mar. 6, 2024 10:34 AM