World Mental Health Day: LGBTQ+ and mental health

Lunch seminar: Is it safe to come out yet? LGBTQ+ and mental health

The research group's logo in front of a rainbow sign. "BodIS" in large font, and "body x identity x society lab" below.

In Norway, LGBTQ+ individuals experience mental health issues at higher rates than the general population. Join the BodIS lab lunch seminar on World Mental Health Day to explore the challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community 

– and what we, as a society, can do to about it.

Pizza and refreshments will be served.


  • Welcome
    Anna Ivanova & Stine Nygård, Body x Identity x Society (BodIS) lab
  • Discrimination and violence against trans and LGB people (data blitz)
    Jacob Evje, Norwegian Research Center for Sexual Health
  • The challenges of breaking free from the gender binary (data blitz)
    Eirill Kildal, Body x Identity x Society (BodIS) lab
  • The mentioning of queer people online (report presentation)
    Patricia Kaatee, Amnesty International Norway
  • Breaking barriers and building bridges: Queer mental health at the intersection of heteronormativity, homotolerance, and racism in Norway (reflections on context and implications)
    Esra Ummak, VID Specialized University

Please register by October 6 to join the seminar

(Doors open at 12:00, program starts at 12:10)

Published Sep. 27, 2023 11:44 AM - Last modified Mar. 25, 2024 3:56 PM