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CENSE – Norwegian Research Centre for Sexual Health

Sexuality is an important aspect of who we are as human beings throughout our lives. Our sexuality can be a source of joy and affirmation, but also a source of sorrow and despair. At CENSE, we study sexuality in the broadest sense, exploring both the positive and negative aspects of sexual lives.

Abstract circular shapes against a blue background.

Illustrasjonsbilde: Anagram Design

Physical, mental, and sexual health are interconnected dimensions of public health. While gender, sexuality, and sexual behaviour are key determinants of health, we know too little about the interaction between sexual health and other dimensions of our population's health. We also know too little about the status of sexual health in Norway, how it varies across population groups, and which factors hinder or promote sexual health in our population.

About CENSE 

The Norwegian Research Centre for Sexual Health (CENSE), is a newly established, interdisciplinary research centre with expertise in the fields of gender, sexuality, and sexual health. CENSE takes a holistic approach to sexuality and sexual health as an integral part of our overall health throughout our lives. Our work is grounded in the World Health Organisation's definitions of key concepts in our field. 

Bente Traeen initiated the centre in 2022 which is now directed by Nantje Fischer. The establishment of CENSE is made possible through a grant from the Norwegian Directorate of Health.


CENSE aims to become an internationally acclaimed research- and teaching centre and the leading knowledge provider in the field of sexual health in Norway. We aim to develop new knowledge relevant to policy, practice, and research, thereby contributing to reducing social inequalities.


CENSE conducts basic research and applied research, with the ambition of expanding to developmental work. Our research is motivated by academic curiosity and the desire to generate new knowledge as well as to meet specific knowledge gaps to solve concrete public health challenges.

Education and supervision

Education and supervision are important focal points for CENSE. We aim to provide health professionals with sufficient knowledge and skills regarding gender, sexuality, and sexual health and apply this knowledge in their clinical practice. Further, we manage two courses that have been offered at the Department of Psychology for over 10 years:

Each term, CENSE provide a mandatory full-day course on sexuality in couples therapy for psychology students: PSYC5301. Our goal is to further integrate sexual health in the professional program. 

CENSE is also working on developing a postgraduate program in sexual health for medical doctors and psychologists in clinical practice.

Our faculty supervise students in qualitative and quantitative methods. We supervise students in master's and professional programs who are writing their theses on topics related to gender, sexuality, and sexual health. We are committed to strengthening research capacity in our field and actively supporting students interested in pursuing an academic career.


CENSE is committed to translating our research findings into policy and practice. We have a high publication rate in international peer-reviewed scientific journals and present our findings at scientific conferences.

We contribute to an evidence-based public debate and opinion formation by disseminating our research findings in the media and in popular science summaries. CENSE also contributes to policy development through input in public hearings and conferences.


CENSE is seeking collaboration with other research and civil society institutions, thus contributing to strengthening capacity for research- and education in Norway.

In addition to national collaborations, CENSE is active in internationalising our field of research through participation in numerous international research collaborations, including the:

We are committed to bridging the gap between research, and policy, practice, and civil society through various collaborative partnerships.


Most recent publications

Nygård, S., Kvalem, I. L. &Træen, B. (2024). “It Spread Like Wildfire, as These Things Do”: Exploring Mechanisms of Harm in Young Norwegians’ Experiences of Image-Based Sexual Abuse". Journal of Sex Research.

Kvalem, I.L., Nygaard, I.D., Træen, B., Ivanova, A., & Dahlgren, C.L. (2024). Menstrual attitudes in adult women: A cross-sectional study on the association with menstruation factors, contraceptive use, genital self-image, and sexual openness. Women´s Health (accepted for publication).

Sexual Habits Survey 2020

Bell, A. R. B, Giil, E., & Træen, B. (2022). Prevalence of reduced sexual interest in young Norwegian women, and the narratives of young women with reduced sexual desire. A mixed-methods study. Sexuality and Culture. 

Fischer, N. (2023). Singles not sexually satisfied? Prevalence and predictors of sexual satisfaction in single versus partnered adults. International Journal of Sexual Health.

Fischer, N., & Træen, B. (2021). Prevalence of sexual difficulties and related distress, and the association with sexual avoidance in Norway. International Journal of Sexual Health, 34(1), 27-40. 

Fischer, N., & Træen, B. (2022). A Seemingly Paradoxical Relationship between Masturbation Frequency and Sexual Satisfaction. Archives of Sexual Behavior 

Fischer, N., Træen, B., & Samuelsen, S. O. (2022). Sexual Debut Ages in Heterosexual Norwegians across Six Birth Cohorts. Sexuality & Culture (in press) 

Koletić, G., Stulhofer, A., Hald, G. M., & Træen, B. (2021). Self-Assessed Effects of Pornography Use on Personal Sex Life: Results from a Large-Scale Study of Norwegian Adults. International Journal of Sexual Health. 

Strizzi, J., Øverup, C. St., Cipric, A., Hald, G. M., & Træen, B. (2021). BDSM: Does it Hurt or Help Sexual Satisfaction, Relationship Satisfaction, and Relationship Closeness? Journal of Sex Research, 59(2), 248-257. 

Træen, B., Fischer, N., & Kvalem, I. L. (2021). Sexual intercourse activity and activities associated with sexual interaction in Norwegians of different sexual orientations and ages. Sexual and Relationship Therapy. 

Træen, B., & Thuen, F. (2021). Non-Consensual and Consensual Non-Monogamy in Norway. International Journal of Sexual Health, 34(1), 65-80. 

Træen, B., & Fischer, N. (2021). Use of protection for unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections in six birth cohorts in Norway 2020: A descriptive study. Sexuality & Culture. 

Træen, B., & Kvalem, I. L. (2022). Satisfaction with singlehood and sexual activity. Sexuality and Culture. 

Træen, B., Fischer, N., & Kvalem, I. L. (2021). Sexual variety in Norwegian men and women of different sexual orientations and ages. Journal of Sex Research, 59(2), 238-247. 

Træen, B., Fischer, N., & Grøndahl, P. (2022). Norwegian Data on Prevalence, Sexual Risk Behaviors, Sexual Problems, and Sexual Satisfaction in men who have sex exclusively with women, men who have sex exclusively with men, and men who have sex with men and women. International Journal of Sexual Health. 

Træen, B., Fischer, N., & Grøndahl, P. (2022). Norwegian Data on Prevalence, Sexual Risk Behaviors, Sexual Problems, and Sexual Satisfaction in women who have sex exclusively with women, women who have sex exclusively with men, and women who have sex with men and women. International Journal of Sexual Health.

Træen, B., & Kvalem, I. L. (2022). The longer it is, the closer one feels: perception of emotional closeness to the partner, relationship duration, sexual activity, and satisfaction in married and cohabiting persons in Norway. Sexuality & Culture 

Træen, B., & Kvalem, I. L., (2022). Sending nude pictures and videos in Norway: Gender differences in sexting across multiple relationship contexts in the adult population. Sexuality & Culture. 

Øverup, C. S., Strizzi, J. M., Cipric, A., Træen, B., & Hald, G. M. (2021). Appearance Satisfaction as a Predictor of Specific Sexual Problems and Associated Distress. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 18(9), 1532–1544. The paper was awared best psychology paper 2021 by the International Society of Sexual Medicine (ISSM) 

Healthy sexual aging

Les om prosjektet her

Carvalheira, A. A., Štulhofer, A., Graham, C., & Træen, B. (2019). Predictors and Correlates of Sexual Avoidance Among Partnered Older Adults in Norway, Denmark, Belgium, and Portugal. European Journal of Ageing, 17(2), 175-184.

Fischer, N., Træen, B., & Hald, G. M. (2018). Predicting Partnered Sexual Activity among Older Adults in Four European Countries:  The Role of Attitudes, Health and Relationship Factors. Sexual and Relationship Therapy.  

Fischer, N., Træen, B., Štulhofer, A., & Hald, G. M. (2019). Mechanisms underlying the association between perceived discrepancy in sexual interest and sexual satisfaction among partnered older adults in four European countries. European Journal of Ageing, 17(2), 151-162.

Fischer, N., Štulhofer, A., Hald, G. M., Carvalheira, A. A., & Træen, B. (2020). Sexual Satisfaction in Older Heterosexual Couples from four European Countries: Exploring the Roles of Actual and Perceived Discrepancy in Sexual Interest. Journal of Sex Research. https://10.1080/002224499.2020.1809615

Fischer, N., Graham, C., Træen, B., & Hald, G. M. (2021). Prevalence of Masturbation and Associated Factors Among Older Adults in Four European Countries. Archives of Sexual Behavior

Graham, C., Štulhofer, A., Lange, T., Hald, G. M., Carvalheira, A. A., Enzlin, P., & Træen, B. (2020). Prevalence of Sexual Problems and Associated Distress in Aging Women across Four European Countries. Archives of Sexual Behavior,

Hald, G. M., Graham, C., Štulhofer, A., Carvalheira, A. A., Janssen, E., & Træen, B. (2019). Prevalence of Sexual Problems and Associated Distress in Aging Men across Four European Countries. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 16 (8), 1212-1225.

Hinchliff, S., Carvalheira, A. A., Štulhofer, A., Janssen, E., Hald, G. M., & Træen, B. (2019). Seeking-help for sexual difficulties: Findings from a multinational study with older adults. European Journal of Ageing, 17(2), 185-195.

Kvalem, I. L., Graham, C., Hald, G. M., Carvalheira, A. A., Janssen, E., & Štulhofer, A. (2019). The role of body image in sexual satisfaction among partnered older adults. A population-based study in four European countries. European Journal of Ageing, 17(2), 163-173.

Lonza, A., Graham, C., & Štulhofer, A. (2020). Emotional intimacy and distress about sexual difficulties in partnered older European men and women: A network analytic analysis. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 46 (5), 474-490.

Nygård, S., Kvalem, I. L., & Træen, B. (2019). Protocol for the development of a web-based intervention to improve older adults’ sexual health: An intervention mapping approach. (submitted)

Rossow, I. M., & Træen, B. (2020). Alcohol use among older adults: a comparative study across four European countries. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 37 (6).

Schaller, S.L., Kvalem, I.L. & Træen, B. (2023). Constructions of sexual identities in the ageing body: A qualitative exploration of older Norwegian adults’ negotiation of body image and sexual satisfaction. Sexuality & Culture (2023).

Schaller, S., Træen, B., Kvalem, I. L., & Hinchliff, S. (2018). Linking the past and the present: Constructing meaning from childhood emotional and sexual experiences towards present sexual well-being in older adults. Sexual and Relationship Therapy.

Schaller, S., Træen, B., & Kvalem, I. L. (2020). Barriers and Facilitating Factors in Helpseeking: A Qualitative Study on How Older Adults Experience Talking About Sexual Issues with Healthcare Personnel. International Journal of Sexual Health, 32 (2), 65-80.

Sinkovic, M., & Towler, L. (2018). Sexual Aging: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Research on the Sexuality and Sexual Health of Older Adults. Qualitative Health Research. 

Štulhofer A, Jurin T, Graham C, Janssen E, & Træen B. (2018). Emotional intimacy and sexual well-being in aging European couples: A cross-cultural mediation analysis. European Journal of Ageing, 17(2), 139-150.

Štulhofer, A., Hinchliff, S., Jurin, T., Carvalheira, A. A., & Træen, B. (2019). Successful Aging, change in sexual interest and sexual satisfaction in couples from four European countries. European Journal of Ageing, 16, 155-165.

Štulhofer, A., Hinchliff, S., Jurin, T., Hald, G. M., & Træen, B. (2018). Successful Aging and Changes in Sexual Interest and Enjoyment among Older European Men and Women. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 15 (10), 1393-1402.

Štulhofer, A., Jurin, T., Graham, C., Enzlin, P., & Træen, B. (2019). Sexual Well-Being in Older Men and Women: Construction and Validation of a Multi-Dimensional Measure in four European Countries. Journal of Happiness Studies, 20, 2329-2350.

Štulhofer, A., Hinchliff, S., & Træen, B. (2019). Relationship Intimacy, Sexual Distress, and Help-Seeking for Sexual Problems among Older European Couples: A Hybrid Dyadic Approach. International Journal of Impotence Research: Your Sexual Medicine Journal.

Towler, L., Graham., C.A., Bishop, F., & Hinchliff, S. (2021). Older adults’ embodied experiences of aging and their perceptions of societal stigmas toward sexuality in later life. Social Science and Medicine, 287, 114355,

Towler, L. (2021). Healthy Sexual Aging: A Qualitative Exploration of the Sexuality and Sexual Health of Older Adults in the UK. Thesis. University of Southampton.

Træen, B., Carvalheira, A. A., Hald, G. M., Lange, T., & Kvalem, I. L. (2018). Attitudes towards Sexuality in Older Men and Women across Europe; Similarities and Differences and Associations with Their Sex-Lives. Sexuality & Culture, 23 (1), 1-25.

Træen, B., Carvalheira, A. A., Kvalem, I. L., & Hald, G. M. (2018). European Older Adult’s Use of the Internet and Social Networks for Love and Sex Purposes. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 12(3), article 1.

Træen, B., Carvalheira, A. A., Kvalem, I. L., Štulhofer, A., Janssen, E., Graham, C., Hald, G. M., & Enzlin, P. (2017). An Overview of the Literature on Sexuality in Older Adults (65+), Part 2: Body Image and Sexual Satisfaction. International Journal of Sexual Health, 29 (1), 11-21.

Træen, B., Hald, G. M., Graham, C., Enzlin, P., Janssen, E., Kvalem, I. L., Carvalheira, A. A., & Štulhofer, A. (2017). An Overview of the Literature on Sexuality in Older Adults (65+), Part 1: Sexual Function and Its Difficulties. International Journal of Sexual Health, 29 (1), 1-10.

Træen, B., Štulhofer, A., Janssen, E., Carvalheira, A. A., Hald, G. M., Lange, T., & Graham, C. (2018). Sexual Activity and Sexual Satisfaction among Older Adults in Four European Countries. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48 (3), 815-829.

Træen, B., Štulhofer, A., Jurin, T., & Hald, G. M. (2018). Seventy-Five Years Old and Still Going Strong: Stability and Change in Sexual Interest and Sexual Enjoyment in Men and Women Across Europe. International Journal of Sexual Health, 30 (4), 323-336.

Træen, B., Kvalem, I. L., & Ohnstad, I. (2019). Experiences of Non-Consensual Sex in Older Adult Men and Women in Norway, Denmark, Belgium and Portugal. Sexuality & Culture, 24(1), 113-139.

Træen, B., Kvalem, I. L., Hald, G. M., & Graham, C. (2022). Extradyadic Activity in European Older Adults. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 37 (1), 125-138.

Træen, B., Hald, G. M., Fischer, N., & Janssen, E. (2020). European Older Adults’ Use of Lubricants and Medications to Enhance Erectile Function. International Journal of Sexual Health, 32 (2), 81-93. 

Træen, B., & Villar, F. (2020). Sexual well-being is part of ageing well. European Journal of Ageing, 17(2), 135-138.  

Træen, B., Hansen, T., & Stulhofer, A. (2021). Silencing the sexual self and relational and individual well-being in later life: a gendered analysis of north versus south of Europe. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 35 (4),  


Doctoral theses

Master Theses and Theses in the clinical programme 








Medisinstudenters intensjon om å tematisere seksualitet i behandlingsrommet (



Kroppsbilde og seksuell tilfredshet. En longitudinell studie av sosiale, biologiske og psykologiske faktorers betydning (


Partnerstatus og kosmetisk kirurgi Kan det å ha en partner spille noen rolle for ønsket om å gjennomføre en kosmetisk operasjon? (


Seksuell orientering og kroppsbilde hos kvinner : en longitudinell studie (


Research dissemination 

Podcasts & radio




  • The group collaborates with international partners, e.g. through the ESMN - European Sexual Medicine Network ( an international network of medical science researchers and practitioners, educators and social service professionals involved with sexual health and medicine.
  • Other national and international collaborators are og have been Professor Cynthia Graham (University of Southampton and Kinsey Institute), Professor Aleksandar Stulhofer (University of Zagreb), Professor Thomas Hansen (OsloMet/National Institute of Public Health), Professor Silja Matthiesen (Medical School Hamburg), Associate Professor Gert Martin Hald (University of Copenhagen), Assistant Professor Ana Carvalheira (ISPA University Institute of Psychological, Social and Life Sciences), Sharron Hinchliff (University of Sheffield), Associate Professor Theis Lange (University of Copenhagen), Dr. Lauren Brittany Towler (University of Southampton), Professor Erick Janssen (University of Leuven) og Dr. Tanja Jurin (University of Zagreb).
Published Jan. 19, 2023 10:33 AM - Last modified June 20, 2024 9:01 AM


Nantje Fischer, Director of CENSE 

Lennart Lock, Project Manager of CENSE 

Philippa DruceProject Coordinator of CENSE 


Detailed list of participants