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DRIVE Work Package 1: Outcome

This work package aims to comprehensively explore depression by integrating various perspectives and by use of a mix of methods to identify change indicators.

About the Group


DRIVE Work Package 1 (WP I) aims to unravel the complex domain of depression by integrating its various dimensions. Recognizing the importance of diverse methodologies, the package focuses on combining idiographic and standardized measures. Emphasizing both qualitative and quantitative data, as well as neuropsychological and neurobiological insights, it addresses the increasing attention on paradoxical outcomes, advocating for a wide spectrum of measures to accurately identify indicators of change.


The following are the main research questions we aspire to answer: 

  1. What are the principal key outcomes of depression treatment, considering quantitative, qualitative, and neuropsychological aspects?
  2.  What discrepancies in outcome will be identified by use of quantitative and qualitative data, as well as different sources of information/observation (e.g., patient, clinician, and register-data)?
  3. How can the various forms of outcome assessment data serve in guiding clinicians?

Ongoing Projects

DRIVE Outcome is an element of the larger DRIVE project, and the work package is now engaged with projects at the internal clinic at the Department of Psychology, such as establishing a quality registry. Eventually, the work package will extend its relevance to external clinics. 

Focus Areas

Due to the extensive scope of the work package, it has been structured into subsections, specifically addressing quantitative, qualitative, and neuropsychological aspects. 


DRIVE Outcome will collaborate with international and national experts in depression and a resource group including people with experience of depression and treatment. 

Published Apr. 15, 2024 10:36 AM - Last modified May 14, 2024 8:56 AM



Detailed list of participants