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DRIVE Work Package 2: Treatment

Depressive disorders are common, costly, and accompanied by considerable morbidity and mortality. As less than half of those treated are commonly classified as responders, there is substantial need for improving delivery of care and associated response rates in treatment.

Dark person walks towards a staircase that leads out of a dark cave into sunlight and open nature.
Photo: KI-generert. Dall-E.

About the Group


DRIVE Work Package 2 (WP II) consists of several highly reputable researchers at the University of Oslo and beyond spanning all major disciplinary areas of psychology relevant to the treatment of depression. 


The main aim of WP II Treatment is testing the efficacy and effectiveness of novel treatment regimens for depression, including high intensity, high dose, sequential, combined, and add-on treatment designs.


WP II currently collaborates with the Norwegian Multisite Study of Process and Outcome in Psychotherapy on studying the effectiveness of open-ended psychotherapy for depression.

Focus Areas

WP II will conduct literary reviews as needed, pilot novel treatment regimens within the confines of the clinics at the Department of Psychology and provide proof of principle, integrate knowledge and methodology from other WPs in DRIVE, establish work package specific contact with external treatment providers and initiate collaboration for real world implementation and tests of piloted designs, conduct relevant naturalistic and controlled trials, and disseminate knowledge gained in publications, presentations, and training systems. 


WP II currently collaborates with the Norwegian Multisite Study of Process and Outcome in Psychotherapy.

Published Apr. 15, 2024 10:36 AM - Last modified May 14, 2024 8:59 AM



Detailed list of participants