Computing a lifetime: brain imaging, physiology and genetics

Anders M. Dale will give a lecture on the occasion of his honorary doctorate at the University of Oslo, Faculty of Social Science. 

Anders M. Dale

Anders M. Dale is appointed honorary doctor for groundbreaking research on the brain. Photo: Jarli & Jordan/ UiO


11:15 Introduction by the Dean, Anne Julie Semb

11:20 Lecture by Anders M Dale

12:00 Reception: Finger food, coffee, refreshments

1:15  Seminar with presentations:

Kristine B Walhovd / Anders Fjell: Imaging the timing of influences on brain and cognition across the lifespan

Ole Andreassen: Genetic susceptibility in mental health – potential for clinical impact?

Athanasia Monika Mowinckel: Visualization of brain statistics in intuitive ways

Gaute Einevoll: Modeling of electric brain signals

2:30  BREAK

2:45  Seminar continues:

Atle Bjørnerud: Hospital deployment of AI in radiology

Gro Owren Nygaard: Imaging inflammation and neurodegeneration in clinical studies of multiple sclerosis

Klas Pettersen and Nora AI: Understanding brain waste clearance mechanisms through simulations

3:30: Discussion and cosing remarks


Anders Martin Dale is a professor of neuroscience, cognitive science, psychiatry, and radiology at the University of California, San Diego. He holds a doctoral degree from UCSD, and during his time as a PhD candidate, he invented and developed the brain imaging analysis software, FreeSurfer, which is now one of the world's most widely used and freely accessible tools in the field of brain imaging. 

Dale is also a world leader in computational neuroimaging and serves as the director and founder of the Center for Multimodal Imaging Genetics at UCSD. At UiO, Dale has been a strong collaborator for LCBC and several researchers at the Department og Psychology and the Faculty of Social Sciences, as well as for NORMENT and interdisicplinary research at  the Faculties of Medicine and Mathematical and Natural Sciences. He has received several awards and accolades for his research and was named one of the world's most influential minds in the 2015 Thomson Reuters report. 

Dale has made significant and groundbreaking contributions to research in genetics and brain imaging. His methods for reconstructing the cerebral cortex and visualizing changes in the brain over time have been revolutionary and have contributed to understanding the development and aging of the human brain in both health and sickness.

►  Anders M. Dale appointed honorary doctor for groundbreaking research on the brain

Published May 27, 2024 8:42 AM - Last modified May 27, 2024 11:33 AM